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--- Begin Message ---
January 9, 2006
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

A U.S. Justice Department attorney named Thomas Kent has written a  
hot memo: DEA agents posted in Bogotá, Colombia, claims Kent, are  
committing a series of crimes in collaboration with Colombian drug  
traffickers and paramilitaries. According to the document, signed by  
Kent back in December 2004, the agents have gone so far as to support  
activities of the United Self Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), the  
country's main rightwing paramilitary group.

As often happens in such cases, it seems that no one in Washington is  
interested in Kent's strong denunciation. His memorandum has reached  
the desks of various high-ranking government officials, but until now  
a veil of shadows and silence has covered up the facts that Kent  
reported more than a year ago. But someone leaked this internal  
document to the right hands, and Bill Conroy has begun to digging  
once again into this story of corruption, death and lies known as the  
war on drugs.

And so, using the copy of the official document as his primary  
source, Conroy takes a tour of what seems to be more an office full  
of mercenaries than the headquarters of an international  
antinarcotics law enforcement agency. And we see a story coming  
together, from an agent's confession of laundering money for the AUC,  
to Thomas Kent's fruitless attempts to bring this to the attention of  
the relevant authorities within the DEA and the Justice Department,  
all of whom denied the attorney any chance to prove his accusations.

According Conroy's reporting and analysis, "Kent details three  
further cases of extreme corruption in his memo, all involving Bogotá  
DEA agents persecuting or conspiring to kill Colombian informants who  
threatened to bring down their activities. Sources told Narco News  
that these corruption allegations involve cases launched in 1999 or  
2000, but which resulted in investigations that carried on for months  
or years."

"Given the pretense that defines the war on drugs, Kent's memorandum  
(which basically rewrites the script of that war) is not likely to be  
a hot seller in Washington, D.C., anytime soon -- absent pressure  
from a major media blitz," explains Conroy.

In any event, as Conroy himself explains in his report, this is just  
the tip of the iceberg. Kent's memorandum is a first taste of  
something very rotten inside the DEA. For that reason, we also offer  
a complete scanned copy of the document, so that you can see for  
yourselves all this could mean for the future of this false war. Or  
as the author of the article published today in Narco News explains:

"The corruption allegations raised in Kent's memorandum are  
startling, but agents in the Bogotá DEA office are not the first to  
have been accused of participating in a narco-trafficking conspiracy.  
Similar tales of corruption involving overseas DEA agents have  
surfaced in the past. And although the charges raised by Kent in his  
2004 memorandum have now passed before many eyes, they have still not  
been addressed in the light of day. Instead, as in similar past  
cases, they have been buried in the contorted layers of the Justice  
Department bureaucracy".

But read better you read the full story on Thomas Kent's memo and  
Bill Conroy's sharp analysis. Download a copy of the original memo as  
well, and take some time to look through it. As always, find it all  
here, at this link:

And keep paying attention, because this story is just taking its  
first steps…

 From somewhere in a country called América,

Luis A. Gómez
Acting Publisher
The Narco News Bulletin

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