Monday, October 23, 2006

9/11 and Echelon: Key Players Unearthed

Eric Stewart

In 1999, I would embark on a campaign (Jam Echelon Day) to publicize the existence of global system of surveillance (ECHELON) implemented by the National Security Agency that "listened" for signs of dissent and threat to the United States and its corporate infrastructure. As the story went, emails and phone calls were monitored for such clues though it was said to be easier to do so with email because of its digital format (at the time a lot more of communications technologies were still analog) and because it took a lot more memory to recognize and interpret speech, as far as computers were concerned. I will never forget how, as I sat posting the alert (I had enlisted the aid of the Hacktivism mailing list and a handful of influential cyber personas all of whom did more than their part) to dozens upon dozens of newsgroups how, when I got to a newsgroup that purported to interest itself in the goings on of the NSA, the most recent post there was entitled Echelon and the body of the test read only, "Listening..."

At the time, being a bit green in the world of activism and dissent and, therefore, surveillance and psychological operations, I had no idea what would be coming my way in the next few years. Let me be clear. Echelon was a "conspiracy theory" when I tackled it and within four months it was the top story on Sixty Minutes. Yeah, that will get you on a list.

I had targeted the premier surveillance outfit of planet Earth and as a result, my being found would be easy for this cabal. Later, I would come to realize that the internet itself had been developed by the Department of Defense, giving meaning to me, finally, for the words of John Trudell who had once claimed that the internet was a tool whose goal was the mining of intelligence. If you are unaware of what I speak, suffice to say that Mitre Corporation, a company I have researched at length in recent years in relationship to its involvement with Warren Buffet and the events of September 11, 2001, was right there at the internet's inception, when it was ARPANET. ARPA stood for Advanced Research Projects Agency which would later become the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

Now we see where Buffet gets his oracular powers.

I also did not know at the time that I would later find a lead regarding 9/11 that pointed to Booz, Allen, and Hamilton which works closely with Yahoo (information on this is extremely hard to find but here is one item) in maintaining tolerable levels of truth at its forums as well as conducting online psychological operations at only the best of the investigators among us. These psyops are usually aimed at discrediting such independent journalists and there are a million ways to do this.

Folks, what I have just discovered is practically tectonic in its implications. Apparently there are a variety of corporations that have a history of working with, and being virtually in bed with, the NSA system known as Echelon. These very corporations, by and large, are the same outfits that I have linked to the World Trade Center false flag op. It seems that, at the time and without having a clue, I was onto the September 11 gang itself.


What: A highly automated global system and surveillance network for processing data retrieved through interception of communication traffic from all over the world. In the days of the cold war, ECHELON's primary purpose was to keep an eye/ear on the U.S.S.R. In the wake of the fall of the U.S.S.R. ECHELON is officially said to being used to fight terrorism and crimes, but it seems to be evident that the main focus lies in political and economic espionage.

When: ECHELON had been rumored to be in development since 1947, the result of the UKUSA treaty signed by the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Who: It is coordinated by the NSA, with participation of the CIA, USAF, NSG, GCHQ, DSD, CSE, GCSB. It seems that NSA is the only "contractor" who has access to the whole of information, whereas the other participants only get a comparingly small portion of information.

Where: Headquarters of the ECHELON system are at Fort Meade in Maryland, which is the NSA Headquarter. The NSA operates many interception stations all over the world, with or without the knowledge of the host country.

How: Each station in the ECHELON network has computers that automatically search through millions of intercepted data for containing pre-programmed keywords or fax, telex and email addresses. Every word of every message is automatically searched. Computers that can search for keywords have existed since at least the 1970s, but the ECHELON system has been designed to interconnect all these computers and allow the stations to function as components of an integrated whole.

The scale of the collection system was described by the former Director of the NSA, Vice Admiral William Studeman, in 1992. At that time the NSA's collection system generated about 2 million intercepted messages per hour. Of these, all but about 13,000 an hour were discarded. Of these about 2,000 met forwarding criteria, of which some 20 are selected by analysts, who then write 2 reports for further distribution. Therefore, in 1992 Menwith Hill Sation was intercepting 17.5 billion messages a year. Of these some 17.5 million may have been studied for analysis.

How much: ECHELON justifies obviously multi-billion dollar expenses. But no detailed figures are available yet.

ECHELON Introduction

The end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin wall marked the end of a whole fictional genre: the spy novel. But as writers such as John Le Carre and Frederick Forsyth have since moved their field of interest to issues such as Islamic fundamentalism or ethnic separatist struggles against Western superpowers, the legacy of the spy network which was allegedly built for military operations only throughout the Cold War period, promises to outdo all fictional blue prints of espionage thrillers.

Over the past decades and especially throughout the 90s, a series of facts have surfaced, providing considerable evidence that a network of spy agencies, IT industries, governmental officials and research laboratories have developed a vast network which today serves mainly the purpose of industrial espionage. It's name is ECHELON, a highly automated global system and surveillance network for processing data retrieved through interception of communication traffic from all over the world. In the days of the cold war, ECHELON's primary purpose was to keep an eye/ear on the U.S.S.R. In the wake of the fall of the U.S.S.R. ECHELON is officially said to being used to fight terrorism and crimes, but it seems to be evident that the main focus lies in political and economic espionage.

A few people have played key roles in the uncovering of the mechanisms behind the closed doors of Western military operations. And still today, the evidence that has been brought into the sunlight has not forced any official body to give an official statement acknowledging or denying the existence of ECHELON.

ECHELON had been rumored to be in development since 1947, the result of the UKUSA treaty signed by the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Only in 1976 the British journalist Duncan Campbell published an article in London based magazine Time Out which was called 'The Eavesdroppers'. This article contained a detailed description of what the GCHQ was and did. Starting from this research, Campbell continued to publish many articles concerning illegal communication interception conducted by the secret services.

But these first suspicions and truths about the nature of the spy network raised little media attention across the world. It was only in 1996, when the New Zealand journalist Nicky Hager published his book 'Secret Power: New Zealand's Role In the International Spy Network' containing detailed notes of meetings and agreements of army officials and private industries, ECHELON began to raise interest and eyebrows of politicians mainly in Europe and the media, mostly in Europe and America.

However, the saga continues and until today, despite official reports, elaborate research and founded claims, the existence of ECHELON has maintained to be one of the secrets of Western superpowers. And on a European level, the subject matter seems to create a divide across most political parties and governments.

Even in 1998, the European Parliament keeps its head down. In the STOA report, Assessment of the Technologies of Political Control, Martin Bangemann sums up the fears and strategies of official bodies dealing with the subject in his closing statement: "I think that there is a difference between someone writing a book, or - if you allow me to say this - a member of parliament who voices a concern and a representative of an institution which can only act within a democratic system if he or she knows something for sure. That level of knowledge we do not have."

Campaigning for the disclosure of ECHELON has been coming a long way. Starting in the early 90s, mainly grassroots activists have been instrumental in raising the public awareness. The most prominent case today is still the American base in Menwith Hill, Yorkshire UK. The community around Menwith Hill, Yorkshire UK has played a central role in pushing for official enquiries concerning the activities of UK based American bases. As there seemed to be a very concrete threat, the "Provision of (...) hazardous storage buildings" pointing towards severe safety and heath dangers, the grassroots activists eventually managed to lobby for parliamentary enquiries within the UK. An official spokesman and driving force behind the development has been Glyn Ford, Labour Member of European Parliament for Greater Manchester. Eventually, the issue was taken up by the European Parliament, leading to the STOA report in 1995 and finalized in 1998. The report confirms the existence of the ECHELON system and calls for an investigation into the activities of the NSA in Europe.

The following report of World Information brings together various sources which on the whole indicate the extension and functioning of a network for industrial espionage under the cover of military and governmental operations which would seriously challenge any fictional writing of the cold war era.

ECHELON Timeline
ECHELON UKUSA Signals Intelligence Agreement Partners
ECHELON Other involved countries
ECHELON Interception Targets
ECHELON Main Stations
ECHELON Intelligence Budget
ECHELON Corporations involved in Intelligence Business

SOURCE: World-Information

Also see:

Echelon, PROMIS, and Artificial Intelligence

Whistle Blower Releases Secret Agenda of NAU meeting in Banff, Alberta, Canada Sept 12-14, 2006
posted by Eric Stewart @ 6:25 PM

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