didnt ruppert just expose these two as having 'alot of influence' in the 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [Chaconstitutionalist] William Rivers "Money" Pitt: The Words 
of an Intellectual Coward
Date:   Fri, 21 Oct 2005 17:01:01 -0000
From:   Lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Connecting the Dots

William Rivers "Money" Pitt:
The Words of an Intellectual Coward
by Lisa Guliani

"The time has come, bluntly, to get over September 11, to move beyond
it, to extract ourselves from this bunker mentality which blinds us
while placing us in mortal peril. It happened, and it will never be
forgotten, but we have reached a place where fear and obeisance can no
longer be tolerated."

"Will the final chapter of your story be one of fear, one where you
staggered along behind grandiose incompetence because you were too
afraid to do anything else?"

~ William Rivers Pitt ~ excerpted from his article, "Nine Eleven"

Today yet another example of Internet puke made its way into my inbox,
as well as into various political Internet discussion forums, and
although I've kept my mouth shut for the most part on this subject up
until now, I've finally had enough of this crap.

The e-mail excerpted below was authored by a woman named Marsha, who
belongs to many political groups on Yahoo. The text was in response to
William Rivers Pitt's latest attempt to psychologically and
emotionally mug his readers for a hand-out. Before commenting on this
woman's message, though, I'd like to illustrate just how persistent
William Rivers Pitt is in his requests for money. Unlike other sites
that put the tin cup out once or twice a year, Pitt begs for money on
a weekly basis via mass-circulated spam e-mails that hound, cajole,
and strong-arm his readers for funds. He also uses heavy doses of
guilt, which is curious because considering the anemic state of our
economy with high gasoline and fuel oil prices, and how the Christmas
season is rapidly approaching, Pitt's greediness for your money is

Anyway, Marsha is one of the suckers who was bamboozled by Pitt's
ploy, for her e-mail was a plea to help financially support Pitt and
his Truthout website for all the good "services" they provide. Get a
load of this (in its unedited form):

Subj: Re: Imagine a Properly Funded Truthout
Date: 10/20/2005 6:45:51 AM Eastern Standard Time

     "If I won that Power Ball millions I left Ohio and went to
Pennsylvania to buy lottery tickets for,      you can be sure William
Rivers Pitt will get all needed as will many of our VIP's...That's
Very      Important Patriots and their worthy causes I never buy
lottery tickets but so many of our causes      need funding so
desperately...They need to be able to grow to continue in the delivery
of truth to      our people everywhere... So I said a prayer and me
and a friend rushed off and bought all we      could afford."

While reading the above words, I nearly choked on my coffee. First of
all, what sort of idiot a) keeps falling for Pitt's incessant
not-so-subtle panhandling which always seems to include the boring
line-up of heart-wrenching, gut-roiling, arm-twisting "reasons" why
his readers should continually fork over their money in order to pay
his way through life; or b) who in their right mind would actually go
out and purchase as many lottery tickets as they could afford for the
express purpose of enabling Pitt and those of his ilk to keep milking
the free cash cow? She even got someone else to go along with this
idiocy. Mind you, Marsha admits that she probably won't win the
lottery, but hey - it's only money, right? And hell, who needs the
perpetual handout more than this pathetic Internet beggar known as
"William Rivers Pitt"?

It never ceases to amaze me that people fall for this crap. Not only
do I despise reading these arrogant, in-your-face begging letters
being circulated by losers who refuse to pay their own bills, but
what's even more revolting is that now we've got people like "Marsha"
who should know better, positioning herself as an enabler by
perpetuating the begging and trying to recruit other people into this
crap. I will also add that I think William Rivers Pitt is not simply
running an "OPM Racket" (Other People's Money), but he is also an
intellectual coward and an elitist hypocrite to boot.

What necessary services is he providing us? Let's go over it. Pitt has
a website called Truthout.org, at which one can peruse a voluminous
amount of decidedly "progressively-leaning" aka "liberal" Internet
articles in which he links to mainstream sources and perpetuates the
false left-right paradigm. Is this a necessary service his readers
must finance? Also to be found at the aforementioned website is a
multimedia page consisting of videos and some audio clips of telephone
calls he's had with several people. Hmm...

Now, I might have been able to ignore Pitt's propensity toward begging
(which is occurring with increasing frequency) if I hadn't seen his
published biography, which states the following:

     "William Rivers Pitt is an internationally best-selling author of
three books: 'War on Iraq -      What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to
Know,' 'The Greatest Sedition is Silence,' and 'Our      Flag, Too -
The Paradox of Patriotism.' He is the Managing Editor and Senior
Writer for      truthout.org". Mr. Pitt is a political analyst for the
Institute for Public Accuracy. He spent      several years as a high
school teacher of English Literature, Writing, Grammar, Journalism   
  and History, and was a Dean. Mr. Pitt currently resides in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is      31 years old."

Now maybe it's just me (and maybe it's not), but does anything in the
above bio give you the impression that William Rivers Pitt is
incapable of supporting himself and his website? And, if you scroll
back up to the two quotes at the beginning of this article, do you get
the distinct impression that Pitt is actually not providing the most
vital services needed? Look again at his statement regarding 9-11.

     "The time has come, bluntly, to get over September 11, to move
beyond it, to extract      ourselves from this bunker mentality which
blinds us while placing us in mortal peril. It      happened, and it
will never be forgotten, but we have reached a place where fear and  
   obeisance can no longer be tolerated."

Is this not virtually a clone of something we were all subjected to by
peak oil scam artist Mike Ruppert in months past? Ruppert also tried
to spray this kind of vomitus all over the Internet, telling the world
and the entire 9-11 community of researchers, activists, and
truth-seekers that we should all just "get over 9-11 and move on."
Guess what? It didn't flush for Ruppert, and it's not going to flush
for Pitt, either. In fact, William has managed to twist some pretty
sharp horns with his Nine Eleven article, which, in my opinion, should
be framed and prominently displayed at his Alma Mater - Yellowbelly
University - as a masterpiece of intellectual cowardice. Does Pitt's
refusal to touch the issue of 9-11 - and particularly the voluminous
and credible research regarding the WTC controlled demolitions - say
anything significant to you? Even after we and others have repeatedly
asked him to make this information available to his readers (whom I
presume are adults capable of making their own decisions), Pitt
manages to completely skirt around the topic. Here's what the good
folks at Serendipity.com had to say to Mr. Pitt on this subject:

Note by Peter Meyer:

     The most offensive sentence in William Rivers Pitt's article Nine
Eleven is: The time has come,      bluntly, to get over September 11,
to move beyond it, to extract ourselves from this bunker     
mentality which blinds us while placing us in mortal peril. So in
other words: Don't concern      yourselves with what really happened
on 9/11. Don't think about who really planned the attacks      on the
Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and the consequent traumatization of the
American      people. Don't even consider the possibility that perhaps
it was really the work of elements      within the U.S. government, as
a ruse to enable them to declare war on the rest of the world and    
 to turn American into a totalitarian police state. No! Be good little
sheep and give no thought to      the direction in which we are
heading as a result of the bogus "war on terror" created by those    
 who committed mass murder on 9/11. William Rivers Pitt, like Noam
Chomsky, Amy Goodman      and other formerly respectable commentators,
has shown himself by his statements to be      complicit in the
cover-up of the crimes of 9/11.

You can read the entire e-mail exchange at this link: Shame On You,
William Rivers Pitt!!!!

Okay, so let me get this straight. William Rivers Pitt is too
chicken-shit to tell his readers the truth about the WTC controlled
demolitions, or even let them know the research is available to them.
What he is capable of doing can be summed up in short order: He
manages to squirt out some lame and very familiar Kyle-Hence-style-poo
as to why people aren't ready for this information and how they just
wouldn't be willing to accept it, further adding his endorsement of
the official government conspiracy theory regarding 9-11. He is also
apparently targeting the most suggestible liberals, er, I mean
progressives, in his articles, thereby perpetuating the false
right-left paradigm. Add to this the obnoxious, never-ending boatload
of begging letters which he shamelessly circulates with abandon and
what do you have?

I'll tell you what you have. You have a guy with a racket, milking his
readers for money he should damn well be earning, instead of mooching
off of the generous, genuine people who patronize his website and
believe in him. Remember the bio you read a few minutes ago? Well, it
mentions that William Rivers Pitt is a political analyst for the
Institute for Public Accuracy. I read something interesting on the IPA
website that might be of interest here.

Background on the Institute for Public Accuracy

     "The Institute for Public Accuracy was founded in mid-1997 by its
current executive director,      Norman Solomon, with the support of a
two-year $100,000-per-year Public Interest Pioneer      grant from the
Stern Family Fund. IPA opened its national office in San Francisco in
October      1997. Several months later, IPA established its media
office in the National Press Building in      Washington, D.C. It is a
501(c)(3) organization. IPA increases the reach and capacity of     
progressive and grassroots organizations (at no cost to them) to
affect public policy by      getting them and their ideas into the
mainstream media."

So, allow me to submit this to you. William Rivers Pitt is a political
analyst for IPA, which states on its own website that one of its
purposes is to increase the reach and capacity of progressive
(liberal) and grassroots organizations AT NO COST TO THEM. Also, IPA's
founder and director, Norman Solomon, is another notorious Left
Gatekeeper who was exposed long ago as one who carries water for the
government. Considering his role within IPA (a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
organization) whose purpose is to "increase his reach and capacity" to
get him and his ideas into the mainstream media at no cost to him, why
does William Rivers Pitt need so damn much of your money? It appears
he already has the world by the shorthairs, with free assistance from
IPA. I also can't help but wonder if his connection with IPA has
anything to do with the fact that Pitt refuses to touch the truth
about 9-11 with a 10-foot pole. It certainly shouldn't be casually
dismissed, should it? $100,000 is a lot of money. Just ask Amy
Goodman. She gets the same kind of grant money, and she too refuses to
speak the truth about 9-11. Coincidence? I don't think so.

So, are we to believe that Pitt's ongoing, deliberate silence and
willful refusal to inform his readers or to correct their
misperceptions of reality are the "necessary services" for which we
are supposed to feed him more money? What is behind Pitt's intentional
public misdirection and endorsement of the "official line" of 9-11?
(By the way, the government's "official" version of events for 9-11
happens to be the ORIGINAL conspiracy theory.) When I see a journalist
in the alternative media consciously suppressing important information
that his readers have an absolute right to know - in essence, lying by
omission - I don't feel obligated to either respect this person, nor
do I find his "services" (whatever they are) to be even remotely

As a matter of fact, my position on William Rivers Pitt is crystal
clear at this point. I'm calling you out, Pitt, as an intellectual
coward and a hypocrite who refuses to hold himself to the same
standard that he preaches to others. I'm also calling you out as a
traitor and a war criminal for complicity with the enemies of America
by perpetuating the lies of 9-11. I charge you with willful deceit of
your readers, many of whom actually buy into the whole bogus OPM
racket and don't see you for the intellectual coward you are.
Suppression of information regarding the WTC collapses is an
unforgivable sin in my book, and when the truth finally corners and
overtakes you, the clueless progressives to whom you preach, and the
rest of the sleeping majority, know this: You will be counted among
the guilty for being a 9-11 Gatekeeper who is preventing the truth
about 9-11 from ultimately being known. Again, this is an unforgivable

Anybody who throws you a penny is nothing but a sucker. Lastly, here's
a tip: maybe you should change your website's name from Truthout.org
to Handout.org! 

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