CIA's number three official said to be under investigation for ties to bribery, hooker scandal

Published: Saturday May 6, 2006

The CIA's third highest official is said to be under investigation for his ties to a widening scandal involving bribery, poker parties and hookers according to articles in the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.

Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, executive director of the CIA, went to junior high school with California defense contractor Brent R. Wilkes, who has been accused of paying $630,000 to convicted former Congressman Randall "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) in exchange for government contracts.

According to the Washington Post, Foggo told his colleagues on Friday after CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly resigned that he would be doing the same next week.

Excerpts follow from articles in Saturday's Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.

From the Washington Post story:


Kostiw's replacement, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, is the subject of a review by the CIA's inspector general. The agency is examining whether Foggo arranged for any contracts to be granted to companies associated with Brent R. Wilkes, a contractor and longtime friend of Foggo's who had connections to Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.).

Cunningham left Congress and was sentenced to more than eight years in prison for corruption. Foggo has said he has done nothing improper, and the agency has said the review is standard practice in such situations, not an indication of any wrongdoing. After Goss's announcement yesterday, Foggo told colleagues that he will resign next week. Last week, the agency confirmed that Foggo attended private poker games with Wilkes at a Washington hotel.



From the Wall Street Journal article:


The agency also has been drawn into a federal investigation of bribery that has sent former Rep. Randall "Duke" Cunningham to prison. Just this past week, the CIA confirmed that its third-ranking official, a hand-picked appointee of Mr. Goss, had attended poker games at a hospitality suite set up by a defense contractor implicated in the bribing of former Rep. Cunningham. Friday, people with knowledge of the continuing Cunningham inquiry said the CIA official, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, is under federal criminal investigation in connection with awarding agency contracts.


The FBI and federal prosecutors also are investigating evidence that Mr. Wilkes had given gifts to Mr. Foggo and paid for various services for him while Mr. Foggo was in a position to help him gain particular CIA contracts.

CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano said Mr. Foggo "denies any improper gifts from Brent Wilkes."

Mr. Gimigliano also said agency officials aren't aware of any subpoenas being issued to the agency in connection with the criminal investigation, and he said that he isn't aware that any such investigation is under way.



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