Science & Health
Itching for Answers to a Mystery Condition
Fed up with doctors calling them delusional, a group suffering from nightmarish symptoms has pressured the CDC to look into their disease
Posted Friday, Jul. 28, 2006
Dr. Gregory Smith wants people to know it's not all in his head. According to the Gainesville, Ga., pediatrician, white fibers have been burrowing into his skin for the past two years, making him feel like he's under constant bombardment from insects or cactus needles. Shine a black light on these fibers and they'll fluoresce blue, he says, just like something you'd see in The Twilight Zone. He describes looking into the mirror one night, only to see one burrow down into his eye.

"Yes ma'am, I was a little bit distraught," recalls Smith, 58, who says he can no longer work because his mysterious ailment has also robbed him of his memory and neurological function. "I tried to grab a hold of it with tweezers and it would not come out. It was quite painful, so I threw up my hands and went to the Emergency Room with my wife."

For Smith, and some 4,000 people across the nation who claim to suffer from similar symptoms, it's the reaching out that has been problematic. The disease, called Morgellons after a reference in a 1674 medical paper, isn't officially recognized by the medical community. Some have suggested that it is a hoax, even a viral marketing campaign for a sci-fi movie. But sufferers say it's real and that there have been a growing number of cases across the nation of people with these painful fibers, skin lesions, crippling fatigue and memory loss. No one knows what causes Morgellons and no one knows how to cure it.

But Smith and his fellow sufferers are itching for answers. That's why they've pressured the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to assemble a team of scientists who will determine whether this disease is in fact for real. The 13-member team is expected to share their findings within the next two months. "We're not ready to concede there's a new disease," says CDC spokesman Dan Rutz. "But the volume of concern has stepped up because a lot of people are writing or calling their congressmen about it because they're frustrated that there's been no organized way to deal with their suffering."

But even with CDC involvement, Morgellons sufferers like Smith are still frustrated that they haven't been asked for their input. Smith, for his part, says he has offered to ship his own properly prepared Morgellons specimens to the CDC for review, but claims the agency "blew it off." And the South Carolina-based Morgellons Research Foundation volunteered to share research that an Oklahoma State University professor has done on the disease — some of it suggesting it could be contagious — but they say they were rebuffed as well. The CDC has said that it would conduct its own research first, then vet the findings with outside scientists.

In the meantime, Smith says he's just trying to keep up with the simple things in life. Unable to practice medicine for the past year because of neurological and cognitive problems he believes are a result of the disease, he says he is overwhelmed by mundane tasks like housework or hobbies like working in the yard. "From day to day, I can't predict how I'll feel," he says. "It's understandable why many people are skeptical about this illness. The symptoms are so unusual that they just don't make any sense. I even question my own sanity from time to time. But if this is all psychiatric, please give me something to make it go away.",8599,1220349,00.html


Science has been toying with things best left alone...

The Problem being called Morgellons Disease

   Infection with whatever it is that causes this disorder, can only be described as horrible. It has ruined lives, relationships, families and has forced grown adults to end their own lives rather than live with it.  Children are being infected now at an alarming rate, as are the elderly.  This is an oversight that should alarm and enrage you.  If adults are killing themselves because of this, think about the children that are suffering. 

Today, the band plays on, and just like HIV was dismissed in the late 70's and early 80's, the relatively small number of people infected by morgellons are dismissed as delusional and not taken seriously. This is a crime in light of all the proof of this illnesses existence.

  Life with this disease is bad, real bad, and the only way to get the medical industry to start looking at this problem, is for the general public to begin discussing this without having to become infected themselves.  

The Not So Great News

A person affiliated with a university and hospital staff laboratory in Europe contacted me last October after they had viewed my old website,  Here is what they said.  For all communications with them follow this linkcheck back if interested as there is more to add.

 "You are infected by a stray (non disclosed) target of a proteome research center."  "The fact that so little official reaction exists is because the facts will have a tremendous effect on the economy; in particular to existing  policy in relation to bio technology."

"Fact is that people who know what this element does represent will not let the public know, because international upheaval will be the result, as well politically, economically as what concerns the opinion of the general public."

"Understand that many nations work on non disclosed targets in C3 environment and that a "convenient" diplomatic protocol exist how to handle this type situation.  Its all about statistical significance and not about a relatively small number symptomatic people and the fact that people disappear in statistic by way of unrelated cause of death(...)"

"On August 24, 2004 I send more disturbing video footage to CDC, the ECDC and Interpol in France. The ECDC let me immediately know that I have identified a major potential threat."

When I asked how I could help and in fact why they needed anyone's help, this was their answer.

"However, What I seek is an American who would like to do two things.
1/ Make a comprehensive video tape available on the internet. (I will provide You with a DVD)
2/ Go to court and ask an American Judge for an inquiry about how it is possible that CDC does nothing to inform the public about the presence of this pathogen under the U.S. c.q global population. (I will provide you a copy of the ECDC letter)

As You will understand things are very political."                            His video can be viewed here


I will be discussing this during an hour long interview on the radio program   "In Short Order" with Sue Vogan.  Aug 17  at 9:00 pm eastern time.   To Listen to the broadcast go to  Aug 17  at 9:00 pm eastern time


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