ASUNCION (EFE) – Britain’s CDS Oil & Gas Group announced on Tuesday the discovery of de-posits of liquid hydrocarbons in a remote region of Paraguay, but said that extracting the resource would be difficult. Analysis of samples from the Gabino Mendoza zone, located in the Chaco region near the border with Bolivia, indicates that reservoir qualities were lower than re-quired to be able to flow oil unassisted, the firm said in a statement.

Nevertheless, the company said that the find points up the potential of the area and supports a decision to bore the well down to a depth of 10,622 feet.
Two weeks ago, Paraguayan authorities announced that hydrocarbons had been found at a depth of 3.934 feet at the Independencia III well, where CDS Oil is prospecting for natural gas in conjunction with Morrison Primo Cano.
Prospectors have drilled around 50 wells in the Chaco since 1947, without success.

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