Didn't anyone read the post I sent yesterday that had as the subject heading "New Order."
That clarifies this.


Arlene Johnson

-----Original Message-----
>From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: May 10, 2006 3:04 PM
>To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs <Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com>
>Cc: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Pre-invasion illegalities
>Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Brian Bogart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: May 9, 2006 9:07:10 PM PDT
>> Subject: Pre-invasion illegalities
>> (December 1999, New Hampshire primary event, when asked about 
>> Saddam Hussein)
>> Candidate George W. Bush: "I'd take 'em out...take out the weapons 
>> of mass destruction.  I'm surprised he's still there."
>> (Paul O'Neill asserts that Bush took office in January 2001 fully 
>> intending to invade Iraq and desperate to find an excuse for 
>> preemptive war against Saddam Hussein.)
>> Paul O'Neill: "From the very beginning, there was a conviction that 
>> Saddam Hussein was a bad person and that he needed to go.  For me, 
>> the notion of preemption, that the US has the unilateral right to 
>> do whatever we decide to do, is really a huge leap."
>> (September 15, 2001; post 9-11 Cabinet meeting)
>> Condoleeza Rice: "Afghanistan is a kind of demonstration model, so 
>> that other countries can look and say, 'Oh, I see. That's what 
>> happens...'"
>> President Bush: "Wolfie?"
>> Paul Wolfowitz: "Well, I want to talk about another country, it's 
>> another country in the Middle East, let's talk about that category 
>> of countries which is considering actions hostile to the United 
>> States.  And if you take a good look at that category, then I think 
>> there's one egregious member.  It's been in violation of United 
>> Nations resolutions for over ten years."
>> Donald Rumsfeld: "I sent a memo, if you remember, Mr. President, in 
>> January (2001), before this happened, I sent a memo with a list of 
>> countries who I considered were eager to exploit any lapses in US 
>> capability.  China, North Korea, Russia, Iran.  My conclusion was 
>> we should take any actions necessary to dissuade nations from 
>> challenging American interests.  Top of that list was Iraq."
>> Wolfowitz: "We're talking a corrupt dictatorship, run by a man who 
>> oppresses his own people and thumbs his nose at American power.  
>> We're talking about going in and establishing democracy.  This is a 
>> country which is now very brittle.  It will break very easily.  
>> It's sitting there, waiting to fall.  This is something we can do 
>> with very little effort.  For a minimum expenditure of effort, we 
>> can get maximum result.  Take out Saddam and we blow fresh air into 
>> the Middle East."
>> Rumsfeld: "I mean, Jumping Jiminy, look at it strategically..."
>> Wolfowitz: "That's it."
>> Rumsfeld: "Look at it: Afghanistan's a big country, but what are we 
>> going to bomb?  Tommy Franks says there are only three dozen 
>> targets.  Three dozen!  Have you looked at Afghanistan?  Terracotta 
>> pots and straw roofs!"
>> Wolfowitz: "Let's say a hundred thousand American soldiers snarled 
>> up, okay, in mountain fighting.  What message does that send?  
>> Whereas, look...Iraq's a country we know.  We've been there.  And 
>> more important -- talk about sending messages -- I'd say there's a 
>> good percentage chance Saddam Hussein was directly involved in the 
>> attacks on the World Trade Center."
>> Bush: "Reckon that, Paul.  What percentage?"
>> Wolfowitz: "Ten to fifty.  That's where I'd put it.  A ten to fifty 
>> percent chance."
>> Rice: "Mr. President, Afghanistan is a country -- this is a place 
>> with a history.  It was a nemesis for the British in the nineteenth 
>> century.  It was a nemesis for the Russians in the twentieth.  All 
>> I'm concerned is it isn't our turn in the twenty-first."
>> Wolfowitz: "That's what's so good about Iraq.  It's do-able."
>> (May 2003)
>> Paul Wolfowitz: "The Bush administration focused on alleged WMD as 
>> the primary justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force 
>> because it was politically convenient, because it was the one 
>> reason everyone could agree on."
>>  (July 23, 2003)
>> Paul Wolfowitz, explaining why US forces were not, as he had 
>> promised, greeted with flowers and offers of sweets: "Some 
>> important assumptions turned out to underestimate the problem."
>> Both parties have relied on an external threat since World War II.  
>> That reliance will only stop with popular demand for government 
>> cleansing.  If we do not rise to the occasion, we will eventually 
>> become identified as part of whatever external threat is the excuse 
>> of the day.  During the Cold War, Democrats started wars to placate 
>> conservative domestic politicians.  Republicans didn't need to.  In 
>> this post-Cold War era, things are vastly different.  Both parties 
>> are fueling a massive assertion of power for global economic 
>> supremacy (neo Manifest Destiny), pushed by wealthy, highly 
>> organized neoconservative groups and business interests (lobbying) 
>> of all kinds, defense and otherwise.  This will bankrupt America 
>> and continue to destroy the planet, but it is unfortunately a 
>> politically viable path for both parties.  A wholesale and sudden 
>> exodus is needed from these parties to one that makes human 
>> progress the basis for all domestic and foreign policies.  Let's 
>> hope exploding gasoline prices are enough to awaken the minds of 
>> selfish Americans to an unselfish vision.
>> --Brian Bogart
>> _________________
>> "They Can Run, But They Can't Hide"
>> May 8, 2006
>> On May 4, a televised speech in Atlanta by Defense Secretary Donald 
>> Rumsfeld
>> was disrupted by 4 protesters, including activists from World Can?t 
>> Wait--
>> Drive Out the Bush Regime. A little later, Rumsfeld was forced to 
>> answer a
>> substantive challenge to his lies about the war from Ray McGovern, 
>> a 27-year
>> CIA veteran and a participant in the Bush Crimes Commission.
>> Then something else remarkable happened: the episode was televised 
>> across
>> the U.S. and the world, with pointed commentary.
>> MSNBC?s Keith Olbermann on ?Countdown 5?: ?Good evening. There have 
>> been
>> many explanations offered for why, in one of the times of the greatest
>> turbulence in American history, there has been comparative apathy 
>> in places
>> that have been past venues for public protest. One answer-- that the
>> administration has been outstanding cherry-picking not just 
>> intelligence,
>> but also the make-up of the crowds that greet or interact with its key
>> players.   Our fifth story in the Countdown, that latter 
>> component-- the
>> governmental equivalent of the ?cone of silence? from the old TV 
>> series ?Get
>> Smart?-- this afternoon broke down again for the second time in six 
>> days.
>> First, the president?s lambasting by Stephen Colbert at the White 
>> House
>> correspondents? dinner, and now, today?s vivisection of Defense 
>> Secretary
>> Donald Rumsfeld, with only Rumsfeld?s own words as weapons, at a 
>> speech in
>> Atlanta? [Here?s the] full 4-minute exchange with fact checks:
>> Ray McGovern:  Atlanta. Sep 27, 2002, Donald Rumsfeld said, ?There?s
>> bulletproof evidence of links between Al Queda and the government of
>> Saddam Hussein.? Was that a lie, Mr. Rumsfeld? Why did you lie to 
>> get us
>> into a war that was not necessary that has caused these kinds of 
>> casualties?
>> Rumsfeld: Well, first of all I haven?t lied...it appears that there 
>> were not
>> weapons of mass destruction there.
>> McGovern: You said you knew where they were.
>> Rumsfeld: I did not. I said I knew where suspect sites were and--
>> McGovern: You said you knew where they were. ?Near Tikrit, Baghdad,
>> northeast, south, west of there.? Those are your words?
>> In fact, those WERE Rumsfeld?s exact words, and in an unusual turn of
>> events, CNN, MSNBC and other major media outlets broadcast the 
>> exchange,
>> then went into their vaults and within moments aired the actual 
>> March 3,
>> 2003 broadcast with George Stephanopoulos, confirming McGovern?s 
>> quote from
>> Rumsfeld.
>> After the exchange, MSNBC?s Olbermann commented: ?In the parlance 
>> of sports,
>> Mr. Rumsfeld got faced this afternoon, posterized, forced to deny 
>> his own
>> words... When someone goes out there and blithely denies that they 
>> said such
>> and such a thing and this exact thing is on tape? how can that not 
>> result in
>> some kind of political fall-out or even disaster? I mean, 
>> charitably it?s
>> dementia, and not charitably it?s lying? What happened to the portable
>> bubble defense for the administration, [first] we had Stephen 
>> Colbert, now
>> there?s Ray McGovern, and the woman with the war crimes banner who was
>> carried out. There were at least 3 other hecklers. What happened to 
>> the
>> pre-screening of dissenters, or are they now in a situation where 
>> they just
>> don?t have enough people who still buy this stuff to fill a hall 
>> with them??
>> Newsweek?s White House correspondent, Richard Wolfe, replies:
>> ?Real-life situations puts them there, out there with people who are
>> critical.  You can run but you can?t hide.?
>> To watch the entire MSNBC broadcast, including footage of World 
>> Can?t Wait
>> and other protesters disrupting Rumsfeld, go to:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1FTmuhynaw
>> Ray McGovern co-led the prosecution of the Bush administration for war
>> crimes in Iraq War at the Bush Crimes Commission  
>> (www.bushcommission.org),
>> the Commission of Inquiry which brought together over 40 
>> whistleblowers
>> and expert witnesses to determine whether Bush administer policies 
>> rise
>> to the level of crimes against humanity. Commission witnesses-- 
>> including
>> McGovern, Brig. General Janis Karpinski, ex-UK ambassador Craig 
>> Murray, Ann
>> Wright, Daphne Wysham, Ted Glick, Vanessa Brocato, Larry Everest, 
>> and C.
>> Clark Kissinger -- are currently on a national ?Speaking the 
>> Unspeakable?
>> tour of college campuses, co-sponsored by World Can?t Wait?Drive 
>> Out the
>> Bush Regime.
>> On www.truthdig.com (the website developed by former LA Times 
>> columnist
>> Robert Scheer), McGovern is featured as the ?Truthdigger of the Week".
>>> From their story on the Atlanta incident:
>> ??If you want a little dessert before eating your vegetables, check 
>> out
>> McGovern?s account of a cheeky piece of anti-Rumsfeld propaganda he 
>> came
>> upon at the Atlanta forum. It was distributed by The World Can?t 
>> Wait, an
>> organization dedicated to driving President Bush from office.
>> McGovern: ?When I walked into the place? I was met with this little
>> blurb on Donald Rumsfeld, and as I read it, I had to chuckle. It says:
>> ?There?s going to be a question-and-answer period, but please 
>> adhere to
>> these guidelines. Refrain from using the word ?lie? in relation to 
>> the war
>> in Iraq. Do not question the secretary?s personal responsibility for
>> torture. And please don?t discuss first use of nuclear weapons against
>> Iran. If you violate these guidelines, you?ll be immediately 
>> removed from
>> the auditorium, flown to an undesignated prison location somewhere in
>> Eastern Europe and tortured. Thank you for your cooperation. The World
>> Can?t Wait.?
>> A wonderful, wonderful group. [World Can?t Wait] were the folks 
>> that spoke
>> up and tried to brace Donald Rumsfeld with the lies and their 
>> charges of him
>> being?-and he is, arguably?-a war criminal. And we shouldn?t shy 
>> away from
>> saying that.?
>> - McGovern quote is from Democracy Now radio interview, May 5:
>> http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/05/05/1432203
>> McGovern also went head to head with another CIA veteran about the 
>> firing of
>> Mary McCarthy on a recent broadcast of the PBS NewsHour with Jim 
>> Lehrer.
>> McGovern won the debate, making the clear point that citizens have 
>> a moral
>> and legal requirement to reveal government secrets when they are 
>> witness to
>> war crimes. Go to:
>> http://worldcantwait.net/index.php?
>> option=com_content&task=view&id=1437&Item
>> id=184
>> By Sunday, May 7, McGovern?s public challenge to Rumsfeld was being 
>> noted in
>> the lead editorial of the New York Times. All of which is a vivid
>> demonstration of the purpose of the Bush Crimes Commission: to 
>> transform
>> public discourse by daring to expose these officials with the 
>> facts--framing
>> and fueling a real debate: "Is the administration of George W. Bush 
>> guilty
>> of war crimes and crimes against humanity?"
>> _______________________________________________
>> ?There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible 
>> evil of
>> evil men.? -- Edmund Burke
>> "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." -- Ronald Reagan, (1982)
>> "The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let 
>> us tie
>> the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second 
>> will not
>> become the legalized version of the first."-- Thomas Jefferson

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