This sure is murder. No doubt about it. Thanks. I put this on my Blog
which is at
Arlene Johnson

-----Original Message-----
From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Jan 17, 2006 1:29 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Col. Ted Westhusing was murdered ?

Col. Ted Westhusing was murdered

According to Wayne Madsen of the Wayne Madsen Report where this report was posted on January 14, 2006:

Serious questions remain concerning Col. Westhusing's "suicide" in Iraq. Army's chief ethics expert was murdered, according to Carlyle Group insider.

According an informed source within The Carlyle Group business consortium, Col. Ted Westhusing, the Army's top military ethicist and professor at West Point, did not commit suicide in a Baghdad trailer in June 2005 as was widely reported in the mainstream media five months later. At the time of his death, Westhusing was investigating contract violations and human rights abuses by US Investigations Services (USIS), formerly a federal agency, the Office of Federal Investigations (OFI), which operated under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).


WMR can report that based on information obtained from Carlyle insiders, Col. Westhusing's death was not caused by suicide. The fact that Westhusing was investigating one of the most politically and financially powerful firms in the world resulted in higher-ups wanting him out of the way. According to the Los Angeles Times, all of the witnesses who claimed Westhusing shot himself were USIS employees. In addition, a USIS manager interfered with the crime scene, including handling Westhusing's service revolver. The USIS manager was not tested for gunpowder residue on his hands.

Westhusing's investigation threatened to unearth a network of fraudsters looting the US Treasury that included the Bush family and some of their closest financial partners. After Westhusing's murder, USIS management sent a vaguely-worded memo to employees about how to respond to derogatory information in the media or rumors about USIS. Management's attention, described as "psychotic" in nature, was on USIS's upcoming IPO (initial public offering), according to a well-placed source.

USIS also owns Total Information Services of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a commercial personal data mining operation.

Other reports include:
The Huffington Post posted by RJ Eskow on Nov. 29, 2005:
An American Death: Col. Ted Westhusing

The apparent suicide of Col. Ted Westhusing, as reported in the Los Angeles Times, resonates with loss, tragedy, and meaning. He was a professional ethicist, specializing in the concept of a soldier's honor, who was assigned to supervise a civilian military contractor in Iraq. Col. Westhusing saw everything he believed in trashed by civilian leadership that understood neither ethics nor honor, under a Republican government that disrespects and mistreats its military.

Sound like a facile interpretation? Then listen to the facts.

Westhusing, reports the Times, "was one of the Army's leading scholars of military ethics ... His dissertation (for a Ph.D. in philosophy) was an extended meditation on the meaning of honor." Once in Iraq, Westhusing received an anonymous complaint that the contractor he oversaw, USIS, had been cheating the government - and that it concealed gross human rights violations to protect its contracts.


Col. Westhusing's devotion to the military and its mission seemingly had no place in the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld Pentagon. In fact, a military psychologist made his ethical stature and devotion to honor sound like a mental disorder. "Despite his intelligence, his ability to grasp the idea that profit is an important goal for people in the private sector was surprisingly limited," wrote Lt. Col. Lisa Breitenbach, reducing a lifetime of integrity to a clinical dysfunction. Shades of the USSR ?

And yet ... no wonder Lt. Col. Breitenbach saw Col. Westhusing's values as a medical condition. His commitment to completing the mission - to serving the country over making a profit -shows a notable detachment from the reality that is today's Pentagon. Sen. Patrick Leahy's attempts to pass a law preventing excess corporate war profiteering and fraud has been blocked by Republicans for several years now - with the aid and support of Sen. McCain and the other "mavericks" in the GOP.

No More Apples has posted several blogs about this tragic death, including:

Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, had a very interesting take:
Wishful Thinking Promoted, Truth Jailed

The thing that disturbs me is that when you look at the *facts*, it?s obvious that he did not commit suicide. Consider:

* A contractor found Ted, saw his body through a window, then altered the site (the trailer), moved the weapon, unchambered it, possibly cleaned it up (he said later it was dangerous to have a loaded weapon on the floor), and threw the pistol on the bed before the investigators arrived.

* Colonel Westhusing trailer door was locked when they checked on him earlier, but later when the contractor looked through the window and saw him laying on the floor it was unlocked. And when they came back later with help the door was unlocked and the scene had been changed.

* Autopsy description of scene later had a pair of surgical gloves left on the shelf in his trailer.

* The person next door reported hearing an argument just before the time of his death. Reportedly, this was after he returned from a heated exchange in a meeting with USIS before he returned to his trailer for the last time.

* Pages were missing from his journal and the suicide note he allegedly left shows only 4 of 7 pages.

The LA Times reported:
A Journey That Ended in Anguish

In e-mails to his family, Westhusing seemed especially upset by one conclusion he had reached: that traditional military values such as duty, honor and country had been replaced by profit motives in Iraq, where the U.S. had come to rely heavily on contractors for jobs once done by the military.

His death stunned all who knew him. Colleagues and commanders wondered whether they had missed signs of depression. He had been losing weight and not sleeping well. But only a day before his death, Westhusing won praise from a senior officer for his progress in training Iraqi police.

His friends and family struggle with the idea that Westhusing could have killed himself. He was a loving father and husband and a devout Catholic. He was an extraordinary intellect and had mastered ancient Greek and Italian. He had less than a month before his return home. It seemed impossible that anything could crush the spirit of a man with such a powerful sense of right and wrong.

On the Internet and in conversations with one another, Westhusing?s family and friends have questioned the military investigation.

Now, Col. Westhusing was extremely concerned about corruption, millions in missing money, overcharging the US Gov?t., (especially from the contractors who had been underpaying workers and over-billing their work), human rights violations, and the killing of innocent civilians by USIS (as reported anonymously to him before his death). He sent an email to his family saying he would talk to them about his concerns in three weeks on his scheduled return, and discuss these troubling issues of moral concern and dishonesty *IF* he made it back, he said. So, he knew his life was in danger.

The thing that really bothers me is... He was a devout Catholic, and he was a very ethical, moral and honourable man, he was also a loving husband and father, and... he was a senior US Army officer. Nothing could make a man like that commit suicide. He knew it was wrong according to his faith, he knew it was not honourable (in that situation where he had caused NO disgrace), and he knew it would greatly harm his family that he loved dearly!

All the indicators are that he was murdered. Why isn't the Army or the Pentagon investigating the murder of a senior officer in a War zone?

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