South Asia
      Feb 1, 2006
Afghan opium: License to kill
By Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy

Editor's note: More than 60 delegations, mostly countries but also  
some multilateral agencies such as the World Bank, meet in London for  
two days this week to tackle development issues for Afghanistan. One  
of the more controversial topics to be tabled is how to deal with  
Afghanistan's opium fields, which last year produced about 4,200  
tonnes of raw opium.

In June 1906, Charles Henry Brent, the first Protestant Episcopal  
Church bishop of the Philippines and a staunch opponent of the

opium trade, wrote to president Theodore Roosevelt to ask for the  
United States to call an international conference to enforce anti- 
opium measures in China.

The conference was held in Shanghai in 1909. One hundred years after  
Bishop Brent's letter, the global prohibition of opium and certain  
other drugs has largely failed, in spite of, or maybe because of,  
more than 30 years of the "war on drugs" launched in 1971 by the  
administration of US president Richard Nixon.

This is what was stressed at a conference on "Drug Production and  
State Stability" recently held in Paris, when Alfred McCoy, professor  
of history at the University of Wisconsin and author of The Politics  
of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, explained that,  
"after fighting five drug wars in 30 years at a cost of US$150  
billion, Washington has presided over a [fivefold] increase" in the  
world illicit-opium supply, from 1,000 tonnes in 1970 to between  
5,000 and 6,000 tonnes in the mid-2000s.

This was exemplified in late 2005 when the United Nations Office on  
Drugs and Crime (UNODC) confirmed that Afghanistan was still and by  
far the world's first producing country of illicit opium, despite  
alternative development efforts, eradication measures, and widely  
lauded achievements in democracy and state-building in the country.

Clearly, as has now been stated by many observers and analysts, the  
danger for Afghanistan is that a hastened suppression or eradication  
program will, in the absence of alternative livelihoods being widely  
promoted, damage the fragile rural economy, prove counterproductive  
in the mid-term, and impede sustainable solutions to the Afghan crisis.

Indeed, in a 2004 interview, Doris Buddenberg, the head of UNODC in  
Afghanistan, said, "Eradication usually does not bring about a  
sustainable reduction of poppy crop - it is a one-time, short-term  
effort. Also eradication usually pushes the prices up. As we have  
seen from the Taliban period, the one-year ban on opium-poppy  
cultivation increased prices enormously the following year and it  
became extremely attractive for farmers to cultivate poppy."

However, in December 2005, only a few weeks after having lauded "the  
largest decrease [of opium-poppy cultivation] ever recorded in a  
single year in any country", Buddenberg said there were "signs  
cultivation may increase next year in many areas, in part because of  
pressure on farmers to grow opium poppies and their own concerns  
about making a living", thus without clearly acknowledging that the  
so-called "success" in reducing opium-poppy cultivation in  
Afghanistan in 2004-05 had already been and was still to be largely  

In such a context, where both interdiction and development have  
failed to solve the "opium problem" in Afghanistan, because  
interdiction without development amounts to further deteriorating the  
livelihoods of opium farmers, and alternative development is far from  
having been implemented with adequate economic means and political  
determination, a rather new, but unrealistic, proposal has emerged:  
the licensing of Afghan opium for production of pharmaceutical morphine.

Described as "a truly winning solution" by many, the proposal of the  
Senlis Council, an "international drug-policy think-tank" based in  
Paris, consists of licensing Afghan opium for the production of legal  
medicines such as morphine and codeine as a way to respond to the  
urgent need to significantly reduce Afghanistan's illegal opium  
production and trade, but also as a way to overcome the "significant  
global shortage of opium-based medicines such as morphine and  
codeine", a problem "felt most acutely in the developing world".

This proposal, however, is based on false or inexact premises, on at  
least two levels: regarding the world market on the one hand, and  
national and local opium-farming communities on the other hand.

Supply and demand of opioid analgesics
According to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), which  
is in charge of examining on a regular basis issues affecting the  
supply of and demand for opiates used for medical purposes, the  
supply of such opiates has for years been "at levels well in excess  
of global demand".

In fact, as stocks continue to be more than sufficient to cover  
global demand for one year, the INCB even recommends reducing the  
production of opiate raw materials. Nevertheless, the INCB stresses  
that "the low consumption of opioid analgesics for the treatment of  
moderate to severe pain, especially in developing countries,  
continues to be a matter of great concern".

"In 2003, six countries together accounted for 79% of global  
consumption of morphine" while "developing countries, which represent  
about 80% of the world's population, accounted for only about 6%" of  
its global consumption. Thus, for the INCB, the urgency is more "to  
raise awareness of the necessity to assess the actual medical needs  
for opiates" in the world than to increase the production of legal  
medical morphine in countries such as Afghanistan.

This is easily understandable when one knows that most governments in  
the world did not respond to the INCB questionnaire on their medical  
needs and that information about half of the needs of the world's  
population was insufficient.

However, simply raising levels of morphine production, whether by  
licensing opium production in Afghanistan or by increasing the yields  
of current producers, is unlikely to increase the medical consumption  
of morphine and codeine in the world.

The recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) that  
morphine and codeine be used as analgesics are too often impeded by  
obstacles that are not, or not only, supply-related: concerns about  
drug addiction and drug diversion, restrictive national laws,  
insufficient import or manufacture, but also deficiencies in national  
health-care delivery systems, insufficient training, etc.

Of course, the demand for modern analgesics is also related to the  
importance of conventional or allopathic medicine with regard to  
local traditions and beliefs. In China for example, according to WHO,  
traditional herbal preparations account for 30-50% of the total  
medicinal consumption, while in Africa up to 80% of the population  
uses traditional medicine for primary health care.

Thus, obviously, the world's medical consumption of opiates is far  
from being directly dependent on supply and demand, and price  
contingencies, as was actually hinted by the Senlis Council itself  
when it stressed that "in 2002, 77% of the world's morphine was  
consumed by seven rich countries: [the] US, the UK, Italy, Australia,  
France, Spain and Japan", but that, according to official figures,  
"even in these countries only 24% of moderate to severe pain-relief  
need was being met".

The fact that medical consumption of opiates is low even in rich  
morphine-producing countries clearly shows that the consumption of  
opiate-based painkillers is determined by factors more complex than  
only those of the market.

Indian licit vs Afghan illicit opium production
As far as Afghanistan and its opium farmers are concerned now, the  
licensing of the illicit opium supply is very unlikely to help  
develop them economically.

First, it is important to understand that while legal opium-poppy  
cultivation is undertaken for pharmaceutical use by 12 countries  
(Australia, China, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, India, Japan,  
Slovakia, Spain, Macedonia, Turkey and the United Kingdom), only one  
of them, India, produces opium, the latex that bleeds, coagulates and  
is harvested from incised opium-poppy capsules. The 11 other actually  
grow opium poppies to harvest poppy straw and produce concentrate of  
poppy straw (CPS) in the context of a modern mechanized agriculture  
that resorts for the most part to combine harvesters on large tracts  
of cultivated land.

Conversely, because opium harvesting is a long and arduous manual  
process, it requires a numerous and, more than anything, cheap local  
workforce if the opium and morphine production process is to be  
economically viable. For that reason, and also because of  
international agreements derived from the role the opium economy  
played in its colonial past, opium is only legally produced in India.

Of course, since 12 countries already produce raw opium materials to  
make morphine, codeine and thebaine, and have significantly increased  
the concentration of alkaloids in opium-poppy plants, the INCB,  
pursuant to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, wishes to  
"to avoid the proliferation of supply sites" to prevent diversion of  
opium-poppy plants and seeds licitly produced to the illicit market.

Diversion from the licit to the illicit market occurs much more  
easily with opium than concentrate of poppy straw, as the Indian  
example shows us.

In India, legal opium producing occurs in selected tracts in Madhya  
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The Indian central government  
sets an opium minimum qualifying yield (MQY) according to the yields  
reported by farmers the previous years. During the 2004-05 crop year  
(8,770 licensed hectares), MQY of 58 kilograms per hectare in Madhya  
Pradesh and Rajasthan and of 49kg in Uttar Pradesh had to be achieved  
by opium farmers to be eligible for the renewal of their license in  

Cultivators are issued a license for growing poppies and the entire  
opium produced by all farmers is purchased by and only by the Central  
Bureau of Narcotics at a price fixed by the central government. The  
price paid to the farmers depends on the yields achieved, with  
farmers producing more opium getting paid a higher price per  
kilogram: in 2004-05, the minimum price paid per kilogram was Rs750  
(US$17) for yields up to 44kg per hectare. The maximum price paid was  
Rs2,200 for yields above 100kg/ha. The average national yield was  
56kg/ha and was paid at a price Rs1,150 per kilogram.

However, it is important to bear in mind that, to try to prevent  
diversion to the illicit market, in 2004-05 the maximum licensed area  
to be cultivated in opium poppies was 0.10 hectare. Therefore, the  
maximum income that Indian farmers can derive from legal opium  
production is limited by fixed prices and by limitation of areas  
cultivated by each of them.

With such low prices paid to Indian opium farmers, diversion to the  
illegal market, where opium can fetch prices as much as four to five  
times the minimum government price, clearly takes place; although  
there is no reliable estimate of such diversion.

The 2005 International Control Strategy Report of the US Department  
of State stresses that "in 2004, the government of India discovered  
and shut down six morphine base laboratories in India's opium-growing  
areas; four in Uttar Pradesh and two in Madhya Pradesh".

The fact that the central government raises the MQY and the official  
price paid to farmers is clearly not enough to keep some of them from  
diverting part of their harvest to the illegal market. It is worth  
noting that the CBN recently tightened its control on opium farming  
and against diversion, drastically lowering the number of hectares  
licensed (from 21,141 in 2003-04 to 8,771 in 2004-05) and the number  
of farmers licensed (from 105,697 in 2003-04 to 87,682 in 2004-05).

Shortcomings of opium licensing in Afghanistan
The proposal to license opium production in Afghanistan thus raises  
an important question: Would the prices paid to opium farmers be high  
enough to provide them with a sufficient income and to enable the  
development of the Afghan rural economy while, in the meantime,  
preventing opium diversion from the licit to the illicit market?

In Afghanistan, opium prices have varied greatly during the past  
decade, ranging from $23 to $350 per kilogram of fresh opium at  
harvest time. In 2005, the average farm-gate price of fresh opium at  
harvest time was $102 per kilogram (average yield: 39 kg/ha) and  
309,000 families, or about 2 million persons (8.7% of the population)  
were involved in opium-poppy cultivation, itinerant workers not  

Such prices, which are far from enriching Afghan opium farmers but  
simply allow them to cope with poverty, only need to be compared to  
those of India to realize that licit opium production in Afghanistan  
could not compete with illicit opium production, that most opium  
farmers would still have to give up opium production while the others  
would see their revenues plummet, and that, considering the limited  
writ and power of the Afghan authorities, diversion from the licit to  
the illicit market would be unavoidable and would reach much higher  
proportions than in India.

More important, licensing opium production in Afghanistan would not  
be better than eradication or alternative development at addressing  
the causes of the recourse to illegal opium production and would thus  
fail to fulfill the international community's objective: the  
suppression of illegal opium production. If crop substitution proved  
to be a failure in the past decades, why would the substitution of an  
illegal opium production for a legal opium production work better by  
reducing farmers' income and not addressing the structural factors  
causing illegal opium production?

It is crucial to understand that, contrary to what has often been  
denounced here and there, opium production is more a consequence of  
Afghanistan's lawlessness, instability and poverty than its cause.  
Opium production clearly proceeds from poverty and food insecurity,  
from Afghanistan to Myanmar and Laos, where it is a coping mechanism  
and livelihood strategy.

Opium production is a vital element in the livelihood strategies of  
part of the Afghan rural population, providing peasants not only with  
a source of income, but also with access to land and credit. More  
than opium production as such, it is therefore poverty and the  
shortcomings of the Afghan agrarian system that should be tackled.

It is alternative livelihoods that must be promoted, in a way that  
counter-narcotics objectives are mainstreamed into national  
development strategies and programs, if the causes of opium-poppy  
cultivation are to be addressed and illicit opium production  
eventually curtailed.

Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy is a geographer and Centre National de la  
Recherche Scientifique research fellow, and produces

(Copyright 2006 Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy.)

Afghan drug problem solved, praise the laudanum
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