Title: Journey for Justice Seven

Journey For Justice 7


Over a month ago, I told you about the Seventh J4j , but I imagine many of you had a hard time believing that sick people could be so driven by a cause that they would get on a bicycle and ride 4400 miles across this nation.  Well, Ken Locke and crew are five days away from having been riding for medical freedom for a full month.  They are now in Arkansas and still need to know you support them.  I just got back from supporting my daughter in her healing from a mastectomy and encouraging her for her upcoming Chem and Radiation treatments.  I totally support the efforts the J4J7 is making for her medical freedom.

I rode for the first week and can tell you, the team is making a mighty effort to educate, advocate and motivate the public.  If you are a group that can send them handout information; If you live along route and can come out to meet them; If you have a way to fulfill any of their needs, Please contact Mark Pederson or Ken Locke.  They are riding for everyone of you who needs or could ever need the freedom to use whatever medicine raises your quality of life.  Kay Lee

UPDATE FROM THE ROAD:  Tuesday, May 02, 2006 5:44 PM 

This is Mark Pedersen, Journey for Justice 7’s traveling coordinator with yet another installment of our exploits as Ken Locke bicycles across this great country, for medical marijuana patients who do not have a voice.

It’s 12:50, AM in Yellville, Arkansas, at the Sherwood Forest RV Park & Campground.  I am connecting to the Internet from my tent via a wireless Internet connection, from my cellular phone thru my laptop.  

This trip has been a grueling one, but it has certainly been memorable.  We have met so many great people; all shapes and sizes, ages, sexes, races.  So far, after 4 states, they have all been supportive and generous, even those who obviously lacked what we would have called “the essentials”.  They’re real people, like family.

Our petition truck is covered with signatures, and we still have 8 states to go.  We could easily spend a month or two in each state if only we had the funding.  There’s so much work to do.  So many people wanting to be heard; so many supporters who need to know their voice can be heard in Washington.

I have been conducting video interviews with medical cannabis patients (and their friends and family), as we go.  So many of the stories are heart wrenching, and yet, present a  glimmer of hope for us as a nation.  Unlike the stereo typical actors in the government funded propaganda commercials, this is real America.

Whenever I feel exhausted or start to feel like giving up, I just play back those tapes.  This thing is so much bigger than me.  I need to remember that.  We all do.

I never would have thought that at the age of 49, I’d be living on the road, but here I am, sitting in my well weathered tent in northwestern Arkansas,  25 days into a 5 month + trip across our United States. 

Last night makes the fourth big thunderstorm we’ve weathered since our start at Folly Beach South Carolina on April 7th.

A couple of days ago, I spent the night, laying in my sleeping bag, with the roof of the tent slapping me in the face from the intense wind, exposing the screens to the torrential rain.  Needless to say, I had puddles….and a wet sleeping bag.. 

Joplin is turning into a major drop point for us.  A motel stay, cash, and care packages are already accumulating there, waiting for us.  

The larger organizations are beginning to step up to the plate, finally.  Organizations like LEAP, (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) has just agreed to help support us.  It’s a national organization of mostly retired law enforcement, judges, etc.  I have been looking forward to this so that we could really begin reaching out to the local police, sheriff’s departments, and FBI who have been shadowing us since our departure from the beaches of South Carolina. 

Some law enforcement have told us that they whole heartedly support what we are doing. I can’t wait to hang LEAP banners on our support trucks and start passing out their literature. 

I’m also looking for someone to produce a couple (one for each side) of 6 to 8 foot banners for us to hang on our vehicles, stating “GIVE US YOUR MEDICAL MARIJUANA TESTIMONIES”.

The video testimonies are beginning to increase, but I wouldn’t have a problem being a rolling billboard for the cause, either.  I know there are far more people out there to reach. 

So many are following along in our journals and praying for us.  So many who have asked us repeatedly to “not forget” them.

We had an interview with the local paper, the Stone County Leader.  As God would have it, the reporter was battling cancer.  Needless to say, he was an advocate.  The story should be running sometime later this week.  They’ll be sending us copies.

We met a couple of great gals, Vicki Foster and Ty Murray, waitresses at the Front Porch Restaurant.   Avid supporters, they signed our truck.

Guy Harris, campground / resort owner and his employee Kelly – both of Sylamore Creek Camp in Mountain View, Arkansas - great testimonies.  Vicki Mitchell of Concord, Arkansas. Who takes cannabis for Lupus. 

This is what it’s all about.

The many experiences, but more importantly, the many people who we have met on this journey, have encouraged us.  They’ve lifted our spirits and inspired us to press on.

Our needs have not changed much. 

·         We need additional finances to assist with our food, gasoline, and lodging. 

·         We need another driver for a few weeks (or as long as possible) so that Tony can get back on his bike.

·         We could really use some quality over-the-road bikes given or loaned, to reduce the beating our bikers are taking out on the road.

·         We need supporters along our route to encourage us, feed us, and give us lodging.

·         We need banners.

·         We need pamphlets, (from most any organization promoting the legalization of medical marijuana, but most particularly those who support us).

·         We need mail drop points.

·         We need broadband access whenever possible.

·         We need email addresses of worthwhile individuals, organizations, and media connections.     

As always, our purpose is set and our minds resolute.  We will not stop until prohibition is a thing of the past.

Call us.  Ken and I are both available via our cellular phones.

Ken:    828-506-0659
Mark:  314-422-4524

We can also be reached via wireless Cellular Internet most every evening, when cellular signal is available.


As often as possible. Most evenings (when we have cellular signal), we’re on Yahoo Messenger, profile journeyforjustice2006.

We look forward to hearing from you. 
Mark Pedersen

Read all about the Seventh Journey for Justice at http://j4j.info
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