Excellent. What are we going to do about it? Try reading
my e-zine. It's got the way.
BTW, I placed this on my Blog. The address of it is on the
main page of my site.
Arlene Johnson
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-----Original Message-----
From: skews_me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Nov 2, 2005 12:11 AM
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [cia-drugs] Air America

Here are a few links to information on Air America, the CIA's secret
airline, from my CIA Tradecraft group. Feel free to add your own at:


Links > Air America

"On the Take: From Petty Crooks to Presidents" -- by William J
From the early days of colonialism in Indochina, the French depended
on profits from opium to finance the colonial government. In 1946
when the Vietnamese rebelled against the French, France's dependence
on profits from the opium traffic increased. The cost to the French
of sustaining colonialism increased but more importantly, the French
needed the military support of the warlords of the Golden Triangle
who maintained their control of the hill tribes by serving as a
conduit for the opium produced in the hills. France also depended on
the support of the hill tribe warlords because of their proximity to
the Chinese border and France's fear that China would enter the war
on the side of the insurgents. That support, in turn, required that
France cooperate with the production and distribution of opium. When
the United States entered the Vietnam War after France's ignominious
defeat at Dien Bien Phu, the U.S. inherited the dependence on opium.
The U.S. Military and particularly the CIA set about organizing opium
smuggling out of Southeast Asia to an unprecedented degree. The
Central Intelligence Agency arranged to pick up and distribute the
opium to the major cities of Southeast Asia where laboratories sprang
up that converted the opium into morphine and heroin. For this
purpose, the CIA established an airline called Air America.


Air America
official web site


Air America: The CIA's Secret Airline
History Channel Undercover


C.I.A. Expanding Terror Battle Under Guise of Charter Flights
While posing as a private charter outfit - "aircraft rental with
pilot" is the listing in Dun and Bradstreet - Aero Contractors is in
fact a major domestic hub of the Central Intelligence Agency's secret
air service. The company was founded in 1979 by a legendary C.I.A.
officer and chief pilot for Air America, the agency's Vietnam-era air
company, and it appears to be controlled by the agency, according to
former employees. Behind a surprisingly thin cover of rural
hideaways, front companies and shell corporations that share officers
who appear to exist only on paper, the C.I.A. has rapidly expanded
its air operations since 2001 as it has pursued and questioned
terrorism suspects around the world.


Military intelligence soldiers charged with drug smuggling
Four U.S. Army military intelligence soldiers accused of running a
smuggling operation that used military aircraft to bring more than
200 pounds of cocaine into the country over a two-year period for
distribution in Texas and Louisiana will face general courts-martial
at Fort Bliss, military officials said [29 July 2005]. According to
military court documents, the soldiers bought cocaine in Colombia;
transported it on military aircraft from the Apiay air base, east of
Bogota, Colombia, to Biggs Army Airfield in El Paso; and then
distributed it in the Texas cities of El Paso, San Antonio, Beaumont,
Sonora and Sierra Blanca, as well as Lake Charles, La. The alleged
smuggling occurred between April 2003 and March 2005. The soldiers
have been charged with conspiracy; making false official statements;
wrongful use, possession, distribution or importation of cocaine; and
damaging the good order and discipline of the armed forces.


Opium: The C.I.A. And Heroin
Transcript of the video, "A NATION BETRAYED". It documents alleged
CIA involvement in covert drug running activities.


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