I've seen your posts here before Michael.
A quick search brings up these posts by you:


So, to say you have never been allowed to post here is not true.
Also, if your post doesn't get through for any reason, there is no 
yahoo function that sends it back as "moderated out".

Do you always send posts to this group with the email address that 
you are subscribed with?

Do you check the group online to see if your posts are there?
Maybe your email service is putting your posts into the spam folder.

just a coupla suggestions, since I've heard you say a bunch of times 
here and elsewhere that you never are allowed to post at cia-drugs.

Seems not to be true.



--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "Michael Donovan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I have belonged to this forum for some time now.  I am never able to 
post.  It always comes back moderated out.  Don't think I was 
ever 'off subject'.
Will try again.
The illicit drugs as control to the point of Colby saying (before he 
was murdered google "Kay Griggs" is based on it being a checking 
mechanism for non use of nuke agreements brokered by my father's 
boss, Henry Luce.
That background information I have put, true story, in the form of a 
play, A Spy In Time.  Go to www.midcoast.com/~michael1 
Scroll down to A Spy In Time.
Michael Donovan
Camden, ME

----- Original Message ----- 
From: RoadsEnd 
To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs 
Cc: RoadsEnd 
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 7:27 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Anatomy of a troll operation - The 
Skeleton Key

Begin forwarded message:

From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 3, 2006 4:07:13 PM PDT
Subject: Anatomy of a troll operation - The Skeleton Key

Anatomy of a troll operation.

The Skeleton Key

In observing spooks for some time. I find that they generally follow 
a script and tend to run operations in similar ways, which leave 
distinctive footsteps. 

In my three or so earlier "tussles" with McBride, we have always 
found "Sean McBride, "the Webfairy and "Dick Eastman" involved. I 
have caught Easttman before in an trolling operation. The yahoo 
archives are starting to go dark, which helps to embolden these 
trolls because without the public archives shining a light on their 
previous actions, the perpetrators … lie, imagine that. 

These same folks were involved in an abortive take-over of CIA-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in May -July 2003, using dissension, two 
forged emails, the death of Brian Quig and a bunch of yahooers. As 
part of this series we will also examine that attack and the other 

Here is a list of suspected main players (trolls, dogs and useful 
idiots) in this current troll operation, this information comes from 
the membership activity file and other databases of [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let us remember what "Sean" posted on CIA-drugs, on June 29, 2003 in 
his response about another "troll op."

"There is something very important you must understand: the bad guys 
have been trying to control dissident Internet political forums for 
years now.  They go about this in several ways.
"One way is to start and control a new dissident forum, pretending 
to be dissidents themselves.  They use their control of the forum to 
collect sensitive information on dissidents, and to control the 
direction of discussion on the forum.  Naturally they try to steer 
discussion away from the areas they most want to hide.
"Another method they use is to try to take over existing forums.  If 
they can't manage to take over the forum, they will often flood the 
forum with junk in an attempt to destroy the forum.
"These guys usually operate in teams of 3 or 4, to give each other 
backup, and to have the means to gang up on the strongest real 

As of now you will notice they are in the "destroy" mode.

Slandering me, etc. posting screeds, swearing, shouting, etc.

And this current action by zionistexposer is part and parcel. Notice 
the meme included in the posters handle applying the controlled 
dialectic. I am not nor have ever been a Zionist , a Zionist 
supporter or sympathizer. And believe the whole dialectic does a 

Look at the flow of folks. "they create dissension and discord, 
attacking old time posters by name and creating the controlled 
dialectic. Both sides. The action even included "fights' 
distancing "Sean" and Eastman and Webfairy, so as not to appear to 
be in cahoots.  The heavy action can't happen until the hostilities 
begin with it's share of cognitive dissonance and war rhetoric. 
Webfairy even leaves the forum, does she become yahooer. Who knows?

Here they they are the trolls, the dogs and useful idiots.

Some commentary at the end of the list. 

Apr 23, 2005 10:38 am  smcbride2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Joined group 
via web

Mar 2, 2006 2:51 am  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Joined group via email

Apr 1, 2006 4:48 pm  jammin_the_truth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Joined group via web

May 8, 2006 7:22 am zionistexposer6f <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Joined group via web

May 17, 2006 5:17 pm   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Joined group via email 
{Dick Eastman}

Jun 11, 2006 2:27 pm  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Joined group via 

Jun 15, 2006 8:51 am  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Joined group via 

Jun 16, 2004 5:28 am  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Joined group via email

Jun 19, 2006 5:49 am  jewish_from_brooklyn 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Joined group via web

Jun 20, 2006 5:46 am  jammin_the_truth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Removed by moderator by ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web
Jun 20, 2006 5:46 am  jammin_the_truth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Banned by ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web

Jun 20, 2006 5:46 am  oldickeastman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Removed 
by moderator by ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web {Dick Eastman}
Jun 20, 2006 5:46 am  oldickeastman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Banned by 
ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web {Dick Eastman}

Jul 3, 2006 4:10 pm  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Joined group via email

Jul 8, 2006 5:43 pm  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Joined group via email {Dick 

Israeli-Lebanon conflict begins

Jul 14, 2006 11:15 am  l_l_hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Joined group 
via web

Jul 15, 2006 7:49 pm  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Member changed email 
address by [EMAIL PROTECTED] via web
Jul 16, 2006 8:21 pm  the_webfairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Left 
group via email
Jul 17, 2006 10:53 am  dholland412 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Joined 
group via web
Jul 17, 2006 2:34 pm  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Removed by moderator by 
ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web {Dick Eastman}
Jul 17, 2006 2:34 pm  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Banned by ramillegan 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web {Dick Eastman}
Jul 18, 2006 2:57 am  hotalice3313 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Joined 
group via web
Jul 18, 2006 8:04 am  hotalice3313 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Removed 
by moderator by ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web
Jul 18, 2006 8:04 am  hotalice3313 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Banned 
by ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web

Jul 20, 2006 3:42 pm  aeund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Joined group via web
Jul 20, 2006 5:19 pm  hitech2_47460 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Joined group via web

Jul 21, 2006 10:27 pm  thewness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jul 30, 2006 3:13 pm  jewish_from_brooklyn 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Removed by moderator by ramillegan 
Jul 30, 2006 3:13 pm  jewish_from_brooklyn 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Banned by ramillegan 

Jul 30, 2006 6:02 pm  aeund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Removed by moderator 
by ramillegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> via web
Jul 30, 2006 6:02 pm  aeund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Banned by ramillegan 

and here are some trolls, attacks and posts of "Sean. "

First off, you have "Sean" joining the board about a year before the 
main action. 

Apr 23, 2005 10:38 am  smcbride2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Joined group 
via web

By this time he has already known many of the players, so "Sean" 
lurks this time, only for about a month before he starts off with an 
attack.  He attacks conscientious empathetic thew, who is obviously 
an easy target for engagement. This "constant attack led to, thew a 
major participant for almost five years to finally have to leave. 

Here is "sincere" "Sean's" first post to ctrl

Jun 15, 2005 2:07 pm
Israeli Ops on the Internet in Defense of the Official Story on 9/11 
Is there any good reason to believe that thew isn't one of hundreds 
of Israeli ops and propaganda artists on the net? Has everyone by 
now noticed that there is a strong correlation between emotional 
apologetics for the official story on 9/11 and emotional ...  Sean 

So, "Sean" has entered the stage, I am busy getting ready for trial 
and busy in productionland and if Sean is here, something must be 
up. Whi is he here? So, I let him talk, he is cautious a bit a first 
but soon becomes a fairly regular and heavy poster. He is now up to 
1319 posts or more than three a day since he first started posting 
on 6/15/2005. 

Here is a sampling of the attack troll post that create the 
dissension that is desired. Notice the attack is right out of the 
gate and directed. Also he keeps his meme forefront. We dealing with 
meme warfare.

Jul 12, 2005 
5:36 pm
Re: [ctrl] Bombers 'almost certainly' British 
More tawdry apologetics from Israeli op thew. Giuliani is a militant 
Zionist and key member of the Israel-centric neoconservative 
political network. Giuliani gives the impression that he is much 
more devoted to Israel than to Christianity. Data mine his ... Sean 

Israeli Ops on the Internet (Spinning the London bombings) 
Why are you trying to downplay or rule out the possibility of a 
false flag operation in this case ? False flag operations are one of 
the first angles to carefully consider in any terrorist incident. If 
you are unfamiliar with the subject, start by ... Sean McBride

Israeli Ops on the Internet 
Don't forget for a second that thew is one of hundreds of Israeli 
ops on the Internet whose sole purpose is to disrupt and obstruct 
honest investigations into 9/11 and related topics that apparently 
make emotional Israeli supporters like thew very ... Sean McBride

How to Spot an Ethnic Cultist 
-they can't stop complaining about affronts and injuries to their 
ethnic group -they can't stop talking about their ethnic enemies -
they can't stop talking about their ethnic issues and problems -they 
see ethnic enemies everywhere -they make ethnic ... Sean McBride

Israeli Ops and Ethnic Cultists on the Net 
Check out thew's infantile and disruptive debating tactics, and 
you'll get an excellent insight into how agents and propagandists 
for Israel operate on the net. They have one standard trick: turn 
any criticism of Israel, no matter how legitimate and well ... Sep 
9, 2005 
5:38 pm

The Lust for Apocalyptic Destruction (the "Politics" of the 
Neoconservative/Christian Zionist Alliance) 
There is a certain of class of individuals whose politics are driven 
not by any pragmatic or sane political objective, but by a lust and 
mania for apocalyptic destruction. The prospect of apocalyptic 
destruction, especially of willfully *triggering ...

Thew and the Ethnocentrism Index 
The Ethnocentrism Index: the percentage of one's posts which are 
preoccupied with offering apologetics for one's questionable ethnic 
policies. The Foreign Nationalism Index: the percentage of one's 
posts which are preoccupied with offering apologetics for ...

How to Spot an Ethnic Obsessive 
Ethnic obsessives are bogged down in endless ugly squabbles about 
their ethnic issues with ethnic outsiders. Ethnic obsessives are 
much more upset by criticism of their ethnic homeland than they are 
by criticism of the nations in which they are nominal ...

Thew Pegs the Ethnocentrism Meter 
Thew is the only person posting in this forum who is focused on 
promoting his narrow ethnic interests and the interests of a foreign 
government. He fits the profile of a potential American traitor. 
Everyone else here is focused on promoting the American ...

On the Enemies of Free Speech and the Totalitarian Personality Type 
What kind of person is obsessed with controlling the free speech of 
others? Generally, the enemies of free speech appear to fall into 
four main categories: 1. militant ethnocentrists 2. militant 
nationalists 3. militant religionists 4. militant secular ...

The 9/11 Report: The Worst Cover-up In History 
[Thew is trying to make excuses for the official story on 9/11, to 
minimize the outrageous absurdity of it, because he is afraid that 
some of the trails in the 9/11 conspiracy will lead back to Israel. 
A large percentage of the people who are working ...

Re: [ctrl] The Demolition of WTC 7 
My only response to this is: Jesus fucking Christ. You've got to be 
shitting me. Why are you on this list? thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote: Sorry. In this case the only source I have is my memory of 
the day. I will look further into it. On 9/17/05 12:33 PM, "Sean ...

Re: [ctrl] The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie 
Thew is an Israeli op. He has no skills or discipline for doing 
research of any kind, not to mention conspiracy research. He is 
driven entirely by his ethnic hormones. His only purpose in this 
list is to kick up dust on behalf of Israel and his ethnic ...

Israeli Ops on the Net 
Thew, Until you can get on a topic of interest, with useful facts 
and analysis, and stop whining about the fact that your favorite 
country in the whole wide world has been criticized, this discussion 
is over. So far you've been a waste of time. The one ...

Re: [ctrl] Arianna Huffington on Thomas Friedman 
One Israeli op (Thew) comes to the defense of an another Israeli op 
(Thomas Friedman). It's all about obsessive ethnocentrism. I used to 
have a great deal of respect for both Thomas Friedman and 
Christopher Hitchens. The Iraq War has destroyed the ...

Israeli Ops on the Net 
Thew, Understand this well: I don't bother responding to most of 
your posts because they are infantile, illogical, dishonest and a 
waste of time. Your only intention in this group is to disrupt it 
with nonsense, not to make substantive contributions to ...

Re: [ctrl] Israeli Ops on the Net 
Would you like to address this point with Norman Finkelstein? Have 
you written a paper on the subject? I've read a few dozens books on 
the history of Zionism carefully, and correlated all the details 
with everthing else I know about world history. The ...

Re: [ctrl] What Does This Have to Do With Conspiracy Research? 
You didn't answer the question: why do inappropriately post canned 
and stale mainstream crap in a list that is dedicated to fresh and 
original conspiracy research? Are you autistic in some way? Don't 
you get what the list is about? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ...

Re: [ctrl] Israeli Ops on the Net (Re: Cheryl Halpern) 
"Israeli op" is a term I use with great precision, and I have 
defined it here before. An Israeli op is any person, organization, 
group or activity which is substantially controlled by calculations 
of the Israeli interest or by strong emotional feelings ...

Israeli Ops on the Net 
This kind of post is very typical of an Israeli op, by the way. 
Israeli ops are designed to obfuscate, divert, and obstruct -- never 
to engage in substantive discussion. Israeli ops are scared to death 
of free, open and well-informed discussion and debate ...

Oct 1, 2005 
1:27 pm
Re: [ctrl] Were the DC protesters victims of bio-terrorism? 
Make no mistake: this guy is an Israeli op. In a previous message, 
he described this forum as a collection of "anti-semitic rantings." 
His only purpose in being here is to disrupt this forum with canned 
and stale spam, and to disrupt every other forum he ...

Israeli Ops on the Net 
How many groups have you been banned from so far? Why do you 
continue to try to disrupt groups with boring canned spam which has 
no relevance to the main focus of those groups? Why do you 
especially choose to disrupt groups whose opinions on Israel 
upset ...

Israeli Ops on the Net 
Check out KeyzerSzoze's use of the first person "we" in conversation 
with Thew. KS should ponder the fate of Irv Rubin. The belief that 
Jerusalem, not Washington, will be the capital of a global 
theocratic regime is a core concept in the writings of many ...

On Jerusalem as the Capital of the World 
The world domination meme in Judeo-Christian fascism. Many Jewish 
and Christian fundamentalists and Zionists believe that their 
respective messiahs will rule the world from Jerusalem: 
http://www.middleeastinprophecy.org/ The Middle East in Prophecy 
The ...

On the Criminal Operations of the Israel Lobby in the Bush 
[Note: this criminal network would also have to be considered the 
prime suspect in any 9/11 inside job scenario.] [Some keywords: 
AIPAC, Douglas Feith, Israeli espionage, John Hannah, Judith Miller, 
Keith Weissman, Lewis Libby, OSP, Paul Wolfowitz, Steve ...

Oct 3, 2005 
10:32 am

Spamming CTRL 
This post of yours has nothing to do with conspiracy theory or 
conspiracy research. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: on Health Care Don 
Boudreaux Michael Tanner explains that, for all of its many faults, 
health-care in the United States is superior to health-care ...

An Exceptionally Pathetic Israeli Op 
This guy is not just an Israeli op, but an exceptionally pathetic 
Israeli op. What's pathetic? The perpetual whine, the weepy hurt 
feelings, the weird being in denial about his emotional agenda, and 
the obnoxious presumption that he has a right to tell ...

Re: [ctrl] On Doing Serious Political Research (And the Problem of 
Ethnic Cultism) 
Let me be frank: you fall so far below the intellectual level of the 
people I normally invest time in that it is laughable. I have no 
idea how you found your way into this group. You don't understand 
the culture. You have contributed nothing of value. All ...

Re: [ctrl] Thew's Disloyalty to the United States 
I am neither Zionist nor Israel firster, as I have stated many 
times. You're a liar, and an exceptionally ridiculous one. Your only 
purpose in this group is to whine about criticism of Israel, and to 
try to disrupt open and rational discussion about ...

Re: [ctrl] Thew's Disloyalty to the United States 
Hi, Thew has pretty done nothing else other than whine about 
criticism of Israel in this list, without providing anything in the 
way of carefully researched and well-informed rebuttal. I wouldn't 
deny him his right to do this, but I can't help but express ...

9/11, WTC 7 and the Preponderance of Circumstantial Evidence 
Thew, I don't bother getting into detailed technical analyses of 
subjects in which I lack technical knowledge: for instance, the 
technology of the construction of skyscrapers and the collapse of 
skyscrapers. Not only do I not have a doctorate in this ...

Re: [ctrl] 9/11, WTC 7 and the Preponderance of Circumstantial 
You look and sound like an Israeli op because you can't stop whining 
about criticism of Israel. Your behavior is especially strange in a 
culture which as a rule doesn't hestitate to make hamburgers of 
sacred cows, especially ethnic, religious and ...

On Ethnocentrism, Irrationality and Violence 
On Ethnocentrism, Irrationality and Violence Ethnocentrism closely 
correlates with verbal and physical violence, and with low mental 
functioning. Ethnocentrism is a phenomenon of the primitive reptile 
brain. The greater the ethnocentrism, the weaker the ...

Re: [ctrl] Re: Israeli Ops on the Net 
I don't waste time getting into discussions with people who are 
unable to sort out and prioritize the main strategic issues in 
controversies, who lack intellectual honesty, and who bring nothing 
original or interesting to the table. Thew's only interest ...

Re: [ctrl] Re: Israeli Ops on the Net 
Thew, I am used to interacting with people with high levels of 
literacy and who don't repeatedly make the errors in basic 
inferencing which litter and disfigure your posts. I just don't have 
time to teach you how to read texts, and to respond to all your ...

Re: [ctrl] Déjà vu, Hidden Documents and the Physics of 911 
You're arguing against a straw man -- you're not even close to 
correctly identifying my views on this particular issue, and you're 
wasting my time. Yes, your first sentence is totally wrong. Consult 
the archives for what I really think -- I am not going ...

Christian Zionism: Terror in Jesus' Name 
Christian Zionism is a call for global war. The belief that 
Christianity is the sole truth, that all other faiths are 'Satanic' 
or 'false', that the Jews must all gather in Palestine to fulfill so-
called Biblical prophecies, and that a grand global war ...

Re: On Anti-Semitism and the Critique of Neoconservatism 
Jews comprise an ethnic group, as well as a religion. In fact, Jews 
these days may be more an ethnic group, an ethnic culture, than a 
religion. Most of the founders of Zionism were secularists and 
atheists. You are not demanding that the Irish, or the ..

Would-Be Net Censors, Militant Pro-Israelists and the 9/11 Cover-Up 
Dan, You've acquired a few credibility problems on the net with 
regard to the discussion about 9/11: 1. You have deceptively made 
hate posts on the net, viciously attacking Jews and blacks, under 
the pseudonym "Benny Waters" and possibly other names, and ...

Jan 25, 2006 
6:25 pm

Notice to Webfairy and the No-Planers 
You're very close to losing any access to this forum. In fact, I am 
increasingly convinced that you are a classical COINTELPRO op. It's 
either that, or the no-planes cult has attracted the worst and most 
self-destructive psychotics in the conspiracy ...

Feb 4, 2006 
10:34 pm

Re: Thew: Every News Outlet Reported that WTC7 Was Pulled 
A shifty, intellectually dishonest response, and blatantly so. You 
deny that you said "every news outlet" even when confronted with the 
link which points to your direct quote in which you said "every news 
outlet." And the truth is, of course, that NO news ...

Thew on the Pulling of WTC7 (Link) 
Let's nail this down right and proper: 
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl/message/65371> "It didn't 
collapse, but it was damaged by tons of debris, Rather than risk it 
they pulled it. Not secretly. It was ...

Feb 4, 2006 
10:42 pm
Thew: Every News Outlet Reported that WTC7 Was Pulled 
Thew: Every News Outlet Reported that WTC7 Was Pulled This is a 
direct quote from Thew, in September 2005, about WTC7: "It didn't 
collapse, but it was damaged by tons of debris, Rather than risk it 
they pulled it. Not secretly. It was reported as pulled ...

Re: [ctrl] Moslem States Represent a Potential Threat to World Peace 
What is your religious upbringing and ethnic background? The 
question has already been asked once, and apparently you missed it. 
You seem to be violently excited about ethnic and religious matters. 
What is your agenda, exactly? Most of the ringleaders of ...

Mar 21, 2006 
9:59 am

Re: [ctrl] Churchill, Jews, Communism, Trotsky, Lenin, etc. 
Trying to understand the subject of Jewish messianic movements 
requires the utmost nuance and depth of knowledge. I don't think 
I've figured it out yet. There is a great deal of inaccurate, self-
serving and misleading propaganda on all sides of this ...

Thew, the Israel Lobby and the 9/11 Cover-Up 
You've got to understand that Thew has absolutely no interest in 
investigating 9/11 in an honest way. In fact, he is a part of 
efforts by the Israel lobby to obstruct all investigations into 
9/11. Thew is terrified that the truth about 9/11 could be bad ...

Re: [ctrl] Re: The Old Testament God as Mass Murderer 
This is the kind of disgusting anti-Semitism which makes it easy to 
understand why many Jews believe that they require radical solutions 
to deal with their enemies. Any attempts by anti-Semites to destroy 
Israel will lead to terrible consequences for the ...

The Israel Lobby Is the Prime Mover Behind the $2 Trillion Disaster 
in Iraq 
Thew, You have an unfortunate tendency to babble like a brook. Try 
to focus for once on the main points, and back up your vague claims 
with solid empirical data. We are still in the midst of a 
deteriorating disaster in Iraq which was engineered primarily ...

Apr 19, 2006 
11:37 pm

Re: [ctrl] Israel Dick Cheney Iran War (Eric Margolis) 
Why am I wasting any time with you? Again, no cites, no URLs, no 
documents, no facts -- just your usual uninformed opinions. You 
don't have the temperament of a researcher, investigator or scholar, 
and why you choose to visit this group at all is a ...

Razl Dazl's Political Agenda 
Razl seems to lose all the posts in which he is asked about his 
political agenda. 1. Ethnic and religious background? 2. Why has 
razl shown not the slightest interest in Australian political 
issues? 3. Has razl ever visited the United States? So far he ...

Apr 23, 2006 
10:30 am

Re: [ctrl] Razl Dazl's Political Agenda 
When zealots like razl dazl are spewing obscene hatred at an endless 
list of ethnic, religious and national enemies, I think they owe us 
the courtesy of letting us know where they are comng from. What is 
razl dazl's ideological background and agenda? Most ...

Re: [ctrl] Razl Dazl's Political Agenda 
The issue is not his ethnic and group affiliation by birth and 
upbringing -- the issue is his self-chosen political ideology. Razl 
dazl seems to have organized his entire mental and political life 
around the fanatical hatred of his ethnic enemies. His ...

Apr 23, 2006 
4:34 pm

Have the Neocons Already Destroyed the United States? 
Have the Neocons Already Destroyed the United States? It's possible 
that Bush and the neocons have not merely damaged the United States 
severely, but destroyed it irrevocably. During the last few years, 
through a great deal of violent rhetoric and violent ...

Re: [ctrl] The Israel Lobby 
The vast majority of your posts are obsessively focused on attacking 
your ethnic enemies and defending your ethnic interests, usually 
with the utmost ineptness and incompetence. You and razl dazl are 
the only ones in this group who are bogged down in the ...

Jewish Attacks on Christian and Muslims 
Razl Dazl has attacked several billion Christians and Muslims in 
this group with some of the most vicious, vile and obscene language 
I have ever seen in any forum. Because Razl is such an emotional 
defender of Israel, Zionism, Judaism and Jews, most of ...

Re: [ctrl] Ian McKellen: Bible Should Have 'Fiction' Label 
Your post, as usual, doesn't address the content of my post. Razl, 
your ethnic brother in arms in the war against the evil enemies of 
Israel, has pretended to be a secular universalist who despises 
religion, Christians, Muslims and the Bible. But he is a ...

Re: [ctrl] Israeli-Motivated Attacks on Americans 
You continue to babble like a brook -- there is not a single 
concrete fact in your paragraph. In fact, I can't recall seeing any 
concrete facts and particulars in your posts to me. You annoy us 
with vague and trite opinions that are completely valueless ...

Jun 9, 2006 
3:41 pm

Re: [ctrl] Bilderbergers meet secretly today in Ottawa 
See, this is why you are way over your head in the field of 
conspiracy research and deep politics. The Bilderberg Group goes to 
great lengths to try to keep the existence of these meetings out of 
the mainstream media, and they are certainly determined to ...

Jun 10, 2006 
12:17 pm

Re: [ctrl] Re: thew: Bilderbergers meet secretly today in Ottawa 
You know, I didn't even bother to reply to this post from thew 
because he has finally convinced me that his only intention here, 
like Razl Dazl, is to try to disrupt this group with trivia and 
nonsense on behalf of a well-known lobby which is famous for ...

un 10, 2006 
6:19 am

Razl Dazl's Israeli-Motivated Hate Campaign Against Christianity and 
Razl Dazl has mounted the most vicious and obscene -- literally 
obscene -- attacks on Christianity and Islam that have ever appeared 
on the Internet, all in the name of Israel, Zionism and Judaism. (He 
is struggling to control his coprolalia, but it keeps ...

Jun 14, 2006 
10:04 pm

Understanding Judaism - A Further Note 
RD: Regarding Dick Eastman: even though I think he has fallen into 
the mental trap of anti-Semitism, which is a grave intellectual 
error and moral violation, I do think he is basically a sincere 
truth-seeker, and good-hearted when all is said and done ...

Some Thoughts on Anti-Semitism 
Dick, I don't want to pick on you or gang up on you, but my honest 
impression is that you hold anti-Semitic beliefs and often post 
hardcore anti-Semitic materials. You need to notice two things: 1. 
Nearly all ethnic and religious groups I can think of ...

On Infantilism in Conspiracy Theorizing 
On Infantilism in Conspiracy Theorizing Many conspiracy theorists 
are childlike, infantile really, with poor intellectual discipline 
and an innate attraction to anything that looks really sensational, 
colorful or exciting. Sort of like parrots becoming ...

Jun 19, 2006 
6:19 pm
Re: [ctrl] Fw: Israeli Ops in Internet Forums 
You are a moron in every dimension. How big a birdbrain do you have 
to be not to be able to figure out how to delete your own messages 
from Yahoo groups? How big a dunce do you have to be not to be able 
to figure out that it is not smart to post my ...
Sean McBride

Jun 19, 2006 
6:05 pm
Re: [ctrl] Fw: Israeli Ops in Internet Forums 
You just broke another cardinal rule of net etiquette by posting a 
private message in a public forum without permission. I've really 
had it with you. This is the entire message, which you selectively 
edited: <quote> Eastman, You're a fucking idiot. If I ...

Re: [ctrl] Fw: Israeli Ops in Internet Forums 
Eastman, I would greatly appreciate it if you would stop forwarding 
any of my posts to any forums. If you continue to do so, I will be 
forced to make it very clear, in a repetitive kind of way, that I 
strongly object to the rank anti-Semitism and outright ...

The Politics of Apocalypse: The History and Influence of Christian 
Zionism: Books: Dan Cohn-Sherbok 
<http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1851684530/> In this illuminating 
book, professor and rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok traces the transition of 
Christian Zionism from Puritan times to the present, examining the 
ever increasing role of Armageddon in its belief ...

On Mossad's Use of Anti-Semites 
On Mossad's Use of Anti-Semites From the standpoint of Mossad, 
Likud, Greater Israelists and the like, anti-Semites -- real anti-
Semites -- are an enormously valuable tool, a resource to be kept 
alive and kicking, fully exploited. The trick is to attach ...

Re: [ctrl] Gerard Holmgren Appears to Be Israeli COINTELPRO Op 
And wherein lies the irony? I have always been a strong critic of 
the no-planers -- I was simply willing to them a chance to develop 
their theory, to see where it went. I don't care much about what 
methods were used to bring down the towers -- what 

Re: [apfn-1] Re: [ctrl] Gerard Holmgren Appears To Be an Israeli 
One hears in your posts a naked shriek of envy and a cry for help. 
Would it salve your pain if someone invited you to join the CFR? 
Would that help? Perhaps an honorary doctorate for the work you 
haven't done? The Webfairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: There is 
no ...

COINTELPRO Ops in the 9/11 Research Community 
It is my honest impression that if Rosalee Grable isn't a COINTELPRO-
style op herself, she has fallen under the control of such an op. 
She should start asking herself why Gerard Holmgren has consistently 
tried to turn any disagreements with Israel or the ...

COINTELPRO-Style Ops in the 9/11 Research Community 
COINTELPRO-Style Ops in the 9/11 Research Community How to spot 
them: 1. They expend much more time and energy in attacking the most 
effective communicators in the 9/11 research community than in going 
after the members of the Bush administration who were ...

Re: [GMLH] Re: The "No Plane" Theory [catapult] 
I've probably known Webfairy longer than you have, and I have 
protected her ability to express her views when others were ganging 
up on her and trying to destroy her. I've always been in favor in 
pursuing all information, evidence, leads and theories ...

Jun 29, 2006 
6:21 pm

Re: [ctrl] The Most Catastrophic False Messianic Movement in Jewish 
Thew, Your posts never fail to disappoint, for their lack of 
intellectual force and originality. Nowhere in my post did I condemn 
Israel's actions or describe them as evil. You need to analzye the 
mental glitch in your head which projected those thoughts ...

Jun 30, 2006 
9:41 am

Re: [ctrl] Re: [political-research] Re: The Geralee Holmfairy Blob 
You come across to me as a delusional psychotic and a fanatic. 
Mentally disturbed fanatics are unable to tolerate any 
interpretation of the world which contradicts their pet theory. They 
are completely destructive human beings, and not worth getting 
into ...

The Holmfairy Looks Like COINTELPRO 
The Holmfairy Looks Like COINTELPRO I notice that Gerard Holmgren 
and the Webfairy launched new vicious attacks on David Ray Griffin 
today -- it seems that the more effective the 9/11 truth movement 
becomes, thanks to the courageous work of respectable ...

Re: [apfn-1] The Holmfairy Looks Like COINTELPRO 
More COINTELPRO from the Holmfairy: I have never made the claims 
below -- these are false statements. The Webfairy has been reduced 
now to simply lying. I do not have a personal relationship with 
Brzezinski, nor have I written any papers for the CFR. I ...

More Holmfairy COINTELPRO 
More COINTELPRO crapola from the Holmfairy. Holmgren's posts fall so 
far below any meaningful standard for intelligent discourse that 
their only intent can be to annoy, harass, factionalize and divide 
the authentic community of 9/11 researchers and truth ...

Peak Oil Has Arrived / Crisis Imminent 
_arrived.htm> "Peak oil is the point at which production starts to 
decline and once it becomes clear that this is not just a temporary 
problem of supply and demand ~ it's going to lead to ...

Re: Foreigner Holmgren vs Rogisnsky, Debate 
Anyone who gets drawn into any kind of "discussion" at all with 
Gerard Holmgren and his associates is being crudely manipulated by 
COINTELPRO. Don't be played for a fool by an agent provocateur from 
Rupert Murdochland. The cause for truth in 9/11 is being ...

The Holmfairy COINTELPRO Op 
More COINTELPRO gobbledegook from the Holmfairy -- I urge everyone 
to ignore this op, not to engage with it and not to debate it. Shun 
it. COINTELPRO ops are designed to destroy movements from within and 
to distract and bog down the best minds in those ...

Re: [ctrl] The Holmfairy COINTELPRO Op 
Your posts, Eastman, come straight from the Nazi/Adolf Hitler 
playbook. You've never shown the slightest respect for any Jew or 
for any aspect of Jewish culture. You've failed to take notice that 
70% of American Jews have opposed the Iraq War. You've ...

Jul 14, 2006 
3:17 pm
Re: [ctrl] Rice urges Israel to exercise restraint 
It's quite possible that Israel will attempt to assassinate Rice or 
destroy her with an engineered scandal. Assassination is the usual 
means that Israel employs to deal with political problems. There are 
extremists in the Israeli government who view ...

Jul 14, 2006 
3:17 pm
Re: [ctrl] Razl Dazl: Zionism is a Racist and Genocidal Enterprise 
It comes as no surprise that you and Razl Dazl are brothers in arms, 
and that your liberal facade is about as phony as $3 dollar bill. 
You are first and foremost a militant Zionist, not an American 
liberal. Because America has genocidal roots does not ...

Re: Fw: [ctrl] The Holmfairy COINTELPRO Op 
Actually, Eastman, I tagged you as an anti-Semite from the first few 
posts by you I read. You used the word "Jews" in a way that made it 
clear that you would like to herd all of them back to the gas 
chambers. You displayed no respect or concern for any ...

Re: [ctrl] Armageddon: The Ultimate Israeli Op 
As usual, you express total ignorance about every subject you dare 
to discuss. I've read at least a dozen of the best scholarly works 
about the image and concept of the Messiah in the Old Testament. I 
suggest you read at least *ONE* work on the subject ...

Re: [ctrl] Armageddon: Armageddon in the Hebrew Scriptures? 
I feel like I am in a "debate" with a small child. Holland -- have 
you managed to earn an advanced degree from any reputable 
university? You write and "think" like a high school student, not a 
serious scholar, and like a high school student who is driven ...

Jul 17, 2006 
2:30 pm

Re: [ctrl] Armageddon: Armageddon in the Hebrew Scriptures? 
Doug Holland, I have probably forgotten much more about the 
scholarly discussion of Judaism, and monotheism in general in all 
its forms, than you have ever read. I have read enough of your posts 
to know for a certainty that your reading and scholarly ...

Re: [ctrl] On Leo Strauss 
Good -- we know now that libertarianhope and razl dazl are one and 
the same person, and that this person posts demented and obscene 
tirades under numerous handles. Perhaps this is why he falsely 
assumes that everyone he converses with on the Internet is a ...

Re: [ctrl] Israel's Manipulation of American Christian 
Are these quotes accurate? Apparently both you and thew believe that 
they are, since neither of you have questioned them: "We must expel 
Arabs and take their places." -- David Ben Gurion, 1937, Ben Gurion 
and the Palestine Arabs, Oxford University Press ...

Jul 21, 2006 
6:27 pm

Re: [ctrl] Re: The Main Problem with Leo Strauss 
I can't recall a single post by thew which rose above the level of a 
neoliberal platitude from the New York Times op-ed page, or which 
contributed an atom to the advance of conspiracy research. The great 
majority of his posts consist of complaints about ..

Jul 21, 2006 
7:27 pm

On Jewishness 
In terms of his idealism and dogged pursuit of truth, I would have 
to say that jewish_from_brooklyn is the most Jewish person I have 
seen in this group -- certainly much more Jewish than thew. These 
are the kinds of attitudes which produced the great Old ...

Jul 22, 2006 
6:55 pm

Re: [political-research] Atrocities in Gaza, Lebanon Motivated By 
Talmudic Mentality 
I've been tracking the debate on this volatile topic for years, and 
I can assure you that the virulent racism in certain streams of the 
Jewish and Zionist traditions is very real and very dangerous, and a 
present threat. After witnessing Israel's brutal ...

The Israel Lobby and Christian Armageddonists 
Doug, As usual, you are failing to engage in real debate and 
discussion, because I am challenging your beliefs and assumptions 
with real world information that you can't handle. The most powerful 
component of the Jewish and Israel lobby in the United 

ul 24, 2006 
11:21 am

Re: [ctrl] A Challenge to Doug Holland on 9/11 
Another compelling voice from the Israel lobby, to add to that of 
razl dazl, antilibertarianhope and Doug Holland. No facts, no 
insights, no nothing. Just sheer obnoxious stupidity. Israel 
Frankenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Cuz you have given 
no ...

On Obsessive Ethnocentrism 
Doug, You are in a state of non-stop excitement and agitation about 
your ethnic enemies and problems. Most Americans dropped the ethnic 
schtick a long time ago and are quite simply Americans -- you know, 
they *assimilated*. It's the American thing to do ...

--to be to continued--

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