Yes, my dear CIA-drugs poster, you are naive. Time to wake up before you are placed in one of more than 800 concentration camps in the U.S. or some other drastic measure designed to kill you.
The moment that I became aware that planes slammed into the WTC that morning, I knew that it was our government that carried it out. And I didn't even know the engineering ramifications at that point.
Any government that would assasssinate its own leader and be a part of the Shadow government would carry out 9/11. There was no doubt in my mind. Thereafter, when I arrived back home, I set about to prove it.
Do yourself a favor. Read beginning from the 1st edition of my e-zine, which is free on my Web site and save your life and the lives of those you love and care about before this government takes my Web site away. It's under the icon that says Magazine, and it is free for you and the entire world.
In the 16th edition, which also doesn't need a password to be accessed, there's an article that says that the writer is tired of people who claim that 9/11 was "allowed" to happen. It was an inside job pure and simple. Savvy people all over realize this. I met one such person in Oslo, Norway.
In peace and solidarity,
Arlene Johnson

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Aug 18, 2005 8:16 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Re: I think Fintan is wrapped just a bit too tight

---In, "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fintan's third installment on 911 fakes attempts to crap all over
> Hopsicker's work re: Atta's ex-girlfriend Amanda Keller.
> Hopsicker had to track her down. He found her as a result of
> following leads from people in and around Huffman Aviation. Dunne
> wants us to believe she was a plant waiting for Hopsicker to come
> along so she could disinform him. However, for Fintan's assertions
> to be true, you would need many more disinformers than Keller. You
> would need to have all the bar owners, rental car company
> aviation types, cab drivers and many other regular folks whom
> Hopsicker interviewed to be in on the scam also.


a couple of thoughts, without having time to take a closer look at the

Initially we had rumors floating around the net about doubles?
Personally I am more in favor of the "let it happen" theory or a
rather arrogant position "something like that will never happen in the
US, so let's better cover our failures to respond adequately on 9-11".
I seem to be unable to accept the Machiavellian dimensions of the
involvement or "US services as part of the planning process. Yes,
I am politically naive. But I can see what dots would lead me to at
least think along the lines. And one is the coup that got Bush into power
and the surfacing of Florida in both stories.

But the Armanda Keller story is so far off the portraits of the Hamburg
Atta that I am wondering indeed. I have always had my reservations to
Der Spiegel, who was the main media over here in painting the Atta

Can you imagine a secret service asset and fortune hunter with multiple
passports in the big money dope game AND on a martyr trip?

Have you ever seen interviews with Atta's father? Am I to believe these
were planted? the guy seemed rather fanatical. ...
> If Fintan is saying it is all in Hopsicker's mind, then I know he
> full of it; however, for Dunne to think that the Florida end of 911
> was a complete fictitious legend waiting for the likes of Daniel
> Hopsicker to stumble upon it, then I am afraid that fintan has been
> cooking too much corned beef and cabbage with the windows closed.

Could you possibly translate the last sentence for a stranger's eyes?

Basically the "involvement theory" would suggest things like this.
Leave leads to distract people. At least theoretically? No?
How many photos did we have of Atta? Are there any of Amanda's Atta?
People can look pretty different on photos unfortunately? And Atta's
feature do not appear completely unique to me.
> Fintan does not do any investigating on his own. He collects
> information that others have researched. How the hell is he in a
> position to pass judgement on Hopsicker's work? Why does he think
> his flaccid instincts are better than those of a seasoned
> investigator?

I do not know Hopsicker's work below the surface. Compared with
Ruppert, I thing he is the far better writer. And definitely I thus
seem to favor him as a person, if I had to decide between the two.

But why would the powers that be use Atta in the drug market field
too? If there was involvement at all, the attacks must have had high
priority. Would you really take the chances that one of your main
assets surfaces in an alternative scenario?

I just realize bridging this mental gap would be: Attac et al, did not
really know the "real plan" including that they would be dead in the
end? I seem to be highly suspicious of the testament.

what am I missing?


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