It's About A Lot More Than A "Goddamned Piece of Paper"
Bush Remark Reiterates Arrogant Globalist/Neocon "Crazies" Insane Lust For New 
Order Prevalence And Power 

Steve Watson | December 12 2005

"Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to 
meet with 
President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot 
writes Doug Thompson for Capitol Hill Blue. "GOP leaders told Bush that his 
hardcore push 
to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate 
conservatives still 
mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel 
Miers to the Supreme Court." Thompson reports the following exchange:

"I don't give a goddamn," Bush retorted. "I'm the President and the 
Do it my way."

"Mr. President," one aide in the meeting said. "There is a valid case that the 
provisions in 
this law undermine the Constitution."

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a 
piece of paper!"

"I've talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all 
confirm that the 
President of the United States called the Constitution 'a goddamned piece of 
Thompson comments

This is just the latest remark in a long history of arrogant Neocon speak to 
highlight the 
fact that they have no respect for America or its population. The fact that 
Bush's remarks 
were so off the cuff yet viciously delivered reminds us of how and why the 
clan, who were just getting a foothold during the first year of the Regan 
through their actions and incessant saber-rattling garnered the nickname 'the 
crazies' by 
more moderate policy makers under the first Bush presidency. Colin Powell, an 
establishment underling through and through, would go one further, calling them 
crazies" during the buildup to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

For the President of the United States to verbally wipe the floor with the 
Constitution and 
curse it in the way Bush has and it go virtually unreported serves as an 
indication of the 
threat America is facing today from an Elite power structure that cares nothing 
for the 
country it has usurped and is hell bent on centralizing power globally and 
undermining the 
principles America was founded on.

The US is a Constitutional Republic, yet to Bush's handlers, the globalist 
Neocons, that is 
not part of the agenda. In an entirely Orwellian fashion they have attempted to 
change the 
meaning of "Democracy" and adopt it as a form of governance to fit their 
agenda. The 
word democracy originates from three Greek words meaning "the people", "to 
rule," and 
the suffix ía; the term therefore means "rule by the people" by which is meant 
rule by the 

The framers of the U.S. Constitution were notably cognizant of what they 
perceived as a 
danger of majority rule in oppressing freedom of the individual or "Tyranny of 
majority". For example, James Madison, in Federalist Paper No. 10 advocates a 
over a democracy precisely to protect the individual from the majority. 
However, at the 
same time, the framers carefully created democratic institutions and major open 
reforms within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They kept what they 
believed were 
the best elements of democracy, but mitigated by a balance of power and a 
layered federal 

So the word "democracy" refers solely to direct democracy, whilst a 
democracy where representatives of the people govern in accordance with a 
constitution is 
a Republic.

The Neocons have adopted the word Democracy and attached their world view to 
it. This 
as we have previously exposed is a Straussian world view - after Leo Strauss, 
who arrived 
in the US in 1938 and taught at several major universities before his death in 

Strauss was a German Jewish political philosopher whose views were elitist, 
amoral and 
hostile to representative democratic government. Strauss, as revealed in a 
major New 
Yorker article by legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, believed the 
world to be 
a place where "isolated liberal democracies live in constant danger from 
hostile elements 
abroad", and where policy advisers may have to deceive their own publics and 
even their 
rulers in order to "protect" their countries. 

Shadia Drury, author of 1999's Leo Strauss and the American Right, commented 
that Hersh 
was correct on the second point but wrong on the first, insisting that "Strauss 
was neither 
a liberal nor a democrat." She goes on to comment that "Perpetual deception of 
citizens by those in power is critical because they need to be led, and they 
need strong 
rulers to tell them what's good for them." 

Like Plato, Strauss taught that within societies, "some are fit to lead, and 
others to be led", 
according to Drury. But, unlike Plato, who believed that leaders had to be 
people with such 
high moral standards that they could resist the temptations of power, Strauss 
thought that 
"those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that 
there is only 
one natural right, the right of the superior to rule over the inferior". 

We have previously exposed how many major players in the Bush Administration 
leading Neoconservative think tanks are followers of Strauss. Former Deputy 
Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Weekly Standard chief editor William Kristol, His 
father Irving, 
and Gary Schmitt, founder, chairman and director of the Project for the New 
Century (PNAC). Also on the books of PNAC, prior to the 2000 election were Dick 
Jeb Bush and Donald Rumsfeld as well as former defense Policy Board chairman 
Perle. Other luminaries included Jon Bolton, now Ambassador to the UN and 
Scooter Libby, 
soon to be in Prison. 

Also present was the darling of many Western academic institutions Francis 
who's "End of History" antics had gained him loving praise from the Straussian 
and got him into the State Department. Fukuyama says that we have reached "the 
point of mankind's ideological evolution" and believes in "the universalization 
of western 
liberal democracy as the final form of human government." This is perfect for 
the Neocon 
Globalists because it means they can justify "protecting" this "perfect" end 
point of 
mankind's evolution and it's global spread at ANY cost. Fukuyama was a staple 
of my 
International Relations MA 2 years ago and is so now in institutions all over 
the Western 

The PNAC way of thinking has been implemented almost to the book since 9/11. 
their flagship document, Rebuilding America's Defenses noted that in order to 
go ahead 
with their strategy their would have to be some kind of pivotal event that 
would unite the 
American people behind the Government. This was referred to as "a new Pearl 
Harbor" and 
came to pass on September 11 2001.

Leo Strauss was also a strong believer in the "Realism" form of International 
made prominent by Thomas Hobbes. Like Hobbes, he thought that human nature was 
intrinsically aggressive and could be restrained only through a State formed 
via a powerful 
military industrial complex . "Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has 
to be 
governed," he once wrote. "Such governance can only be established, however, 
when men 
are united - and they can only be united against other people." 

"Strauss thinks that a political order can be stable only if it is united by an 
external threat," 
Drury wrote in her book. "Following Machiavelli, he maintains that if no 
external threat 
exists, then one has to be manufactured. This is what Henry Kissinger was 
referring to in 
that often quoted statement he made about creating external future threats in 
order to 
guard the world order he wishes to see become more prevalent and powerful, the 
we often refer to as the "New World Order". Thus for the Neocons, when the 
Soviet Empire 
weakened and a Unipolar world order was emerging, a new threat had to be there 
to allow them to further their Straussian vision.

"In Strauss' view, you have to fight all the time [to survive]," said Drury. 
"In that respect, it's 
very Spartan. Peace leads to decadence. Perpetual war, not perpetual peace, is 
Straussians believe in." Such views naturally lead to an "aggressive, 
belligerent foreign 
policy", she added. 

The BBC earlier this year aired a series of documentaries that went some way to 
the rise of the Neocon movement out of Straussian Philosophy. It was entitled 
the Power of 
Nightmares and concluded that the War On Terror is a complete fraud and Al 
Qaeda is a 
largely manufactured threat as part of the agenda to scare people into 
accepting the 
Neocon vision of the New World Order. You can watch all three parts by clicking 

This is how "crazy" the Neoconservative view is. It is a deeply pessimistic 
world view and 
they are constantly trying to make it a reality. They actually really believe 
that life on this 
planet is simply about death, destruction and gaining total Global Power over 
any other 
way of existence. In the early years of the Regan Administration, before the 
term Neocon 
was even coined these people were emerging. Witness Regan Pentagon adviser and 
State Department and National Security Council man Michael Ledeen, who is 
quoted as 
saying : "Americans believe that peace is normal, but that's not true. Life 
isn't like that. 
Peace is abnormal."
In an influential essay in the National Review Online he asserts, "Creative 
destruction is our 
middle name. We do it automatically ... it is time once again to export the 

All you have to do to predict where things are headed next is read the 
documents and 
policy reports that they put out. You don't even have to read into them if you 
don't want 
to. For example Michael Ledeen's last book was entitled Time to Focus on Iran 
-- The 
Mother of Modern Terrorism.

These people are indeed "fucking crazy". They can see no other future for this 
planet than 
continual total complete and unequivocal war and destruction in the name of 
"security" for 
their own twisted beliefs and way of existence. The remarkable thing is that 
they think 
they are the good guys and everyone else is evil.

"We're going to get criticized for being an imperial power anyway, so you might 
as well 
make sure that the good guys win." - Bill Kristol.

Now whether there are two warring factions of the New World Order in the 21st 
Century is 
something to be considered. Many believe that the Anglo-American Neocon 
vision differs from the older European vision for a new world order which is 
one of more 
incremental steps and an evolving globe of Nations under the control of a world 
government. This is sometimes referred to rather loosely in many cases as Neo-

In any case both visions are thinking beyond America or even sovereign state 
They simply have to work within state systems to begin with because that is the 
way the 
world has evolved. Both visions overlap in various places and yes they do have 
their spats, 
but the overlords, the higher uppers, the Global Mafia as it were, the elite 
bankers and the 
policy foundations, those who finance the power structures, do so with 
ultimately the 
same goal in mind, they simply sometimes argue over how to get it done.

This becomes even more evident when you research deeper into the roots of 
Neoconservatives like Irving Kristol and James Burnham who were both strong 
admirers of 
Leon Trotsky. The Internationalist movement under Trotsky is often thought to 
be at the 
opposite end of the political scale to Neoconservativism, but when you expose 
the left/
right political scale as a falsity, a cover for a higher elite level of 
globalism, the walls come 
crumbling down. 

The Trotsky / Neocon links are further exposed in a 2003 National Post article 
Trotsky's ghost wandering the White House. There is no doubt that the links 
exist, and 
furthermore they highlight the false left right paradigm by showing that so 
Trotskyites can just as easily switch to Neoconservativism should the moment in 
politics be right. They will use whichever end of the scale they believe is 
more likely to 
help them advance their quest for power. 

As quoted in the afore mentioned article, Researcher Christopher Phelps rightly 
points out, 
that the circuitous route from Trotsky to Bush is "more a matter of rupture and 
abandonment of the left than continuity."

Of course, the rise of the Neocon cabal and the trashing of the constitution 
has not come 
without overarching help along the way from a gigantic propaganda machine. 
Their has 
arisen a faction of media Neocons who are now also knowingly or unknowingly 
the Straussian philosophical vision. 

The Murdoch empire is a nice little Goebbels factory that attempts to churn out 
the same 
rhetoric as the Neocons until the general public actually believe it to be 
reality. Fox "News" 
is not actually news, it is Opinion on the world. This New York Times Article 
hits the nail 
on the head when writer Ron Suskind relates an encounter he had with a senior 
Bush aide 
in 2004:

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based 
community," which 
he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious 
study of 
discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment 
and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works 
anymore," he 
continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. 
And while 
you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, 
creating other new 
realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're 
actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." 

Creating false realities that fit the power structure's preconceived agenda is 
Straussian. The bad news for us is it's also completely Orwellian. In Nineteen 
Eighty Four 
George Orwell warned us of where this would lead if we allowed it to happen - 
and we 
know it's not pretty.

As Bush has been told (and has repeated) "You Have To Keep Repeating Things To 
Catapult The Propaganda" In other words, if you throw enough BS, some of it is 
going to 
stick, and that's what Mr Murdooch's job is.

Of course there are then the Murdoch underlings and wannabe's who are also 
Neocon mouthpieces. Limbaugh, Hannity and O'reilly like to tell people to shut 
up and 
accept that torture is no big deal and war based on lies is acceptable if it is 
for the good of 

Bill Kristol gets to go on Fox and tell us what's really going on everyday, 
whilst Ann 
Coulter likes to call For North Korea To Be "Nuked For Fun,".

And then you have Clear Channel who own the voting machines and put up giant 
Billboards telling us that George W Bush is "OUR LEADER".

But after all, what's the big deal about Bush trashing the Constitution? Fox 
News didn't 
report it, that means it didn't happen, doesn't it?

Besides, I thought that if you defend the Constitution, you were now considered 
terrorist? That's what this FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force brochure says 
anyway. Defenders 
of the US Constitution and the common law from which it grew are being 
classified on the 
same level as Nazis and the KKK. 

Therefore George Bush was right to say "It's just a goddamned piece of paper!", 
he's a terrorist. 


Dear President Bush; about that "goddamned piece of paper."
"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a 
piece of paper!"

Let us start out with the fact that the Constitution is actually written on 
parchment, not 
paper. A trivial point, I grant you, but one that reveals (along with your 
inability to 
correctly pronounce the word "nuclear") a shocking lack of education in a head 
of state.
But to get to the point, the Constitution is not the parchment itself, but the 
ideas written 
upon it; ideas which form the foundations of our nation, ideas which would 
carry equal 
weight if written on stone, glass, metal, or even paper. These ideas are the 
soul of the 
nation. They include the recognition that the people of this nation have 
certain rights, 
rights which the government does not have the authority to remove. These rights 
freedom of speech, to say what we think about the nation at any and all times, 
to write 
that opinion down and share it however we choose to. These rights include the 
freedom to 
worship as we choose, free from coercion. These rights include the right to 
privacy, in our 
homes and businesses, free from government intrusions other than in very 
specific and 
well-defined circumstances.

Maybe those rights are inconvenient to you, as such rights are always 
inconvenient to 
tyrants, but you are not allowed the choice which rights you will abide by or 
not. That too 
is spelled out explicitly in the Constitution.

The Constitution isn't just a piece of paper or parchment. It's a contract; the 
contract with America. It's the contract you yourself swore an oath to 
preserve, protect, 
and defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic. You attached your 
name to 
that promise. You swore that oath before a judge of the United States Supreme 
Court, with 
your hand on a bible. That isn't just scenery for the cameras. Swearing an oath 
before a 
judge carries legal obligations with that oath, and legal penalties for 
breaking that oath.

The election process by which you claim authority is defined in that 
Constitution. And as 
you claim authority by Constitutional process, so too are you limited by 
process. If you act outside the limits of the Constitution, you are no longer 
acting as the 
President, but as a private citizen abusing the powers with which you were 
trusted. A 
government that acts outside the Constitution ceases to be the legal government 
of this 

The Constitution exists not only to tell the government what it may do, but 
importantly what it may not do. You, as the President, are not allowed to 
declare wars 
without the US Congress. You, the President, are not allowed to seize people at 
and send them off to be tortured. And most of all, you, the President, and not 
allowed to 
lie to the people and to the Congress.

Every President before you, including your father, swore that oath to preserve, 
protect, and 
defend that Constitution. Millions of Americans died in wars in the firm belief 
that the 
form of government describes on that parchment was worth such a sacrifice. To 
state that 
the Constitution is just a "dammed piece of paper" is a slap in the face of 
every American 
who ever donned the uniform of the military forces of this country.

Go over to Arlington National Cemetery. It's not that far from where you live. 
Look at those 
tombstones. By your statement, you have written across and every one the words, 
for a goddamned piece of paper."



By Geoff Metcalf
December 13, 2005

"You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything…"

Aaron Tippet and Buddy Brock wrote a song titled `You've Got To Stand  
for Something'. The warning to the lyric notes "or you'll fall for  

I often say, "It's not a question of WHO is right or wrong but WHAT  
is right or wrong that matters."

Different people have difference guidelines for determining what is  

In this polarized/acrimonious/perpetual contact sport between left  
and right, liberal and conservative, democrat and republican,  
(demonstrated by Ann Coulters and Al Frankens), so much emphasis is  
put on sizzle, we rarely get to sink our teeth into the steak.

It was disconcerting to read Doug Thompson's recent rant in Capitol  
Hill Blue in which he claims President Bush diminished and  
marginalized the Constitution. Thompson reportedly talked to three  
people who were in a meeting in which the President of the United  
States called the Constitution just "a goddamned piece of paper."

No, Mr. President, blasphemy notwithstanding, the Constitution is  
much more. The constitution is the essence of what America is, and  
for many, a yardstick for measuring what is right.

 From military recruits to congress critters to Supreme Court  
justices to the President of the United States, all take an oath in  
which they solemnly swear to "uphold and defend the Constitution of  
the United States."

It is beyond hypocritical for someone to swear, "to preserve and  
protect the constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic"  
and subsequently focuses on undermining, mitigating, or abrogating  
the very document to which they have sworn protection…in effect  
becoming a domestic enemy.

Debate continues if those so engaged are guilty of fraud, perjury or  

Since 9/11 there has been a lot of `talk' about patriotism. It has  
been implied that to resist what the administration wants to do is  
`unpatriotic'. What was it Mark Twain said about "Patriotism is  
usually the refuge of the scoundrel."? I don't think/hope Twain meant  
everyone who embraces patriotism is a scoundrel but it becomes a  
challenge to differentiate between true patriots and politicians  
intent on using it as a tool to further a personal (unconstitutional)  

By the way, any effort to undermine the Constitution from beneath a  
mantel of `patriotism' is oxymoronic.

Teddy Roosevelt said, "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It  
does NOT mean to stand by the President or any other public official  
save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country.  
It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the  
country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that  
by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the  

I admire President Bush for a variety of reasons…however; I am not a  
GOP sycophant who will defend the indefensible because of a myopic  
`us verses them' group think.

According to `Capitol Hill Blue' when confronted with facts that  
contradicted his preconceived opinions, Bush said, "I'm the President  
and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way."

When an aide (as reported by Thompson) said, "Mr. President, there is  
a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the  
Constitution." Bush blew up and screamed, "Stop throwing the  
Constitution in my face, it's just a goddamned piece of paper!"

No, Mr. President we won't stop throwing the Constitution in your  
face. You put your hand on a Bible and swore to defend that `piece of  

The reason famous conservatives like Phyllis Schafly and Bob Barr  
have joined with the American Civil Liberties Union to oppose overly  
ambitious plans for renewing the USA Patriot Act is THEY stand for  
something…and won't fall for anything dictated by an imperious `Do it  
MY way' leader.

The USA Patriot Act is a sticky wicket and smarter folks than me are  
tasked with solving the challenges.

Is the Patriot Act a valuable tool for intel operators fighting the  
war on terror?
* You damnbetcha!
Is it potentially dangerous?
* Absolutely!
Does it represent a significant threat to God given, inalienable  
Constitutional rights?
* Duh?!?
Ben Franklin said, "They who would give up an essential liberty for  
temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."
* The Patriot Act personifies that admonition.

The signers of the Declaration of Independence closed the document by  
affirming, "with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine  
Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes  
and our sacred honor."

The Declaration, The Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are more,  
much more than mere `piece(s) of paper.'




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