Sorry for the late posting, but Dr. Gianni Hayes will be interviewing Aaron Russo on June 7, 2006. See the following for details:

June 7th.  Darrell Bock, who wrote "Breaking the DaVinci Code," will be on from 8:00-9:00EDT, and Aaron will be on right after him, from 9:00-10:00pm. Log onto <> If you have iTunes, use it.

Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D.

- Host, radio show: Wed. 8:00-10:00pm

- Speaker: National & International

- Author, 15+ books; syndicated

          online columnist--articles

- Media: on dozens of radio, TV shows

        in newspapers & magazines


Arlene Johnson

-----Original Message-----
>From: Max Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Apr 17, 2006 4:37 PM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] [Fwd: [rcnewschat] Fw:  America: From Freedom to Fascism] OT 2 some
>I've been waiting for this to be released and I can't wait to see it
>myself. As soon as I can, this will be played on my public access (10:00
>PM Thursdays) spot over and over.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject:       [rcnewschat] Fw: America: From Freedom to Fascism
>Date:       Mon, 17 Apr 2006 09:50:41 -0400
>From:       Vanessa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>In case you haven't already seen this.
>    ----- Original Message -
>    *Sent:* Friday, April 14, 2006 2:18 PM
>    *Subject:* Fw: Corrected -- A request from the Moneychanger
>    Dont worry about "ActiveX controls on this page," if it pops up.
>    Rock
>    Dear Readers:
>    /?Oh, my God, I had no idea!?/
>    That?s what the audience is saying as they walk out of Aaron Russo?s
>    new film, /America//:  From Freedom to Fascism.  /Their voices are
>    hushed.  Some faces are pale and wet with tears, sick at what
>    they?ve discovered.  Many are red, angry to learn for the first time
>    that they have been robbed -- their country, their rights, and their
>    very future have been stolen from them and their children.
>    But it may all end right there ? all Aaron?s work, all his
>    sacrifice, all his vision, all the possibilities to make a real
>    change in America, unless we pitch in and help him.  Let me explain.
>    Everything in the world was stacked against this movie.  What major
>    studio would back a movie this controversial?  A movie that exposes
>    the entire Federal Reserve scam the income tax fraud, and the IRS?
>    A movie that catches a former IRS commissioner boasting that the IRS
>    isn?t subject to Supreme Court decisions?  A movie that publicizes
>    government brutality against protestors?  A movie that reveals how
>    America was swindled out of her gold reserve?  A movie that pulls
>    back the curtain on the coming police state in the US, with its
>    plans to tag everyone with a national ID card and implant an RFID
>    chip in every man, woman, and child?  A movie that lays bare the
>    whole New World Order?
>    Warner Brothers and MGM and Fox wouldn?t touch that project with a
>    thirty foot pole, let alone put up money to make the movie.  Those
>    giant corporations ? already in bed with big government ? would
>    never produce or release that movie.
>    So without asking for anybody?s help, Aaron Russo set out to make
>    this film, because he knew /it had to be made./  He put up 100% of
>    the money to make the film.  He invested two years of his life.  He
>    laid his name and his reputation on the line.  Not just for the sake
>    of his own freedom, but for yours, too, and your children?s, and for
>    millions of Americans who don?t know /sic ?em from come here/ about
>    what their government really does, or the tyranny that government
>    has already mapped out for them.  Aaron made this movie so everyone
>    in America would understand, so people would really /get it./  And
>    when they see the movie, /they do.  /(You can view a trailer for the
>    movie at <>.)
>    Let me make something plain.  This is not a movie that divides, but
>    a movie that /unites./  Aaron does /not /work like Michael Moore,
>    who plays to the Left to increase polarization.  Aaron?s movie plays
>    to the /whole/ country.  It doesn?t take sides.  It?s not Democrat
>    or Republican, it?s not left, not right, but /dead on./
>    /Now Aaron Russo needs our help.  /The money and the years have been
>    spent, the movie has been made, the test audiences are raving about
>    it, distribution has been arranged, but Aaron still needs our help.
>    The movie must still be marketed and advertised.  It must be
>    promoted and supported by TV, newspaper, and radio advertising /to
>    get it out to the largest audience possible, /to every nook and
>    cranny in America, every city, every town, every hamlet, every
>    corner of America.
>    How could a single movie be that important?  Because it will change
>    forever Americans? false perception of how things work here.
>    Everybody has to see this movie.  This is the tool we?ve been
>    waiting for.  It?s non-violent, it?s ruthlessly honest, and it can
>    change America.  Everybody who sees this movie /gets it./  The light
>    goes on.  Nobody has ever explained so much in one place before.
>    Without your help, Aaron has only enough steam to open in New York
>    City on July fourth.  After that, nothing will happen unless every
>    one of us helps him.
>    If  we help Aaron now, here?s what he can do.
>    �      premiere in two theaters in New York
>    �      then open in a few theatres in Los Angeles
>    �      then Chicago
>    �      then take it to /two hundred theatres nation wide, and then
>    500/, and then  . .
>    But all that takes money.
>    By now you may be snorting, ?Who is this guy Franklin Sanders to ask
>    me for money to help promote a /movie?  /
>    That?s a fair question, and here?s a fair answer.  According to an
>    assistant United States Attorney, I am ?the most dangerous man in
>    the mid-South.?  What makes me so dangerous?  I am the man who
>    opened a gold and silver bank so that Americans could realise their
>    /right /to honest, stable gold and silver money.  That was perfectly
>    legal, even in 1984, but the federal government didn?t like it.  For
>    my trouble I spent the next sixteen years fending off the feds, the
>    IRS, and state government, trying to keep my wife and me out of
>    jail, and trying to keep them from killing my seven children, my
>    wife, and me.  I even ended up going to jail.
>    I know -- you think I?m crazy or lying.  You can?t believe ?our?
>    government agents would do such terrible things.  Most people can?t,
>    and I understand why.  It?s too horrible to believe.  Besides, the
>    government and the media work together to blacken everyone who
>    stands for the law, the constitution, and the truth.  They label
>    them ?trouble-makers? and ?extremists?, and even, as a last resort,
>    ?terrorists.?  Usually, it works, but our case was different.  The
>    federal government indicted 11 people out of our church (because the
>    church elders refused to roll over for the IRS?s fishing expedition)
>    as well as another 14 people.  Some pled guilty, just to put an end
>    to the nightmare.  By the grace of God, the 16 of us who held out to
>    the end were all acquitted.  (You can read the entire story at
>    <>.)  The state also
>    charged me in a related case, but I was convicted there.
>    And I /should/ have been convicted, because I /was/ guilty:  guilty
>    of speaking the truth, guilty of insisting the government abide by
>    the law and the constitution, guilty of exposing the entire lying
>    system of phoney money that steals the property and future from
>    every single American.  And if I had to do it all over again, as God
>    is my helper I would do it without one moment?s hesitation, because
>    it was the /right/ thing to do.
>    Today Aaron Russo is guilty, too ? guilty of making a movie to tell
>    America the truth.  And he needs our help.
>    Should one man take the cause of the whole nation on his own
>    shoulders?  Should one man give everything, while everyone else
>    profits and none help?  Any honest man must say, ?No ? let me help,
>    too.  I don?t want anybody else to carry the load for me.?
>    Here?s what Aaron needs:  /money to market and advertise _America:
>     From Freedom To Fascism_.  /If we won?t help him, Aaron has told me
>    he will make sure America sees this movie even if he has to /walk
>    /it across America.  But if he has to do that, the movie will
>    /never/ have the effect it /could /have.  Its impact will fizzle out
>    in little sparks, instead of the massive explosion it could touch
>    off.  Everybody who has seen this movie /knows/ that it can change
>    America.
>    And I know that /in America today there is no _effective_ movement
>    to oppose, much less turn back, the plans to create a police state
>    and turn us into a nation of slaves.  /At his own risk and expense,
>    Aaron Russo has made a movie that /might/ be the spark to set off an
>    explosion in the public?s heart that /might /win back our liberties,
>    and our children?s future.
>    This is not a distant cause.  It is the cause of our rights and our
>    ancient freedoms, /right here in America/, and it is not happening
>    to somebody else.  It?s happening right now to you, and to me, and
>    this may be our last, best chance to wake up our neighbours.  My
>    friends know that I?m not much of one to talk about ?last chances?
>    because I know that Heaven has many more options than we can conceive.
>    Never before has the freedom movement had a professional like Aaron
>    Russo on its side.  Aaron work has won numerous gold records,
>    platinum records, an Emmy, a Tony, and six Academy Award
>    nominations.  His films have received seven Golden Globe nomination
>    and actually won three Golden Globes.  To make this movie Aaron had
>    to go against all the grain of Hollywood status and popularity.
>    More than that, he had to love the truth.
>    We all know that advertising doesn?t come cheap.  A full page ad in
>    the /New York Times/ costs $95,256.00.  Half a page costs $52,920.
>    A quarter page costs $26,460.  One column inch costs $840.
>    Sounds impossible, but think:  /if only 529 of us each gave $100, we
>    could buy that half page ad./
>    What am I asking from you?  /Give up two meals for your freedom./
>    *You probably don?t balk at dropping $6.50 for a large white
>    chocolate macchiatto at Starbucks.  When you take your wife and kids
>    out to eat, you don?t hesitate to lay out $60 at Pizza Hut.  If it?s
>    a special occasion and you really want to celebrate, you?ll go to
>    Fancy French Jacques or L?Aubergine and drop a hundred fifty bucks
>    for four people and congratulate yourself on a bargain.*
>    * *
>    *I am asking you to donate the price of two meals out with your
>    family to Aaron Russo, to promote /America//:  >From Freedom to
>    Fascism./  You name the price.*
>    /Please note:/  this is /not/ an investment, but a /gift/ to help
>    Aaron make sure the most Americans possible see this film.  Not one
>    cent of your money will go to anything but promoting this movie.
>    No, it?s not an ?investment? in the usual sense because you won?t
>    get any money back, but it most certainly is an investment in your
>    nearest and dearest interests, and the return /may/ be restoring
>    your country and your rights.
>    You may think the price is too high, the risk of nothing happening
>    too great.  You may be right.  It may be too late to turn America
>    from her fate.  That?s what the enemies of freedom want you to think.
>    In December, 1777 it looked like it was too late for America, and
>    too late for freedom.  Toward Valley Forge you could trace the path
>    of Washington?s men by the blood their unshod feet left in the
>    snow.  When they arrived at their campsite, no shelters were
>    waiting, so they spent the first two weeks building huts.  Lacking
>    blankets, they had to sit by the fire all night to keep from
>    freezing.  On December 23 Washington wrote to Congress that he had
>    2,898 men ?unfit for duty because they were barefoot, and otherwise
>    naked.?  He wrote to his wife that she couldn?t come review the
>    troops, because some were so ragged that their uniforms didn?t even
>    cover their private parts.
>    To those men with the bleeding feet, it must have seemed too late
>    for America, /but they never went home.  They never gave up.  They
>    gave their last breath./
>    Next to that, giving up a couple of meals in a restaurant doesn?t
>    seem like much to risk, does it?
>    Respectfully yours,
>    Franklin Sanders
>    The Moneychanger
> <>
>    (888) 218-9226
>    P.S.  If you hesitate, you?ll never get around to helping Aaron
>    Russo, so please sit down right now, write him the biggest check you
>    can write, and send it to
>    All Your Freedoms, Inc.
>    908 North La Cienega Blvd.
>    Los Angeles, California  90069
>    In the For line, write ?Gift to promote AFFF.?  Sorry, you won?t
>    receive any fancy letters or acknowledgements or brass plaques,
>    because every cent is needed to promote the film.  However, you will
>    have this:  You will know that you have stood shoulder to shoulder
>    in a line of patriots stretching back over 200 years.  For me,
>    that?s enough.  I hope it will be for you, too.
>    P.P.S.  There?s one more way you can help:  /send this letter to
>    every friend you can think of.  /And when you do it, explain to them
>    at the top of your e-mail that you understand nobody likes spam, but
>    this is not spam and not junk mail.  It?s a chance to restore America.
>    ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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