----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 9:48 AM
Subject: [prj] It's ALL TRUE! Islam Provoked to Fight too Soon (Like Japan)

Most analysts see the 3 points-of-view of my previous posts to be
mutually incompatible or contradictory, but they aren't.

Sure, Zionists are probably behind the cartoon scandal with the
intent to both show the primitive nature of Islam (incompatible with
any version of the New World Order) and provoke Islamicists to
violence to justify the Clash of Civilizations (World War IV).

Sure, Islamicists are taking the opportunity to promote Jihad,
traveling to Muslim countries to fan the flames of Jihad.

Sure, the reaction to the cartoons show Islam IS NOT and NEVER HAS
BEEN a religion of peace.  It is and always has been a religion
explicitly dedicated to conquest.  Other relgions have been so
misused, but military conquest is not essential to their
nature. .   further, other religions have moderated, moving away
from "State Religion" status. . .  no so Islam.

Clearly, Islam is being provoked to fight now while the West can
still win.  Islam is taking the bait and will be no more within a
decade or so.  Some "moderate" "sanitized" version of Islam, of
course, will survive.

Lloyd Miller, Research Director, A-albionic Research

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