My understanding of PanAm103 over Lockerbie, Scotland is that the CIA remained off that plane because they knew what would happen. Of course, that may not have been all the CIA operatives,
so these whistleblowers may have been the exception.
The real reason, however, why Pan Am 103 blew up over Scotland is in the following URL:
Just in case you doubt me, Pierre Salinger also wrote about Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.I allude to that article in my article so you can get the magazine which published his article from mine.
Arlene Johnson

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sep 1, 2005 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Hey! Did anybody notice this?

mark urban wrote:
> Apparently, the Chief constable in Lockerbie, Scotland at the time of
> the PanAM 103 crash has just spilled the beans on the CIA.
> According to his recent testimony, the CIA planted electronic parts
> traceable to Libya at the
> scene of the crash. Therefore, the alleged "terrorists" who were
> prosecuted and jailed in connection with PanAm 103 are innocent.
> According to Ralph Schoenman's WBAI show on Tuesday August 30, 2005
> at 5 pm NY time, the reason Panam 103 was bombed was because six deep
> cover operatives were on that flight who were "coming out of the
> cold" and were slated to testify about CIA drug smuggling operations.
> You might ask, then, why did Gaddafi pay the reparations and make
> nice with England if he was innocent? Well, in the world of
> realpolitik it is sometimes better to do what you have to in order to
> get economic sanctions rolled back. Libya officially admitted guilt
> while itwinked and said "No way" in unofficial circles.
Those particular swiss timer parts exonerated
Kadafi and Libya.

Kadafi paid the extortionists only after that and
other proofs of CIA downing Gannon and McKee
and the plane that DEA agent Michael Hurley
put them on.

Unless you read the names Monzer Al Kasser,
Robert Booth Nichols, Michael Hurley, and
about Gannon and McKee, and about why
Les Coleman was locked up without legal
basis just so long as he might have been a
witness at the Lockerbie proceedings, then
you are being played again.

Unless you read what Les Coleman has to
say about this latest spin, forget it, save
yourself from Mighty Wurlitzer.


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