Saturday, July 22, 2006

Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events

Reassessing the Hariri assassination in the light of recent events:

  1. The Hariri assassination, immediately blamed on Syria (with no evidence other than the lies promoted by Mehlis), led directly to Syria being forced to withdraw its troops from Lebanon.  It is obvious that that step was a necessary precondition of Israeli involvement in Lebanon.
  2. The huge mystery of the current Israeli adventures is why Israel is sacrificing so much international goodwill in murdering innocent Lebanese civilians, when its stated goal is ‘self-defense’ against Hezbollah.  In fact, Israel is spending an inordinate amount of time destroying Lebanese infrastructure and making direct attacks against the Lebanese army, the latter particularly odd if Israel really wants the Lebanese army to disarm Hezbollah.  Israel’s actions are actually strengthening the position of Hezbollah, which isn’t so odd when you consider the fact that Israel has long helped to create its own enemies in order to have an excuse for colonialist attacks against them.  In this case, attacks against the central Lebanese government and army appear to be leading to an argument that Lebanon – newly destroyed Lebanon – is incapable of living up to its international obligations to disarm Hezbollah, leading directly to the necessity of Israel entering Lebanon to do the job itself. 
  3. Israel has another motive in wanting to destroy Lebanese civil society, as such destruction is part of the Zionist Plan for the Middle East.  Ideally, Lebanon will end up fractured on ethnic lines, following the Yinon plan of breaking all of Israel’s potential enemies into tiny statelets.  A peaceful and tolerant and wealthy Lebanon is bad publicity for the general Zionist line that Arabs are incapable of such progress.
  4. Hariri was one of the main architects of the reconstruction of Lebanon, and would not have stood for its re-destruction.  He had a lot of powerful friends around the world, and would probably have been able to prevent the current Israeli attacks.  Even if the attacks had done damage, he would have been able to lead the re-reconstruction, thwarting Israeli long-term plans.  It was thus necessary to remove him as a precondition of the current Israeli attacks.
  5. The original Official Story of the Hariri assassination was that it was an underground explosion of a type that only the Syrian intelligence services could have handled.  When it turned out that the evidence indicated a truck bomb, the propaganda machine turned 180 degrees and declared that it was the work of an ‘al Qaeda’ group hired by the Syrians (odd given the fact that the Syrian government is probably the biggest enemy of al Qaeda).  We have recently seen that the Israeli spy ring in Lebanon had very curious connections to al Qaeda organizations in Lebanon.  It is not difficult to see how Israel managed to cloak the Hariri assassination, now clearly part of the current attack on Lebanon, in such a way as to direct blame towards Syria, thus leading directly to the removal of Syrian troops.
  6. Israel has a number of goals in its current attacks, the ultimate one being fooling the Americans into another war for Israel, this time against Syria.  The most feasible goal, however, is water.  With the connivance of the Americans, Israel is resisting calls for any kind of ceasefire or negotiated settlement, as that would prevent Israel from achieving its real goal of seizing southern Lebanon, including control over the water in the Litani river (some of which is already being stolen by the Israelis).  UN peacekeepers would make such a goal impossible, and so UN involvement must be resisted.  The plan is to take over southern Lebanon under the guise of creating a Hezbollah-free buffer zone to protect Israel from Hezbollah rocket attacks.  Of course, we’re supposed to forget the fact that the dangerous rocket attacks – the ones that haven’t been faked by the IDF – only occurred after the Israeli attack on Lebanon, and the fact that a buffer zone will have no effect on Hezbollah’s ability to send rockets into Israel.  The real goal of the buffer zone will be to allow Israel to begin to siphon off greater quantities of Lebanese water. 

It is only in the light of the ongoing crimes being committed by Israel in Lebanon that we can come to a full understanding of the real reason for the assassination of Rafik Hariri.  Like Hollis Mulwray in the movie Chinatown, Hariri died so that water could be stolen.


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