This morning we have the sad news to report that Mo Mowlam has died.  She served in the Blair government during the late 90's and early 00's as a leading politician concerned with the war on drugs.  She was Britain's drug czar, but she had the audacity to admit both that she had inhaled in the USA, and that drug users should not be prosecuted.
      Also among her more prominent accomplishments was being a leading player in attaining the Good Friday Agreements concerning Northern Ireland, which led to peace breaking out there.  She was awarded a Peace Prize for this in 1999 by Hillary Clinton.
      She was noted in her career for LISTENING TO BOTH SIDES on contentious issues.  Mo Mowlam is dead today at the age of 55 of advanced cancer.  We will miss her.

End the oppression of cannabis and its consumers. Self defense is always correct, and it is never illegal.  b_jb2001

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