Dear Friends:
Are the Akha Jewish?
We continue to make progress with our work in Laos with the Akha, who are poor, so poor indeed.
A few days ago, one of my friends went to an Akha village, and watched quite helplessly while a baby with great fever died right there in its mothers arms.
I asked him if he took a picture, if he took video of it?
He said it was too horrible, he was too shocked, he could not move, it was unspeakable.
I replied and asked him, without the pictures, no one will believe that the Akha have died by the thousands just like this, as a result of the western drug war. These are forensic photos. These are photos of genocide, done in Laos, not by the Lao government as western countries would hope to say, showing what it is like in a communist country, but murder done by western people, western governments, western agencies, by the UN and its policies, on a defenseless people, by people in white stuffed shirts, driving around in $70,000 Toyotal Land Cruisers, all having safe safe lives.
Will there be a war crimes trial? As many people died as died in places like Kosovo, but there was no safe haven, and the UN killed them. Not muslims, not Jews, not Serbs, not Croats, but the US govt. and the UN working with groups from other European nations. All the cowards running around saying that it wasn't really them that did it.
Then a couple of days ago the western minions gloated about "success" in forcing opium ereadication on Laos, (while production has soared in western controlled Afghanistan) but NONE of the dead Akha and other mountain people showed up to talk with them about the lethal results. Death by starvation and disease, we have seen it first hand. NGO people tell us it "won't be so bad once the worst part is over". We couldn't believe the words. Villages where 50% of the people died. Won't be so bad for who?
Norwegian Church Aid was involved in the opium eradication, helped pay for it, helped advise how it should be done, helped identify where the opium was, but they didn't die. We contacted the home office and asked them about it, they wouldn't reply. We think it is fair to call them murderers. Fascist monsters from the church come to kill with development. And Germans stood by. Oh my? One would think the Akha are Jewish when one looks to see who shows up to kill them. Maybe its the six pointed star design in all their baskets?
There are others. We will know how many died, we will know how they died, and we will know in the end who killed them and we will print it all. We will bring you pictures of who was killed, a silent genocide by western experts.
The Web Site
I will be a long time repairing the website as we go back to an all html coded website. It was no longer possible for me to protect the data on the old site, which was getting hacked at the rate of twice a day.
Check out and the links. MOST of them don't work yet. I'm telling you this because a lot of people don't know what it takes to make a good website and keep it up and running, LOTS of work, that's what. The fact that so many of the links don't work and that we have to rebuild 1200 document pages by hand, one at a time, copy, format, and link to the new page, should give some impression of our committment to this work, but also what it takes to make all this available to you and the public.
The website costs us a hosting fee every month as well, and we have to work very hard to get photographs, prepare them, video, prepare that, and get it all to the site. We also have to work hard to keep hackers from destroying the site, since there are people out there, like among the missionaries, who don't like us publicizing what they are doing.
Some like Paul and Lori Vernon, try to block us from seeing their site. We got great video of the Akha villagers telling how the Akha gate and swing were destroyed by Paul and Lori and Ajay. But Paul and Lori are in Arvada, Colorado this Sunday, telling the congregation of Faith Church, how great it is to go to Thailand and destroy there the culture of the Akha people.
Someone wrote to ask me the other day about donations ($30 since December) and how they get spent. I replied with a lengthy email that if it weren't for my family in the US this work would never have survived, would never have gone on, and if it weren't for the financial help of a number of key people and a handful of others. Cause it sure took a lot more cash than $30 to make it since December. To say nothing of setting up a project in a whole new country.
We give up everything to help the Akha people, year after year, my wife, our children, we struggle day to day just to have enough to eat, to cover our living costs, to buy medicine for our own kids, to get into the villages, to buy medicine for other people's kids, thousands of dollars over the years, to keep our visas current, to publicize the facts about what is happening to the Akha where we are.
My family in the US helps, but they are not rich, and they have given way more than one could have hoped for over the years. My parents are in their mid eighties, they haven't even seen their grandchildren, because of visa problems my wife has experienced with the US govt. due to our work. Uncle Sam don't like it when you tell how he's busy killing people in the corners of the world.
We facilitate a lot of people to go into Akha regions and "help the Akha". But after they are gone we must stay on till the next people come and hope we are here, and we also must keep doing our own work.
We have great video that we would like to prep for the website, lots to publish, but we need more committed supporters who donate regularly to this work in order to get it done.
If you are concerned with the plight of the Akha, then be a true part of this work. We have lots of visitors, and need more supporters.
We hope you will be one of them and make a donation. Before the website goes off line, before we go offline.
Matthew McDaniel

The Akha Heritage Foundation. Akha Heritage Site.
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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