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Date: September 1, 2005 8:34:21 PM PDT
Subject: Gulf Coast "Chaos" -- A Sign of Things to Come

    Look closely at what's going on in the Gulf states. 
    You're seeing America's future ,when the infrastructure (cannibalized for Iraq and a nonsensical "war on terror") further decays and a Great Depression finally hits.
    You're seeing how politicians in Washington DC really feel about the poor.  People living without food, water, clothing, shelter or medical care --especially if they're black-- are just told to "be patient," day after day, until, predictably, they simply die.
    You're also seeing just how effective "Homeland Security" and FEMA will really be at "protecting the American people" in the event of a massive terrorist attack. 
    They're worrying primarily about getting the OIL pipelines running again.         
    The lives of tens of thousands of people coldly left to die are glossed over as just "collateral damage," as 3000 were at the World Trade Center.
    Watch: Soon you'll see how the federal government's military forces "restore order," under martial law, as the starving and doomed-to-die who dare to trespass on "private property" to steal food or water are shot dead in the street in cold blood.
The first response of Washington bureaucrats is always an itchy trigger finger
-- "security" (suppressing "insurgents") is their main concern, not "disaster relief." 
    Welcome to living conditions in Iraq, in the United States.  (The Iraqi people too are outraged that there's no electricity, no water, and nobody cares so long as the oil and blood money is flowing into the right hands.  Unlivable conditions like that are natural breeding grounds for "insurgents.")  So look carefully: This is what the Bush Administration's foreign policy looks like when applied as domestic policy. 
Federal officials pressed to explain pace of response

Knight Ridder Newspapers

(KRT) - Hungry and desperate people trapped in a destroyed city. A police department in what one official called "survival mode."  Dead bodies on the streets, blankets flung over them - sometimes.

Capt. Michael Pfeiffer of the New Orleans Police Department said the department's communication system failed during the storm and police districts now were working their areas often unaware of what was happening elsewhere in the city. Pfeiffer still has a handheld radio, but he's almost out of battery power and needs to keep it off most of the time.

"We're in survival mode here," Pfeiffer said.

With New Orleans degenerating toward anarchy and other areas hit by Hurricane Katrina still awaiting assistance [AFTER FOUR DAYS], federal, state and local officials are under mounting pressure to explain why they haven't moved faster to get aid to people and places devastated by the storm.

Terry Ebbert, the head of New Orleans' emergency operations, called the federal government's response "a national disgrace."

Citing the complexities of trying to assist people in a 90,000-square mile area, much of it still flooded, officials in Washington on Thursday offered little more than empathy, pledges that the pace would pick up and pleas not to engage in finger-pointing.

"We certainly understand frustration coming from people on the ground who are in need of help, and we will continue working to get them the assistance that they need," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

There was evidence Thursday that Americans believed what they saw on television more than what they heard from government officials.

A Survey USA poll of 1,200 adults nationwide found that 59 percent of Americans thought the federal government wasn't doing enough to help victims of the hurricane and its aftermath, up from 50 percent the previous day. Fifty-five percent of the whites and 75 percent of the African-Americans polled said the federal response had been inadequate.

In Mississippi, three days after Katrina, officials opened 20 sites in Harrison County to deliver water and ice to frustrated residents. While people had been reduced to searching through garbage for food, authorities didn't expect to be able to distribute any food until Friday. There's still no timetable for making temporary shelter available to those without homes.

Col. Joe Spraggins, the director of the Harrison County Emergency Management Agency, said debris had hampered local authorities' ability to get supply trucks to distribution sites. He said 18 trucks with water and ice had been in a staging area before the storm, but the hurricane destroyed it all.

Spraggins said Mississippi and federal authorities were under stress from the demands of a storm whose impact stretched across three states, including most of Mississippi.

"FEMA is scattered all over the place," Spraggins said, noting that the situation was more "critical" in New Orleans than in Mississippi. "That's not their fault."

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, who oversees FEMA, said "flooding ... has dramatically impeded our ability to get supplies into New Orleans."

Even in Houston, which had begun to receive thousands of refugees from New Orleans, plans seemed uncertain Thursday.

Only about 2,000 cots had been put on the floor of the Astrodome, leaving many without places to lie down. Harris County Judge Robert Eckels said the plan was never to house all 25,000 refugees at one time. Officials still didn't know when all of them would arrive in Houston.

"There's very little communication from New Orleans," Eckels said. "It's very frustrating."

Critics charged that the delays and confusion were a product of the Bush administration's misplaced priorities.

William Waugh, a disaster-management specialist and public-administration professor at Georgia State University, said the federal government appeared slow to pre-position medical and other disaster supplies in the Gulf region, and slow to get federal troops and other disaster workers into places that Katrina had pummeled.

Frannie Edwards, the director of emergency preparedness for the city of San Jose, Calif., charged that the Department of Homeland Security overreacted to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks four years ago by bleeding money out of conventional emergency-response programs.

"Our natural disasters in the United States are seasonal, not preventable, and we know they're definitely going to happen," Edwards said. "Money for mitigation of them has been siphoned off to deal with terrorism activity, which we don't know is going to happen and which can sometimes be prevented. The federal government's change in emphasis away from all-hazards emergency management and to a very strong focus on terrorism has lessened the resources to respond to events like Katrina."

Asked whether more could have been done to prepare for the disaster, McClellan said: "This is a time when the whole country needs to come together to help those in the region. And that's where our focus is. This is not a time to get into any finger-pointing or politics or anything of that nature."


(Stearns, a Washington correspondent for The Kansas City Star, reported from Washington. Canon, also of the Star, reported from Kansas City and Adams reported from New Orleans. Gary Fineout of The Miami Herald contributed to this report from Gulfport, Miss.; David Wethe of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram contributed from Houston and Seth Borenstein contributed from Washington.)

New Orleans in Anarchy With Fights, Rapes


The Guardian (UK), September 2, 2005 

Associated Press Writer

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - New Orleans descended into anarchy Thursday, as corpses lay abandoned in street medians, fights and fires broke out and storm survivors battled for seats on the buses that would carry them away from the chaos. The tired and hungry seethed, saying they had been forsaken. ``This is a desperate SOS,'' mayor Ray Nagin said.

``We are out here like pure animals,'' the Rev. Issac Clark said outside the New Orleans Convention Center, where he and other evacuees had been waiting for buses for days amid the filth and the dead.

``I'm not sure I'm going to get out of here alive,'' said tourist Larry Mitzel of Saskatoon, Canada, who handed a reporter his business card in case he goes missing. ``I'm scared of riots. I'm scared of the locals. We might get caught in the crossfire.''

Four days after Hurricane Katrina roared in with a devastating blow that inflicted potentially thousands of deaths, the frustration, fear and anger mounted, despite the promise of 1,400 National Guardsmen a day to stop the looting, plans for a $10 billion recovery bill in Congress and a government relief effort President Bush called the biggest in U.S. history.

New Orleans' top emergency management official called that effort a ``national disgrace'' and questioned when reinforcements would actually reach the increasingly lawless city.

About 15,000 to 20,000 people who had taken shelter at New Orleans convention center grew increasingly hostile after waiting for buses for days amid the filth and the dead. Police Chief Eddie Compass said he sent in 88 officers to quell the situation at the building, but they were quickly driven back by an angry mob.

``We have individuals who are getting raped, we have individuals who are getting beaten,'' Compass said. ``Tourists are walking in that direction and they are getting preyed upon.''

A military helicopter tried to land at the convention center several times to drop off food and water. But the rushing crowd forced the choppers to back off.  Troopers then tossed the supplies to the crowd from 10 feet off the ground and flew away.

In hopes of defusing the situation at the convention center, Mayor Ray Nagin gave the refugees permission to march across a bridge to the city's unflooded west bank for whatever relief they could find. But the bedlam made that difficult.

``This is a desperate SOS,'' Nagin said in a statement. ``Right now we are out of resources at the convention center and don't anticipate enough buses.''

At least seven bodies were scattered outside the convention center, a makeshift staging area for those rescued from rooftops, attics and highways. The sidewalks were packed with people without food, water or medical care, and with no sign of law enforcement.

An old man in a chaise lounge lay dead in a grassy median as hungry babies wailed around him. Around the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered up by a blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet.

``I don't treat my dog like that,'' 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair.

The street outside the center, above the floodwaters, smelled of urine and feces, and was choked with dirty diapers, old bottles and garbage.

``They've been teasing us with buses for four days,'' Edwards said. ``They're telling us they're going to come get us one day, and then they don't show up.''

Every so often, an armored state police vehicle cruised in front of the convention center with four or five officers in riot gear with automatic weapons. But there was no sign of help from the National Guard.

At one point the crowd began to chant ``We want help! We want help!'' Later, a woman, screaming, went on the front steps of the convention center and led the crowd in reciting the 23rd Psalm, ``The Lord is my shepherd ...''

``We are out here like pure animals,'' the Issac Clark said.

``We've got people dying out here - two babies have died, a woman died, a man died,'' said Helen Cheek. ``We haven't had no food, we haven't had no water, we haven't had nothing. They just brought us here and dropped us.''

Tourist Debbie Durso of Washington, Mich., said she asked a police officer for assistance and his response was, ``'Go to hell - it's every man for himself.'''

``This is just insanity,'' she said. ``We have no food, no water ... all these trucks and buses go by and they do nothing but wave.''

At the hot and stinking Superdome, where 30,000 were being evacuated by bus to the Houston Astrodome, fistfights and fires erupted amid a seething sea of tense, suffering people who waited in a lines that stretched a half-mile to board yellow school buses.

After a traffic jam kept buses from arriving for nearly four hours, a near-riot broke out in the scramble to get on the buses that finally did show up, with a group of refugees breaking through a line of heavily armed National Guardsmen.

One military policeman was shot in the leg as he and a man scuffled for the MP's rifle, police Capt. Ernie Demmo said. The man was arrested.

Some of those among the mostly poor crowd had been in the dome for four days without air conditioning, working toilets or a place to bathe. An ambulance service airlifting the sick and injured out of the Superdome suspended flights as too dangerous after it was reported that a bullet was fired at a military helicopter.

``If they're just taking us anywhere, just anywhere, I say praise God,'' said refugee John Phillip. ``Nothing could be worse than what we've been through.''

By Thursday evening, 11 hours after the military began evacuating the Superdome, the arena held 10,000 more people than it did at dawn. National Guard Capt. John Pollard said evacuees from around the city poured into the Superdome and swelled the crowd to about 30,000 because they believed the arena was the best place to get a ride out of town.

As he watched a line snaking for blocks through ankle-deep waters, New Orleans' emergency operations chief Terry Ebbert blamed the inadequate response on the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

``This is not a FEMA operation. I haven't seen a single FEMA guy,'' he said. He added: ``We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can't bail out the city of New Orleans.''

FEMA officials said some operations had to be suspended in areas where gunfire has broken out.

A day after Nagin took 1,500 police officers off search-and-rescue duty to try to restore order in the streets, there were continued reports of looting, shootings, gunfire and carjackings - and not all the crimes were driven by greed.

When some hospitals try to airlift patients, Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesan said, ``there are people just taking potshots at police and at helicopters, telling them, `You better come get my family.'''

Outside a looted Rite-Aid drugstore, some people were anxious to show they needed what they were taking. A gray-haired man who would not give his name pulled up his T-shirt to show a surgery scar and explained that he needs pads for incontinence.

``I'm a Christian. I feel bad going in there,'' he said.

Earl Baker carried toothpaste, toothbrushes and deodorant. ``Look, I'm only getting necessities,'' he said. ``All of this is personal hygiene. I ain't getting nothing to get drunk or high with.''

While floodwaters in the city appeared to stabilize, efforts continued to plug three breaches that had opened up in the levee system that protects this below-sea-level city.

Helicopters dropped sandbags into the breach and pilings were being pounded into the mouth of the canal Thursday to close its connection to Lake Pontchartrain, state Transportation Secretary Johnny Bradberry said. He said contractors had completed building a rock road to let heavy equipment roll to the area by midnight.

The next step called for using about 250 concrete road barriers to seal the gap.

In Washington, the White House said Bush will tour the devastated Gulf Coast region on Friday and has asked his father, former President George H.W. Bush, and former President Clinton to lead a private fund-raising campaign for victims.

The president urged a crackdown on the lawlessness.

``I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this - whether it be looting, or price gouging at the gasoline pump, or taking advantage of charitable giving or insurance fraud,'' Bush said. ``And I've made that clear to our attorney general. The citizens ought to be working together.''

Donald Dudley, a 55-year-old New Orleans seafood merchant, complained that when he and other hungry refugees broke into the kitchen of the convention center and tried to prepare food, the National Guard chased them away.

``They pulled guns and told us we had to leave that kitchen or they would blow our damn brains out,'' he said. ``We don't want their help. Give us some vehicles and we'll get ourselves out of here!''

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