-- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Goebbels promised to use British and American advertising methods to
sell nazism, and he did.
Prescott Auscwhitz Bush managed Hitler's Economy, on behalf of
Rockefeller, Ford and Harriman money, then founded CIA.
Ed Lansdale, OSS and CIA architect of a profitable Warco war in
Vietnam, started out in corporate advertising.
Former German Defense Minister Andreas Von Buelow, interviewed by Alex
Jones "it's extremely important because it's a question of whether democracy
will survive and whether the state of law is kept up or we'll be driven by public relations and financial interest"

Speaking on DC area local TV show Eyewitness News minutes after
witnesses reported a Boeing 757 flying into the Pentagon, USAF
propaganda officer Lt Col Art Holbo voiced the distracting Small Plane
Theory. The Pentagon soon released a forged security camera video of a
fireball that cast no shadow, and a shadow advertised as being the
outline of propaganda officer Holbo's small plane.

Memes, memetics, emulations(biblical term for pied piper processions
behind judas goat memetic color bearers such as Dick Eastman and the
Webeffen SS Ibid Ferry), framing, false flag ops, public opinion
molding ops, mao mao countergang tactics, Reichstag burning,
"advertising, public relations".

Neuro-linguistically as well as chronologically,
Andreas von Bulow "was Minister of Technology before I was Secretary of Defense", and he had this to say as well,"If you lookat who owns the munitions factory in the East-West conflict or theNear-East conflict, they are always trying to sell their material toboth sides.  And, they are always interested in conflict and they wouldlike after the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the noble thing would beto cut down this military-industrial complex, which costs the Americantaxpayer a huge amount of money.  Exactly the same time the SovietUnion breaks down, this new terror thing comes up.  The first terroristattacks were I think the World Trade Center one and you find out theleading guy of this bombing, this time an agricultural bomb, he wasgoing immediately to FBI and saying `I'll tell you everything aboutthis' and they agreed finally twenty-four hours before the attack in1993, they would change the powder, the dangerous powder against the[non] dangerous powder and the FBI didn't come up to do this".


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