can anyone confirm this?  -vmann

Standard & Poor's specialists predict global economic Armageddon

01/31/2006 17:45

Specialists believe that the US will lose almost 45 percent of its euro in the near future

Experts of Standard & Poor's forecast a global economic collapse. The collapse will be caused with the demise of the US dollar rate against the European currency by more than 30 percent. The dollar, specialists say, may lose almost 45 percent of its current value against the euro. However, it is obvious that even a 30 percent reduction will affect the international economy greatly. US dollars and euros

Standard & Poor's (SP) ties the possible decline of the American currency with the imminent rise of the European economy and the payment shortage of the USA, which made up 6.4 percent of the nation's GDP last year ($790 billion).

SP analysts emphasize the restricted growth of the USA's GDP, which has been behind the level of ten percent for quite a while. US assets - securities and real estate - successfully compensate the 6.5 percent payment shortage of the GDP at present. The assets enjoy very good demands on the market: the growth of their cost outstrips the growing volume of the payment deficit. SP specialists believe, however, that the cost of the above-mentioned assets has been increasing for a very long time. This process is expected to stop sooner or later, SP analysts say. If it happens, the issue of the US dollar stability will surface immediately. The global economic collapse will follow shortly after that.

The European Central Bank has expressed its concerns with the forecast from Standard & Poor's. European financial specialists say that the demise of the American currency will endanger the global economy on the whole. Alex Weber, a member of the ECB council, stated during the recent Economic Forum in Davos that international investors do not pay enough attention to the risks which the global economy has to face at the moment. The President of the European Central Bank Jean-Claude Trichet agreed with his colleague. According to Trichet, the world will have to pay a huge price for the ongoing increase of the payment deficit in the USA.

The forecast from Standard & Poor's contains several contradictions as well. The US dollar has very strong defenders outside the USA - China and Japan. The two countries acquire the stocks of the US Treasury to support the dollar. The dollar share makes up 70 percent (almost one trillion US dollars) of the Chinese currency reserves despite the continuing process to reduce the dollar constituent in China's reserves. Therefore, China is highly interested in the preservation of the dollar value.

While Standard & Poor's specialists talk about the looming collapse of the American currency, Citigroup analysts predicted the end of the dollar reign in the world economy back in 2005. Nowadays, Citigroup forecasts the fall of the European currency and recommend investors to sell euros.

If the pessimistic forecast from Standard & Poor's is destined to come true, the declining dollar will affect the world economy entirely and lead to unpredictable consequences. The crisis will obviously strike a serious blow on the Russian economy too. The decline of the dollar rate and the growth of the euro may become a positive factor for many Russian producers, though. If the euro grows, the Russian goods exported to Europe will become more competitive.

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