Don't get ripped off by hurricane cyberscams
By Jon Swartz and Sandra Block, USA TODAY
Online con artists have launched at least a dozen scams preying on people donating to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts or seeking news, federal authorities and anti-spam experts say.
The FBI is looking into suspicious Web sites and phishing spam messages that attempt to filch personal data such as credit card numbers, spokesman Paul Bresson says.
Some e-mails with fake news alerts include links to sites loaded with computer viruses designed to steal or destroy personal information, says computer-security firm Sophos. It also has spotted e-mails with links to "spoofed" Web sites that look like valid charities.
Separately, individuals are seeking thousands of dollars on eBay for the rights to Internet domain names containing Katrina and hurricane, says Johannes Ullrich, chief research officer at Sans Institute, a computer-security company.
   Tips for givers   
Send money, not goods. Most charities prefer financial contributions because they can use the money to buy needed items near the disaster site.
Be wary of high-pressure appeals that are long on emotion and short on details.
Don't give credit card numbers or other personal financial information to telemarketers or in response to e-mail solicitations. Ask for written info about the charity's programs and finances.
Check out charities before you give. You can research charities at or
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has recommended several organizations, including:
American Red Cross, 800-435-7669
America's Second Harvest, 800-344-8070
Catholic Charities USA, 800-919-9338
Salvation Army, 800-725-2769
Source: USA TODAY research
"Any time there's a tragedy, cybercriminals attempt to cash in. It's like clockwork," says Stephen Canale, an independent spam analyst.
The Internet's emergence as a major fundraising tool also has ushered in a wave of online scams designed to fleece consumers, as was the case with the tsunami disaster last year and 9/11.
Hurricane scams are the latest example of Internet fraud by individuals and organized criminals in the USA, Eastern Europe and Africa, says Alfred Huger, senior director of engineering at computer-security giant Symantec.
Bogus charities and scams divert money from legitimate charities that need all the money they can get, watchdog groups say. Many hurricane victims will be homeless for months, putting a strain on social service organizations such as the American Red Cross, says Daniel Borochoff, president of the American Institute of Philanthropy.
After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the American Red Cross came under sharp criticism for diverting money donated for the victims to other programs. Since then, the charity has made changes that will prevent that from happening again, Borochoff says. "They really are making quite an effort to be clear with the public and not continue raising more than they need" for a specific disaster, he says.
Cybersecurity experts have several tips for consumers who want to help hurricane victims without getting ripped off. They urge donors to ignore e-mail asking for money and contribute to organizations they are familiar with.
"Given the nature of what has happened and the urgency with which Americans want to act, I would caution to give with your head as well as your heart," says Bennett Weiner of the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance.
----- Original Message -----
From: JB
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] SALVATION ARMY LINK BOGUS!

Who the hell is [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?????


August 26, 2005 - (Miami, FL) The Salvation Army Miami Command is responding with disaster relief in the heavily flooded area of Cutler Ridge in southern Dade County. Mobile canteen units are providing food, water and other relief items to victims and relief workers in the area. County Emergency Management officials are continuing to access the situation and there may be additional support needed.

In Broward County where Hurricane Katrina made landfall on Thursday, The Salvation Army is also working with local Emergency Management officials in coordinating response to several mobile home parks that are flooded and without power.

As Hurricane Katrina moved inland, Monroe County and the Florida Keys also received heavy amounts of rain and Salvation Army personal are also on the scene to provide assistance with help from the Southern Baptists.

“Flooding is a major concern right now and local Salvation Army relief teams are continuing to monitor the situation,” says Kevin Smith, state disaster services director for The Salvation Army. “We do have several other mobile canteen units that are standing by to assist in South Florida if needed.”

Financial donations will be needed to assist with the relief efforts. Anyone wanting to make a donation can call 1-800 SAL-ARMY, 1-800- 725-2769 on line at or mail a check, earmarked 'Disaster Relief' to your local Salvation Army.

Arlene Johnson wrote:
Any comments about the Salvation Army from any one of you who may know more than I do would be appreciated.

Arlene Johnson
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: PRT
Sent: Sep 2, 2005 5:45 AM
Subject: Which Organization Gets Most Funds to Victims Quickest?

Donate to the Salvation Army. 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Elk Hollow© - Idaho
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 5:15 PM
Subject: [Freedom_of_Information] Which Organization Gets Most Funds to Victims Quickest?

How You Can Help Hurricane Katrina Victims

Last Christmas, a tsunami pummeled Southeast Asia, killing some 140,000
people and leaving millions homeless. The death toll after Sunday's arrival
of Hurricane Katrina just east of New Orleans, so far, isn't nearly as great
but the physical destruction along the Gulf Coast may be just as devastating
and mind-boggling.

Even worse, just as residents of New Orleans thought they had been spared
the full brunt of the category 4 hurricane, two levees built to protect to
Crescent City from flooding broke yesterday, submerging some 80 percent of
the city -- some areas up to 20 feet deep.

If you've been keeping up with the news reports as I have, no one has a clue
how long it will take for Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi residents to
reclaim their lives and rebuild their homes. Until that time comes, you can
do your part by donating your time and dollars to relief efforts to keep
your fellow Americans safe, fed and as comfortable as possible.

Because time is of the essence and the need is great, you're no doubt
wondering which organization can do the most good with your money. After
doing some investigating of my own (prompted by the World Trade Center
disaster), I've found the Salvation Army to be the most effective charitable
organization in this country.

Regarded the "General Electric" of charities, the Salvation Army provides
some $2.5 billion annually, with an impressive 84 cents out of every dollar
funding program services.

If you want to ensure every penny you donate counts, I urge you to visit
their home page, and click on the link under Financial Donations to make
your donation online.

Please do it today!

USA Today August 31, 2005

We in America have come to believe that merely resisting being oppressed and
divided by the very racist policies of America's ruling class is, in itself,
racism.  In America today, standing up for the right to be white is called
being racist.  In other words, unless we participate in our own racial
genocide, we are racists.  I, not so respectfully, disagree.

It is not yet get-out-or-die time in America, but that can be seen down the
road when Blacks, Mestizos and other assorted third-world trash become the
majority, just as now is occurring in southern California, New Mexico and
Texas, where they are beginning to demand that we get out.

Why?  Why on earth do we allow this to America and, in fact, in
all Western countries?    ~~~ Edgar J. Steele ~~~

Please Join us at the Capitol Steps of Michigan on October 24th, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, for the 12th Annual Anti-United Nations Day Rally 2005.  Speakers are Welcome.

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