I don't see anything 'good' or 'new' about this article.
It's just ordinary garden-style disinfo, (dis)informing the reader
about who one should read to get the real story. 
Does Joël van der Reijden
have any more credentials than Robinowitz or Dunne for knowing 'who 
to trust'? I think not. 

It was a full two years after 9/11 when I finally decided something 
was very fishy about these Boeings. What convinced me was the 
mysterious flashes just before impact. Instead of ridiculing 'pod 
people' as a distraction, perhaps the disinfo artists Robinowitz, 
Dunne and now van der Reijdan, could address the 'flash'? It isn't 
the duty of skeptics to explain it, although many try. Boeing or DoD 
should explain it, if there exists any possible scientific 
explanation aside from the Boeings have been retrofitted to be more 
than a passenger jet. You won't find a link in this 'new' article, 
Jayhan is 'misspelled' Yayhan to eliminate google research.

Plastic 757 nose cones don't penetrate state-of-the-art defensive
walls and don't produce elevated radiation readings. Something is 
very weird about this supposed Flight 77, unlicensed ex-military 
pilots, no ordinary flight schedule... It looks a lot like part of 
a 'war game'. Then its flight pattern isn't remotely like a normal 
passenger jet. 

These guys: Robinowitz, Dunne and Joël van der Reijden are pretty 
pathetic at what they do. They might as well stamp "DISINFO" on their 

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Robinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 01:03:20 -0700
> Subject: A good, new article on the "No 757 at Pentagon" disinfo  
> distraction from real evidence of complicity)
>     The "No 757 at Pentagon" article reprinted below is an 
> summary of the main problem in the 9/11 truth movement.   It would 
> been better if the article made more of an effort to separate the 
> meaning (but wrong) authors such as Griffin, Chossudovsky and 
>  from those pushing racism and ludicrous nonsense about 9/11 
> complicity.   The author of this article has one of the better 
> of the "no plane" hoaxes 
> at http://home.planet.nl/~reijd050/JoeR/pentahole_dimensions_est.htm
> More on this story at 
> http://www.oilempire.us/bogus.html (fake claims of complicity that 
> discredit real evidence of complicity)
> http://www.oilempire.us/pentagon.html
> The Pentagon attack:
> the "no plane" theories discredit 9/11 skepticism and distract from 
> proven evidence of complicity
> the fake debate between no plane and no complicity gets the Bush 
> off the hook
> making 9/11 complicity dependent on the no-plane claim was a 
> tactic to discredit the real evidence for people inside the 
> both for the majority who vote against Bush and the political / 
> military elites (especially the military officers who saw the plane 
> crash or the plane debris)
> there is zero evidence for any of the "no plane" claims - hundreds 
> people saw the plane, none saw a missile, Global Hawk, smaller 
plane or 
> flying saucer
> the physical evidence shows that a large twin engine jet hit the 
> empty part of the Pentagon (the damaged area on the outside of the 
> building was the width of the plane, and plane parts were clearly 
> identified inside and outside the building)
> The real issues:
> WHERE Flight 77 hit -- the nearly empty, recently reconstructed and 
> strengthened sector (which minimized casualties on the ground)
> WHY the Air Force did not defend its headquarters, even after the 
> towers had been hit
> WHO scheduled multiple war game exercises that morning, especially 
> "plane into building" scenario?
> http://home.planet.nl/~reijd050/JoeR/no_757_supporters.htm
>  No-757-at-Pentagon supporters (mid 2005)
> - 911 -
> Part of this article
> I already knew many people were supporting this theory, but only 
> I made a list of these individuals I realized that almost the 
> alternative 911 movement promotes the idea that no 757 COULD have 
> the Pentagon. Anyone who read my article knows that the 'evidence' 
> led to these conclusions is hopelessly flawed. In turn, this led me 
> my own conclusion that all the researchers in the list, the way I 
> it, should be written off as serious investigators.
> I have trouble believing it, but it is possible that all of them 
> just incompetent. On the other hand, it is entirely possible that 
> of them, maybe even a lot of them, have been recruited by some kind 
> intelligence agency. If you think this is so far fetched I suggest 
> read a little bit about Operation Mockingbird and realize that 60 
> have passed since. Frank Wisner Jr., the son of the person who 
> up Mockingbird, is a member of Le Cercle, which is covert globalist 
> intelligence group that, among other things, has specialized in 
> propaganda and fake threats. They also secretly recruited right-
> reporters from Germany to the United States.
> As far as I know, disinfo is usually spread by inserting a small 
> untruth in a real story. The art is to let others pick it up and to 
> sent everybody on the wrong track. If the conspiritors aren't 
> satisfied, they just insert another untruth and led their victims 
> 'connect the dots'. After a while the whole alternative 
> is side-tracked and the only way to fix it is to go back to the 
> original information too find out how the story evolved. On purpose 
> not, the persons below are to a large degree responsible for this 
> side-tracking into bogus issues (like the pod theory and the 
> no-757 theories). In the end it really doesn't matter if they're 
> or are paid to be stupid. You will probably never know for sure.
> 1.
> Dylan Avery
> Written and directed the 2005 movie 'Loose Change'. which promotes 
> no-757 and bombs-at-WTC theories. Received help from Phil Yayhan 
> Korey Rowe. Michael Green, Ph.D., wrote an analysis of the film, 
> as almost all other 9/11 movies, is hopelessly selective in 
> its evidence.
> 2.
> Christopher Bollyn
> An investigative journalist working for the American Free Press. 
> the zionists and Israel for 9/11. Supports the no-757-hit-the-
> theory. His report on the seismic spikes is very interesting. He 
> implies they were caused by explosives, but the quotes from a few 
> geologists he presents never state that. Yet, the way he presents 
> quotes could easily fool someone in believing these people 
> what he implied. In March 2005 he claimed that Ben Chertoff, author 
> a 9/11 hit-piece, was a cousin of Michael Chertoff of Homeland 
> Security. When Ben was questioned about this issue on Coast to 
> he explained that he doesn't know Michael and that the different 
> branches of the family probably split off somewhere in the 19th 
> century. Bollyn knew this, but never mentioned this in his story, 
> even as the 'opinion' of the Chertoffs. Bollyn even called Ben 
> an 'Illuminati Disinformation Tool' (AFP, March 6, 2005). Of course.
> 3.
> Michel Chossudovsky
> Canadian based investigator. Long time promoter of the famous no-
> flash movie. In the past it was continuously featured on the 
> introduction page of Globalresearch. Although it is a little bit 
> visible today, it is still there.
> 4.
> Col. Donn de Grand-Pre
> On the Alex Jones Show, February 29, 2004: "You are talking about 
> hit the Pentagon, right John? It was a cruise missile. It could 
> been a Global Hawk. It was not a commercial aircraft."
> 5.
> Tom Flocco
> Supports Karl Schwarz in his small-plane theories and has never 
> commented on my Pentagon article I sent to him. Regularly invited 
> Rense. On September 22, 2005, he came out with a message that 
> and American intelligence agents had arrested Barbara Olson, the 
> of a former Bush administration official, on the (non-existent) 
> Polish-Austrian border, while in possession of a fake Vatican 
> Olson is said to have been a passenger in one of the hijacked 911 
> planes. In the article he repeats that there is no evidence of a 
> hitting the Pentagon and claims his (anonymous) intelligence 
> told him the same thing.
> 6.
> David Ray Griffin
> A respected philosopher of religion at the Claremont School of 
> since the 1970s. Wrote the well known book 'The New Pearl Harbor' 
> which he assembled all the conspiracy theories without looking for 
> evidence on his own. The Santa Barbara Independent of April 2004 
> him as saying: "The physical evidence, photographs, and eyewitness 
> testimony say that the Pentagon was hit by something that caused a 
> no larger than 18 feet in diameter. The story the Pentagon put out, 
> was published by the Washington Post, was that the hole in the 
> was five stories high and 200 feet wide." The foreword of Griffin's 
> book has been written by Richard A. Falk, a member of the Council 
> Foreign Relations. Both have written books on globalization on 
> own and together. Not to jump to conclusions here, but you'd guess 
> Griffin would have chosen anyone BUT a CFR member, knowing how 
> sensitive this private Rockefeller-Ford-Carnegie 
sponsored 'government' 
> institute is. The book has been extremely popular in the 911 Truth 
> Movement for quite some time now.
> 7.
> Stefan Grossmann
> German christian. Blames the zionists and the neocons. Claims the 
> original planes never hit the WTC or the Pentagon. The engines were 
> small in case of the WTC, so according to him it was probably a 
> covered in a hologram. Gives Killtown and Webfairy a 6-star rating. 
> Cow gets 1 star. Not really a structure in his rating system. 
> a 30 minute movie in 2004 or 2005.
> 8.
> Eric Hufschmid
> Supports the theory that no plane hit the Pentagon and didn't 
bother to 
> address the issues I had brought up in my article. Immediately 
> me of being one of 'them'. Implies a Global Hawk or a missile must 
> hit the Pentagon. Also claims NASA never went to the moon. In a 
> discussion with Richard Hoagland on August 25, 2005, Hufschmid 
> to everyone he has a very radical non-scientific way of thinking. 
> the more he was cornered the harder he started to yell and skip 
> topic to topic. Maybe he has one now, but on the show he stated 
that he 
> didn't own a TV while doing his investigations.
> 9.
> Arkadiusz Jadczyk
> Well-known theoretical physicist. Supports the theory that no plane 
> the Pentagon and didn't bother to address the issues I had brought 
> in my article. He is a big promoter of the 9/11 flash movie, which 
> selectively present information about the Pentagon. Also wrote the 
> 'The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities and the Process of 
> Abduction'.
> 10.
> John Kaminski
> Blames the zionists and Israel. Supports the theory that no plane 
> the Pentagon. Claims the phone calls made from the airliners were 
> bogus. Frequent guest of Rense.
> 11.
> Dave Von Kleist
> Produced the video '911 In Plane Sight', which greatly focuses on 
> pod issue and the no-757 theories. Even sent his video to Congress 
> members. Von Kleist and Joyce Riley have also focused on Gulf War 
> Syndrome, depleted uranium, and some Masonic conspiracies.
> 12.
> Thierry Meyssan
> French guy who made a name for himself in 2002 when he claimed a 
> was detonated next to the Pentagon instead of an airliner crashing 
> it. Meyssan's later story changed to a missile or small drone. Just 
> all the other no-757 promoters, he used partial quotes 
like "something 
> like a cruise missile with wings".
> 13.
> Leuren Moret
> August 8, 2005, Greg Szymanski, ' High-Ranking Army Officer - 
> Hit Pentagon': Leuren Moret: "I'm not an explosives or crash site 
> expert, but I am highly knowledgeable in causes and effects related 
> nuclear radiation contamination. What happened at the Pentagon is 
> highly suspicious, leading me to believe a missile with a depleted 
> uranium warhead may have been used..." Leuren Moret worked at 
> Laboratories and fights against the use of depleted uranium. Claims 
> this is the cause of the Gulf War Syndrome, which seems to have 
> disabled some 200,000 veterans.
> 14.
> Rense.com
> Continually posts messages that blame the zionists and Israel for 
> Continually puts up extremely misleading reports, mainly from Jon 
> Carlson, in support of the no-757-at-Pentagon (or even WTC lately) 
> theory. Rejects the peak oil issue without ever asking from proof. 
> Supports the theory that depleted uranium is the cause of the Gulf 
> Syndrome.
> 15.
> Doug Rokke
> August 8, 2005, Greg Szymanski, ' High-Ranking Army Officer - 
> Hit Pentagon': Doug Rokke: "When you look at the whole thing, 
> especially the crash site void of airplane parts, the size of the 
> left in the building and the fact the projectile's impact 
> numerous concrete walls, it looks like the work of a missile... And 
> when you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile. Also, if 
> look at the WTC and the disturbing flash hitting the tower right 
> the impact of the airplane, it also looks like a missile was used." 
> Doug Rokke was in charge of a team that had to try to clean up the 
> depleted uranium mess after Gulf War I. He became sick and many of 
> team died of cancer.
> 16.
> Karl Schwarz
> I sent him my Pentagon article thinking he might be interested. No 
> reply. Conservative christian. President and CEO of Patmos 
> Nanotechnologies and a couple of other extremely low-profile 
> Promotes the theory that a small plane hit the Pentagon. He also 
> supports the idea that no 767's hit the WTC. Claims while being a 
> corporate executive in Washington that he was being set up for 
> blackmail. According to him, he was even offered to go out hunting 
> children (Rense show, 2005). Has been talking about making himself 
> available for presidential elections.
> 17.
> Sherman Skolnick
> Since 1963 he has been the founder and chairman of the Citizen's 
> Committee to Clean Up the Courts. Had some success with it. Never 
> mentions any sources in his articles. I sent him my Pentagon 
> thinking he might be interested since I hadn't seen any no-757 
>  from him. No reply. Two weeks later an article went around the 
> wherein he claimed that missiles or drones struck the Pentagon. 
> Supposedly, they were launched from an aircraft carrier out in the 
> Atlantic.
> 18.
> Greg Szymanski
> Reporter who comes with revelation after revelation every couple of 
> days. Through his articles it is clear that he supports the theory 
> no 757 hit the Pentagon.
> 19.
> Webster Griffin Tarpley
> Historian and well-known conspiracy author. Wrote 'George Bush: The 
> Unauthorized Biography'. In 2005, on Rense, he said he's certain 
> no 757 hit the Pentagon. He recently finished the book '911 
> Terror'.
> 20.
> Victor Thorn
> Has his own show called Wing TV and wrote the book '9-11 on Trial', 
> which he claims no 757 could have hit the Pentagon. All Victor and 
> partner Lisa are doing these days is attack other researchers 
> with pretty laughable arguments): Alex Jones, Michael Ruppert, Jack 
> Blood, Rense, and Tom Flocco are among them. They blame the neocons 
> zionists and are big supporters of the movie 'Loose Change'.
> 21.
> Barrie Zwicker
> November 15, 2003, Toronto Observer, 'Canadian critic challenges 
> official 9-11 story': "I think a lot of the questions have been 
> answered," Zwicker said. "For instance, the question of whether an 
> airliner crashed into the Pentagon has now been answered by all 
> of physical evidence. If you do spectrometry analysis of the 
> of the fire, [it's clear] an airliner did not go in."
> If we look at the prominent researchers, we are left with Alex 
> Peter Lance, Paul Thompson, Daniel Hopsicker, and Michael Ruppert. 
> Jones sits on the fence. Lance and Thompson assume the U.S. 
> is only covering up its failure to prevent the attacks. Hopsicker 
> doesn't believe the no-757 story, but concludes the U.S. government 
> not only covering up it's own failure. When Michael Ruppert was 
> questioned about the no-757 theory on the Rense show in 2004, he 
> that the Pentagon hole was too small for a 757 to have hit it. 
> never investigated this aspect of 911 and distanced himself from 
> subject, so he's forgiven.
> [note: Ruppert has since stated publicly that the "no plane" claims 
> not real and recommends http://www.oilempire.us/pentagon.html as an 
> antidote]
> Other theories no-757 supporters are generally promoting (some 
could be 
> true in part, I think)
> 1.
> The zionists, neocons, and / or Israel did 911.
> 2.
> Bombs were responsible for the collapses of 1, 2, and 7 WTC.
> 3.
> The planes that flew in the WTC were modified or totally different 
> planes.
> 4.
> The 911 phone calls were fake.
> 5.
> Depleted uranium dust is the main cause of Gulf War Syndrome.
> 6.
> Peak oil is a scam.
> 7.
> They will inflate the information about Bilderberg, the CFR, the 
> Masons, Skull & Bones, and maybe even the Bohemian Grove and the 
> Trilateral Commission, but will ignore the dozens and dozens of 
> organizations. They also assert that globalism, in itself, is evil.
> 8.
> God created the earth 6000 years ago.
> Joël van der Reijden
>  September 25, 2005
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> www.oilempire.us - a political map to understand Peak Oil
> Peak Oil is the real connection between Iraq and 9/11
> 9/11 complicity: limited hang outs, best evidence, hoaxes
> the illusion of incompetence is a key part of the cover-up
> Katrina shows how the Bush regime is planning for Peak Oil
> the war on freedom: Homeland Security surveillance society
> stolen elections: voting machines, plane crashes, lone gunmen
> oil we are saying is give impeachment a chance!
> www.permatopia.com - permaculture solutions to Peak Oil
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