Published: Monday, May 22, 2006
Bylined to: Bob Chapman

Venezuela's Chavez is not lying down before Illuminist masters in Washington D.C.

THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: There is no question our (US) government, England and Israel are engaged in a secret war against Iran that is similar to the part played in Afghanistan when the Soviets occupied that country. This time itÂ’s covert operations involve the Kurdish militias and rebel Iranian elements. This harks back to our creation and employment of Osama bin Laden.

Our elitist neocons are doing everything possible to foment war with Iran.

Venezuela is considering selling its fleet of US-made F-16 fighter jets to another country, perhaps Iran, in response to a US ban on arms sales to Venezuela. It has already been a long time since sensitive upgrades and replacement parts were supplied by the US ... we expect Mr. Chavez to purchase new jets from Russia or China shortly.

George and the neocons say Venezuela is not cooperating.

What that means is Mr. Chavez is not lying down before the Illuminist masters in Washington and London ... this means prohibition on all commercial arms sales and licensing of defense articles and services to Venezuela.

The excuse is Venezuela is harboring and providing a safe haven to FARC and the National Liberation Army. There is no proof of that.

We would expect that once all the CITGO interests in the US are sold off that Mr. Chavez will then wean the US off Venezuelan oil.

Bob Chapman

P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951, USA

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