Thanks for clarifying the two. I have always wondered about the difference.
Having said that, however, communism was established by the Illuminati. I
read it again from a Christian who does know the Bible extremely well.
His name is Tom Demeter, and he has a Web site too. It's
Maybe I should forward what he just sent to me today or yesterday in which it is stated
again, and why he supports my work so much.
Interestingly, a woman who began a boycott of a couple of Israeli universities stated to
me that she calls herself a socialist because of the bad image that communism has. Seems
to me that she is the one who is confused, doncha think?
Arlene Johnson

-----Original Message-----
From: Vanessa Di Domenico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Dec 22, 2005 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Intelligence Brief: Chile

--- Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just today, I was reading Myron Fagan's article to a
> friend in which
> Myron stated definitively that communism, i.e.
> socialism was established
> to provide the fascists an enemy to fight.


I'm afraid you've got a little confusion here-

Communism is a form of ECONOMY. Socialism is a form of
POLITICS. They were put together once, but are not
dependent on each other NOR are they related in

As for establishing communism, remember that it is
established in the Bible, Acts 2:44- where the FIRST
true communism appears, in its economics version. IF
Bush wants to pass himself off as a Christian, he
better stop warfare and start communism.

Socialism is more of a word play, I think, which means
you live in a Society and cannot be totally
independent of it.

IN any case, decent people can live just fine under
any system, and don't need 'law and order'- that was
set up for the perverted and corrupt.

AS FOR MYSELF, I believe that chaos theory rules (it
is the most advanced mathematics, and you can NEVER
lose in a casino if you can handle it)- and that only
God can set up order. Humans are ruled by a bunch of
chemicals, not by written laws. THAT is how I keep
myself safe from ANY criminal- I never wear perfume,
so that my natural non-fear pheromones can tell their
brains to stay away.

Don't think that chaos, or anarchy, are bad- in fact,
when your brain and mine seem to be firing wildly and
chaotic messages, we work fine. When my brain becomes
totally orderly, and neurons march like disciplined
soldiers, THAT is called a grand-mal seizure- and it
can kill me. And this epilepsy, the most chaotic
illness, also produces the great geniuses and most who
have changed the world had some form of it.

Vanessa Di Domenico 

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