I still think we can deal with Chavez.

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i wonder what victore ashe or jeff gannon would say 'off the record' about dumbya.  -vmann
Hugo Chavez's Ex-Mistress: Fear Him
The ex-mistress of Venezuela's dictator, Hugo Chavez, has a word of caution about her former lover -- beware!
Speaking fondly of the would-be Fidel Castro clone and darling of the Hollywood liberal community as a tender lover, Herma Marksman, Chavez's mistress for 10 years, also told the Times of London that Chavez is dangerous and not to be trusted.
"I keep the best memories of him close to me,” Marksman told the Times. "He’s the kind of man that showers you with flowers and chocolates, serenades you with romantic songs and never forgets your birthday. People say he is a violent man, but he never raised a hand or his voice to me.”
Marksman has a different opinion of Chavez as Venezuela's president, however. "Now you can’t trust him,” she said during what the Times called her first interview with any foreign media. "He is imposing a fascist dictatorship. A totalitarian regime is coming because he doesn’t believe in democratic institutions. Hugo controls all the powers.”
Described by the Times as anything but "an angry ex-bimbo" determined to denigrate a man who dumped her, the 50ish professor of history has written two books about Chavez’s politics.
During the interview with the Times, she called Chavez "sweet” and "kind” as a lover. But as a president, she added, "he’s the caudillo (strongman) you have to say yes to. At the rate he’s going, his end can only be violent.”
For almost a decade in the 1980s and 1990s, Marksman recalls encouraging her lover, then an army officer who used her home to plot a coup against Venezuela’s civilian government. The couple shared a dream, she said, of "a prosperous Venezuela where justice would reign.”
That dream, for her at least, is shattered. "Now you can’t trust him,” she told the newspaper.
Emerging as a champion of the Venezuelan underclass, he was surrounded by adoring women. The Times reported that he split with both his wife and his mistress; later a second marriage also ended in separation. He once disclosed his far leftist political beliefs when he told Castro "Capitalism leads us straight to hell, Fidel, I think you were always right: it’s socialism or death"

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