OK, first "Mission Accomplished", or, "Bring Em On", which?

If you don't remember the mantra, just say "WMD", or, "War on Terror",
dixie cup.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: "Alamaine, IVe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: January 3, 2007 9:00:17 AM PST
> > Subject: [ctrl] Dynasty May Sleep in “Peace”
> >
> >
> > http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=29496&s2=03
> > Saddam "Dead", Mission "Accomplished"
> > The Bush Dynasty May Sleep in "Peace"
> > Ali Baghdadi, Albasrah.net
> >
> > January 1, 2007
> >
> > The first day of Eid Al-Adha, the Feast of Sacrifice, will be taking a
> > new meaning. It will be remembered as a "holy" day, a "happy"  
> > occasion,
> > the sacrifice, the fall and the rise to eternity of one of our  
> > greatest
> > heroes.
> >
> > Unlike the great majority of Arab and Muslim leaders, Saddam Hussein
> > defied U.S. attempts to rob his country´s resources and prevent  
> > Iraq from
> > acquiring modern industry, science and technology. He freed women.  
> > Iraqis
> > of all nationalities, religions and sects lived in harmony. Health and
> > education services on all levels were free. Electricity and clean  
> > water
> > were available without interruption, 24 hours a day. Corruption in the
> > public as well as the private sectors was virtually eliminated. Even
> > under the 13 year long economic sanctions, the basic requirements  
> > of life
> > were guaranteed to every Iraqi citizen. His biggest achievement on  
> > Arab
> > national level, he was the only Arab leader who successfully  
> > challenged
> > Israel´s military superiority, and shattered the claim of Israel´s
> > invincibility.
> >
> > The choice by "Bush the Little" to execute Saddam Hussein on the first
> > day of Eid Al-Adha, a time of peace, compassion and forgiveness,
> > demonstrates his contempt and hatred to Islam, and his insistence to
> > escalate his crusade and war of vengeance against Arabs and  
> > Muslims. One
> > thousand three hundred million Muslims worldwide are celebrating  
> > the Eid;
> > while four million Muslim pilgrims, are answering God´s call around  
> > Al-
> > Ka´ba, the holiest place in Islam. Muslim worshipers, rich and poor,
> > representing all races and all colors, are gathering in the city of
> > Mecca, shoulder to shoulder, in the most solemn demonstration of love,
> > brotherhood, equality, peace and universality.
> >
> > Muslims worldwide celebrate Eid al-Adha in memory of Prophet Abraham,
> > who, in obedience to God, sacrificed a sheep in place of his son  
> > Isaac,
> > who was born to Sarah, a white "free" woman. However, three years ago,
> > President Saddam Hussein sacrificed his two sons and his 16 year old
> > grandson, who alone fought a battalion of U.S. marines equipped  
> > with the
> > most sophisticated weapons for over four hours. To satisfy Sarah,  
> > Abraham
> > les away from home, deep into the desert, and left them to die,  
> > with no
> > food or water. Prior to the April 2003 U.S. invasion, Saddam rejected
> > Bush´s ultimatum to leave Iraq accompanied by his family and all  
> > the gold
> > that they could carry. He insisted to remain in Baghdad, to not  
> > abandon
> > his extended family of twenty five million, and to join his people  
> > in the
> > fight against foreign occupation.
> >
> > Saddam, the Bushs´ greatest enemy, was hanged. Their goal was  
> > realized.
> > The President of the United States of America, the most "powerful"  
> > man on
> > earth, as well as his entire dynasty, think they can now sleep in
> > "peace". It is "worth" it. Since the May 2003 photo pose Bush made in
> > front of the "Mission Accomplished" banner on an aircraft carrier  
> > in the
> > Gulf, over 3,000 American soldiers, mostly blacks, Latinos and poor
> > whites, have come home in boxes under the cover of darkness. An
> > additional 47,000 have been permanently disfigured. The cost of the  
> > war
> > paid for by the hard working people of the United States, is in the
> > trillions. Iraqi civilian death toll since Bush´s declaration of
> > "victory" has exceeded 700,000.
> >
> > Saddam chose to sacrifice his own life so we all may live in  
> > dignity and
> > with honor. He refused to bargain in exchange for his freedom. He  
> > refused
> > to bow down to the "empire" and to the "emperor", who possesses and
> > commands the most destructive war machinery known in human history.  
> > His
> > executioners urged him to beg for mercy to spare his life. But he
> > rejected their humiliating offer. He had lived as a great man, and  
> > walked
> > to the gallows, calm and composed, as a great man. He refused to  
> > wear the
> > execution hood. As always, he left this earthly world with his head up
> > high. Saddam Hussein´s body is now resting under Iraqi sands that he
> > greatly loved. His soul, however, and the resonation of his last  
> > words,
> > will, forever, continue to haunt his enemies.
> >
> > Saddam is now in the company of God. He has joined all martyrs who had
> > fought against injustice and oppression. He sits at the side of  
> > Omar al-
> > Mukhtar, the seventy year old Libyan fighter who was hanged by the
> > Italian invaders on September 16, 1931. His 1,000 day solitary
> > confinement has ended. The legitimate and elected president of Iraq  
> > is no
> > longer a prisoner in Bush´s hands. He is again a free man, alive,  
> > in the
> > hands of Allah.
> >
> > What a lucky man! He is rejoicing! His enemies are trembling. I am
> > celebrating. No tears! I was fortunate. I realized my dream. I met  
> > him in
> > Baghdad. He granted me the greatest honor I´ve received. I hugged  
> > him and
> > I kissed his cheeks. He was, and still is, my champ, the champion  
> > of the
> > oppressed and the down trodden, as well as those who work for a better
> > world in which freedom, peace and justice may someday prevail. My only
> > wish for the 2007 New Year is to be given the opportunity to  
> > embrace him
> > once more. Certainly, that will be my greatest reward.
> >
> > ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Chicago )
> >
> > :: Article nr. 29496 sent on 03-jan-2007 05:00 ECT
> > www.uruknet.info?p=29496
> >
> > :: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility  
> > of the
> > author and do not necessarily reflect those of Uruknet .
> >
> > Alamaine, IVe
> > Grand Forks, ND, US of A
> > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
> > "All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a
> > philosopher." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
> >
> > "What you have inherited from your forefathers you must first win for
> > yourself if you are to possess it." Goethe
> > ~~~~~~~
> > In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this
> > site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
> > interest in receiving the included information for research and
> > educational purposes.
> >
> >
> >

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