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-----Original Message-----
>From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jun 6, 2006 12:19 AM
>PROTECTED], "Bicer Veronica (External)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>      Monday, June 05, 2006 
>      Not only did Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon betray US interests in 
> the Vietnam War, they betrayed the South Vietnamese and Taiwanese governments 
> as well. The latest declassified revelations to surface from the National 
> Archives are devastating to the sanitized version of events that "Sir Henry" 
> wrote about in his memoirs. 
>      This current release of information from the National Security Archive 
> at George Washington University in Washington DC (not to be confused with the 
> US government National Archives and Records Administration) covers an 
> addition release of 28,000 pages, including verbatim transcripts of 
> negotiations between Henry Kissinger and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1972. 
> This follows the 2002 release of declassified material which contained 
> transcripts of Kissinger's secret visit to Beijing in 1971 to arrange the 
> summit which eventually led to normalization of US relations with China, 
> which I will also review in this week's brief. 
>      In Kissinger's memoirs (1979) Kissinger said, "Chou and I by tacit 
> agreement did not press controversial issues to the hilt. Taiwan was 
> mentioned only briefly." The transcripts show that was not true. Chou Enlai 
> made it clear that the US would have to recognize the People's Republic as 
> the sole legitimate government of China with no exceptions if relations were 
> to be normalized. In that first meeting in 1971, according to the summaries 
> provided by [my comments in brackets], "Kissinger volunteered 
> that the US would not support the Taiwan independence movement, would not 
> accept a 'two China' or 'one China_one Taiwan' policy and would recognize 
> Taiwan as an 'inalienable part' of China. He also indicated the US wanted to 
> fully recognize China sometime within the first two years of Nixon's second 
> term in office.
>      "They also worked out a deal on how Beijing would replace the 
> Kuomintang's seat in the UN - Washington would withdraw its position that the 
> question is an important one [an incredible assertion], allowing China to be 
> voted into the world body by a simple majority vote. Taipei would be voted 
> out by a two_thirds vote 'as soon as you can get the two_thirds vote for 
> expulsion,' Kissinger told Zhou [which was not difficult given the large 
> majority of pro-Communist regimes in the UN General Assembly]. While 
> Washington would complain loudly about the Taiwan ouster [shows you cannot 
> trust the rhetoric from our government, only what they do, much of which is 
> hidden from public view], which its UN envoy [globalist] George Bush did at 
> the time, it would tacitly accept the switch."
>      Taiwan's public Communiqu� Commentary at the time is honest and 
> telling: " In the transcripts, both Kissinger and Zhou agreed that the 
> relations with the Kuomintang regime on Taiwan were linked to the war in 
> Vietnam. The US was seeking China's help in ending the war in exchange for 
> Washington's switching diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. These 
> transcripts show that in his eagerness to get China's help in ending the 
> Vietnam War - which didn't materialize - Mr. Kissinger tried to trade away 
> something that wasn't his to give away: Taiwan's future as a free, democratic 
> and independent country." 
>      What is worse, when China reneged on its part and refused to halt North 
> Vietnam's military aggression (which was fully backed by China) the US was 
> forced to win the war militarily - hence the massive B-52 bombing raids and 
> mining of harbors in the north. Intelligence from spies in Hanoi indicate 
> that North Vietnam was devastated by the bombing and the cut off of Chinese 
> supplies by sea, and ready to capitulate in the next round of Paris "Peace 
> Talks." Instead, Henry Kissinger gave all that victory away. Not only had he 
> and Robert McNamara hog-tied American military forces during the war with 
> restrictive "rules of engagement," provided enemy with numerous safe havens 
> off limits to US bombing, but gave away all that military advantage after 
> being forced to win the war militarily anyway. Here is what the new 
> transcripts show according to the AP: 
>      "Henry Kissinger quietly acknowledged to China in 1972 that Washington 
> could accept a communist takeover of South Vietnam if that evolved after a 
> withdrawal of U.S. troops - even as the war to drive back the communists 
> dragged on with mounting [Communist] deaths. President Nixon's envoy 
> [Kissinger] told Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, 'If we can live with a communist 
> government in China, we ought to be able to accept it in Indochina.'
>      "Pressed by Zhou, Kissinger further acknowledged that a communist 
> takeover by force might be tolerated if it happened long enough after a U.S. 
> withdrawal. He said that if civil war broke out a month after a peace deal 
> led to U.S. withdrawal and an exchange of prisoners, Washington would 
> probably consider that a trick and have to step back in.
>      "If the North Vietnamese, on the other hand, engage in serious 
> negotiation with the South Vietnamese, and if after a longer period it starts 
> again after we were all disengaged, my personal judgment is that it is much 
> less likely that we will go back again, much less likely." There it is: 
> Kissinger directly colluding with enemy assuring them of the low 
> probabilities of American re-involvement if China and Vietnam did their dirty 
> work slowly. 
>      "Kissinger's comments appear to lend credence to the 'decent interval' 
> theory [there it is again] posed by some historians who say the United States 
> was prepared to see communists take over Saigon as long as that happened long 
> enough after a U.S. troop departure to save face." This response came after 
> China demanded that the US force out the Saigon government and directly 
> betray South Vietnam to the North. Kissinger could do that and save face, so 
> he opted for the wink-and-a-nod betrayal instead. 
>      However, the ever-wily Henry Kissinger had a ready excuse for the media 
> after these embarrassing revelations surfaced. In one interview he said, "One 
> of my objectives had to be to get Chinese acquiescence in our policy." This 
> is ludicrous. His public policy was to "get out of Vietnam as soon as 
> possible." His larger hidden policy was to lose the war and forever embitter 
> the American public about fighting wars to contain Communism. While this 
> larger globalist agenda of undermining US sovereignty was helpful to Chinese 
> aggression, it and the "cut-and-run" policy was very much in line with 
> China's goals of wearing down the US and gaining its withdrawal. So, how 
> difficult was it for Kissinger to get China to "acquiesce to our policy?" Not 
> very. Kissinger went so far as to tell Zhou the United States respected its 
> Hanoi enemy as a permanent factor in the region, and had "no interest in 
> destroying it or even defeating it." 
>      Other allies like Japan were given secret briefings on the progress of 
> the Kissinger China talks and encouraged to recognize Red China as the sole 
> representative of the Chinese people. Always the hypocrite, Kissinger 
> referred to the haste in which Japan recognized Red China as "treacherous." 
> He should know. 
>      Kissinger then ultimately blamed his policy (getting out of Vietnam) on 
> Watergate: "We succeeded in it, and then when we had achieved our goal 
> (holding off Communist aggression in Vietnam), our domestic situation made it 
> impossible to sustain it." Actually, it was the other way around. As I 
> pointed out in prior briefs, the entire Watergate scandal was a set-up by the 
> dark side of government (intimately connected with Kissinger's real bosses) 
> specifically to undermine Nixon and force him into a defensive position where 
> he could no longer effectively function as President. Nixon was an 
> insider-wannabe but was never allowed to join the club. He spent the rest of 
> his days after his resignation trying to play-up to the Powers That Be (PTB) 
> and get them to say nice things about him in the press. 
> view globalists like Kissinger only as "greedy capitalists" have no 
> explanation for Kissinger's seemingly contradictory conduct. Betraying 
> Vietnam and Taiwan certainly wasn't helping to promote Capitalism. Why have 
> CFR controlled governments, under both Democrats and Republicans, 
> consistently undermined pro-Western governments and covertly assisted 
> Communist takeovers? Why are they , even now, shielding their citizens from 
> knowledge of Russia's continual preparations for nuclear war? Conservatives 
> have always believed it was because the Communists had infiltrated many parts 
> of the US government-especially the Dept. of State. However, most of these 
> agents of influence (Alger Hiss, etc) were globalists, not Communists - 
> facilitating Communist spying and influence for purposes hidden even from the 
> Communists invited inside. 
>      Their real purpose was to set the world stage for future conflict and 
> globalist intervention to spur on the dominance of world government, 
> controlled by them. That's the real reason for continued warmongering in the 
> Middle East. By using Communism or Leftist tyrants to break down nations, 
> these target nations were unknowingly being set up (after 20 or so years of 
> tyranny) for being "saved" from Communism by moderate appearing globalist 
> interveners, replacing a radical form of Socialism with a more benign form, 
> falsely labeled free market capitalism. What globalists are really after is 
> "Third Way" Socialism (private ownership with heavy regulatory control) where 
> the production can be syphoned off to support socialist benefits (without 
> totally killing the markets as Communism does). Free markets are only the 
> bait, not the end object. The globalist hook is embedded in the financial 
> bondage created by international loans and the implementation documentation 
> of regional government and world trade regulatory bodies (WTO, EU, FTAA, etc) 
> that these newly liberated nations are induced to sign on to. 
>              Joel Skousen
>             Editor: World Affairs Brief
>            View all articles by Joel Skousen  

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