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Counter-intelligence and the Power of Remote Influence

The PHOENIX Program:

Spooky Psychic-Spy War or

Dis-informed Spooks?

by Gary S. Bekkum

Part One: Resurrection


More than ten years ago, the U.S. Government revealed official interest in
the use of mind-over-matter during the height of the cold war. STAR GATE was
the culmination of a series of various programs involving psychic spies and
mental influencing, run under the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA, and
armed services including the Army. USAF, the Navy, and their intelligence

Buried deep within the eighty-thousand plus pages of released STAR GATE
documentation was a reference to a "Phoenix Program." The reference came
near the end-time of STAR GATE, suggesting that somewhere in the remaining
fifty-thousand plus pages of unreleased material were secrets still
considered vital to the national security.

If STAR GATE was a failed attempt, a twenty-year plus search for
non-existent pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo, then what of the unreleased
material? What hidden secrets remain of a program said to have been one of
the biggest embarrassments in the history of the intelligence world? Why
were so many other nations conducting their own psychic mind research behind
closed doors? What about the letter to the Pentagon's leader of Net
Assessment, Andy Marshall, and memo's about briefing Marshall on psychotronics and STAR GATE?

What we know to be true:

Several letters in the STAR GATE files, and a couple of documents discuss a
program called PHOENIX, with reference to "psychotronics," a cold-war term
for doing mind-to-mind battle with the enemy by means of weird science and
paranormal phenomenology.

In a letter dated September 22, 1994, from Jay Sloan, former officer at the
Defense Intelligence Agency we learn that, "Lin Wells has asked us to set up
a meeting with himself and Andy Marshall for the purpose of briefing Andy on
Stargate ...
Focus of the briefing is substantive rundown to include the
Phenix [PHOENIX] program. To get Andy familiar with the activity, the need
to monitor, and an item of interest/concern from a DOD [Department of
Defense] perspective. Why? Among other things, because Andy might have some
money he would be willing to allocate to
keep the contract DIA has had
-- the contract that allowed for those unique contacts and sourcing


Why is this so important? STAR GATE was shut down shortly after this letter
was written, in 1995, but this letter mentions the importance of monitoring
psychotronics foreign research efforts in paraphysics and phenomenology. Sloan also mentions that, "This should be done ASAP, because Lin is orchestrating interest in this subject in OSD prior to the Yeltsin visit."


In a letter sent to Sloan a few hours later, an undisclosed party "came down
a couple of weeks ago and briefed Marshall on 'psychotronic weapons' -
foreign program etc. (talked a bit about PHOENIX). This was in response to
his query about what the weapons were. The session went very well ...
however the briefing did not formally talk about SG [STAR GATE] or any
related programs/efforts

Is this confirmation that "other related programs/efforts" existed outside
of the STAR GATE program? It certainly suggests compartmentalization of
psycho-paraphysical efforts at the Pentagon. Writer and humorist Jon Ronson
has written about other alleged efforts, some which are said to continue
today as part of the war on terror. Starstream Research has learned of at
least one former intelligence officer looking for financing to engage in
advanced mind-brain research experiments.  What of the official 'black' work
taking place behind the closed door of national security?

As for the so-called PHOENIX program, clues remain sparse, but are sprinkled within STAR GATE documents.

One clue can be found in a monthly activity report from December, 1993.
Mundane aspects of personnel vacancies and program administration are
followed by heavily redacted operational details.

An undisclosed (redacted) party "volunteered his services to conduct open
source research in the area of non-lethal technology as it applies to our
mission area." We only note here that the leading expert in the field
of non-lethal weapons is also a member of the so-called AVIARY group of
military insiders interested in phenomenology like UFO's and psychic powers:
Colonel John B. Alexander.

 The document continues, " [redacted name] also offered his services in
assisting us in preparing briefings if so asked. [redacted name] performs
open source data searches for SAIC [STAR GATE's private sector contracted
research partner, "Science Applications International Corporation" ] in
support of our contract."

Mention is made of Johns Hopkins Applied Physics laboratory research on the
biological effects of electromagnetic fields, and equivalent Russian programs.

Following the next heavily redacted section of the document is a paragraph
dated December 7, 1993, discussing so-called remote influencing:

"[redacted] attended a meeting with corporate management representatives of
Delfin Systems, Arlington, VA. Also in attendance was [redacted] ...
conducted a briefing in which he covered the history of Russian activity in
the area of remote influence and provided a current assessment of the
'Phoenix' devices."

The remainder of the document is heavily redacted, but there is another item
of interest:

"[redacted] reviewed and filed classified and open source literature on
Activity related R&D efforts in Russia, FSU, Europe, China, [redacted] and
Central and South America. [redacted] has drafted a paper on QIGONG
practices/applications in the PRC."

Apparently the United States was in deep parapsychological competition for the hearts and souls of the world population.

In a document simply titled "KEYWORD LIST," terms are provided without explanation. Among the keywords listed, which included "parapsychology," "psychoenergetics," "telepathy," and other buzz terms for paraphysics, is "Phoenix" ("Feniks") Device."

The curious aspect of all of this comes from a confidential memo dated February
3rd, 1994, prior to the letters discussing the briefing for Andy Marshall. The document is titled "Psychotronic Weapon Dupes KGB and Soviet Military." The originator of the document is the "Foreign Science and Technology Center."

And there, listed under cover name, is "PHOENIX PROGRAM."

What follows is a text abstract that says:

"In a 21 April 1993 Literaturnaya Gazeta interview, Vevgeniye Aleksandrov of
the Vavilona Optical Institute revealed that experiments conducted in the
former Soviet Union (FSU) on mind altering weapons were largely a hoax
intended to milk millions of rubles from the KGB and the military.
Aleksandrov, in commenting on the validity of psychotronic weapon research,
stated: 'The whole thing was a grandiose snow job, a monstrous squandering
of the national wealth, this work, fortunately for humanity, did not have
any real content; it was an imitation of work, science like shamanism. The
military and KGB were simply taken for a ride.' Since the 1970's, as much as 500 million rubles may have been sunk into research programs aimed at producing weapons that would transmit signals to modify the behavior of soldiers ... proponents of these programs claimed that these psychotronic weapons could even kill enemy troops."

If this revelation was indeed true, one might ask why STAR GATE files include another copy of the September 22, 1994, letter from DIA's Jay Sloan, hand signed and dated October 24th, 1994, with a list of items, the first three having been
check marked:



More- http://www.starstreamresearch.com/phoenix.htm






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