Apparently three San Diego County Sheriff Deputies were
beheaded near the border in June.
So why didn't the media report this ?
Dick Eastman wrote:
On July 5, 2006, a hearing at the border guard station in San Diego, California caught my attention. Several prominent Republicans and Democrats were on the panel concerning Border Vulnerability. They were interview panels of selected individuals including a panel of county Sheriffs who are responsible for controlling aliens once they cross the border.
On July 5, 2006 the following exchange took place between U.S. Representative William Bilbray and William Kolender, Sheriff of San Diego County. This is an 11-second transcript of that hearing including the time markers.:
2:55:56 - Rep. Bilbray: "Do you want to break the news about three law enforcement officers concerning an incident that took place about two miles from this location in the last couple of weeks?
2:56:02 Sheriff Kolender: "They were killed."
2:56:04 Rep. Bilbray: "They were not only killed, they were decapitated (Beheaded) weren't they?
2:56:07 Sheriff Kolender: "Yes!"
Within this same time period, Private Tucker a Marine from Madras, Oregon is tortured and beheaded in Iraq. He received International press and was laid to rest in Central Oregon.
 In the meantime the main stream media failed to report the beheading of three law enforcement officers.
 Why the silence? Why the cover-up? To make matters worse the video recording of the hearing was buried by CSPAN. No press, and the President said nothing. It is easier to secure a video of Private Tuckers ordeal than find the video regarding the beheading of deputies in San Diego county. Fortunately the clip can be viewed at
Law Enforcement Officers Decapitated at Mexican Border
House International Relations Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) holds the first of two hearings on Border Vulnerability and International Terrorism. Witnesses include vaious border patrol officials. The hearing took place near San Diego, California on July 5, 2006 and lasted 3 hours 45 minutes and was recorded by CSPAN. Apparently these activities are not newsworthy to the liberal mindset. If you have heard or read any news regarding the death of these law officers please forward your comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Thank you for the courtesy.
Sheriff Kolender Confirms Beheading south of Border. This is AVI file format
Update on Beheading Story

Feed back from other Newswithviews readers provides more information:

From the San Diego Tribune June 30, 2006

The entire hearing is available from CSPAN,I;&ArchiveDays=100&Page=3

Some readers have read more into the story than initially reported. It appears the law enforcement officers were on the Mexican side of the border and were beheaded by organized crime. Beheading is a practice of terrorists and that should concern all Americans regardless of their Nation.


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