Anonymous said...

to 'thoughtographer' once more:

As for my opinion on Wallace's public statement and political inclement, I can't see him personally being interested in Nazi eugenics or genocides of the 'unfit.' (i.e., his statements on how he disliked the U.S. response to race riots in 1943 Detriot and his whole social context improvement drive around humans on the outside (instead of human improvement). If good would be defined as working on the outside, evil I would feel would be attempting to simply change the inside out from under people.

However, that being said, if some of these elite people do have split personalities, then nothing they say can be trusted as evidence of who they are.

Point two, that hardly precludes someone building on Wallace's genetic techniques and transferring them over to other once left-wing and then labelled "Nazi" eugenic projects that only went underground after WWII instead of died out. The PNAC even gives a polite tip of the hat of recognition to eugenics in smiling on recent inventions of gene-recognizing biological weapons that they claim could be used a ethnic based weapons that turns bioweaponry "from a mere terror device into a politically useful tool." I've rarely felt as sick at heart when I saw that for the first time.

If Wallace was not a multiple--or even if he was--he seems more as someone working on the "outside perfectionist" groups and likely not really Mr. Big himself since he could be so easily thrown away in 1940.

Wallace seems rather "white magic innocent" in his approach of perfecting material reality as he sees fit that has been going on from the Elizabethan occultists around Bacon in England, Rosicrucians, Christian Kabbalists, Christian Unionists and all those people of the early decades of the 1600s.

Wallace of course, since the whole discipline of ecology didn't exist until after WWII, seems completely ignorat that his "material perfection" program for higher yields as the only purpose of crops (i.e., he could have bred them to be more nutritious for instance). As the past 60 years has shown, this whole breeding program is an ecological dead end because of diminishing returns: it self-destructs ecologially by concentrating only on high yielding things which consolidate agriculture, it impoverish farmers he claimed to want to help, and led to large scale pesticides to maintain such scaled industrial agricultulre he contributed to inventing it seems, and reduced nutritional content of food.

Wallace seems like a latter day Rosicrucian. I'd have to know much more about him though a lot of well intentioned scientists are innocent like that to the sociological ramifications of "their pretty neat ideas".

A more "black magic" side definitely would use DNA knowledge for eugenics or bioweaponry or social control though. Fleshing that out, with the whole DNA issue strand (pun not intended) in mind and many readers of this thread pondering how to apply it to morality, I would offer that opening up and protecting "soul choice" would be a good use of their DNA knowledge. Perhaps allowing for expanding psychic opening per se. A "white magic" occult side here for lack of another term want material perfections as they see it for humans as well as opening up DNA capacities.

The darker side would be for crushing this capacity, and using such DNA knowledge for further perfecting or inbreeding internal locks against human consciousness and 'enlightenment'.

Playing devil's advocate to myself, I don't really think that there is a useful separation though with most of these people whatever side of the political game they are playing because they are both OTO style elitists who want to control others souls, its just that some convince themselves it is a benevolent dictatorship with white painted pretty U.N. tanks firing the DU weaponry and "reeducating people" away from their own expressed interests, while the others know and revel in the visciousness of dictatorship, both mental and physical and feed off the self-destruction and misery.

As I said in practice, there is no difference I think between the two groups in terms of their politics.

The former might simply be a romantic historical relic of how European hermeticism ideologies developed--where the occult, the kabala, and alchemy was an individual personal transformation tool, instead of something to be applied socially to control. The Krisnamurta info at your Wallace links show that he rejected the whole social control element leadership that the theosophists wanted to see him fulfill for them. Another really scary development along these lines I think is the really NWO Ba'hai faith that is all about social control and perfecting international religious institutions and disciplinary frameworks, etc.

Back to the hsitorical relic issue of these occultists wanting individual freedom: perhaps they had once a taboo on applying it to human eugenics at one stage, though with the discoveries of how they could get at individuals through material DNA issues (Mendelian inspirations off of course breeding plants) it seems that with the rise of more information about genes after Mendel all that respect of the individual and the "alchemy" of freedom and discovery was thrown out the window for more and more control as these groups were pushed aside by those willing to apply such material issues to social and individual control more and more. It's one thing to build an external panopticon prison system for social control. It's a whole other level if you both intentionally design educational systems from birth to destory their minds to keep them in control, or if you take it a step further, and genetically breed them to destroy their DNA capacities.

Once they found they could materially adjust the mind through their more readily praticed long term "hermetic" practices, humans just became another material subject, instad of the arbiter of the goal or path setting process toward one of systemic human control increasingly performed internally.

It ruins their equations of themselves as god-like to admit to crushing something equally god and intangible in others--something once intangible and individualitic and unknown like DNA that was protected by default ignorance. The whole materialist drive of control acts to deny it, even in the operators of the whole system itself.

So they pretend that individuation doesn't exist. There's no place for it in their bureaucratic centrally controlled mental and ideological model and the whole alchemical tradition from which it sprang has been turned on its head into a novel Roman Catholic Church with their systemic political applications, with scientists as the novel priestcraft connected to the state, pretending that their morality choices of technology is value neutral and simply there and conducting inquisitions on all other paths.

Remember that eugenics was sold in the late 1800s and early 1900s as left-wing first, though both Stalin and Hitler were out to make "the new man" as they said, both on totalitarian models and crushing resistance in the same manner.

This is only one step in the continum here of increasing use of attempts at internal psychic regulation of which the panopticon was just a baby step of external architectural control. If they control education and then human DNA, then they put the their panopticon inside the mind and the double helix itself.

As for the "black magic" side, they seriously enjoy the herding and killing, and instead of mere material perfection they are out to dominate the soul and regiment it--even destroy it and senses of individual paths. While the "white magic" side seems to support benevolent dictatorship to some degree, as I said, it's still dictatorship which cannot be benevolent and only be velvet lined external force.

All I do know is that the world has had 250 years of their leadership solidly increasing toward a "darker side" of hermetic designs first of external material perfections as a political scientific goal, that has moved inward toward human consciousness controls, with themselves as the expected novel watchmaker gods tinkering with us when we are not material property or inventory, though they wish to treat us as such. Systemic social manipulation has replaced their own hermetic sources of tradition of individual awareness and exploration. I personally think their control is bound to collapse--whether psychically or ecologicaly--though the path to collapse is not pretty because it ratchets only more solutions as higher problematic applications instead of recognizing that this path to NWO they tread is sustainable in any physic or material sense--regardless of how many of us they kill.

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