Perpetual War for Perpetual Evolution Part Two
- by Phillip D. Collins ©, July 29th, 2005

Members of the Black Hand and Their Emblem
Members of the Black Hand and Their Emblem
In the previous installment in this series, we established the centrality of war to the elite's occult doctrine of transformism.
This occult doctrine has presented itself under numerous appellations, but its core theme has remained the same: humanity is gradually evolving towards apotheosis.
The most recent incarnation of this doctrine is Darwinism, which depicts life as an enormous struggle to survive.
On the microcosmic level, this struggle is bodied forth by the competition between species.
On a macrocosmic level, this struggle manifests itself as war between nations.
In hopes of facilitating the purported evolutionary ascent of man, the power elite has instigated war after war.
In this installment, we shall examine how the ruling class manufactured World War I.

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