Bulk up the SPR, prop up the dollar?
January 25th, 2007 
Has it occurred to anyone else that there's there's an agenda other than 
"energy security" behind President Bush's proposal to double the size of the 
Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

After all, salting away that oil will add to world demand, and presumably add 
to the price, which sure won't do anything to help Bush's Nixonian poll 
numbers.  And as Bloomberg reports, the United States might not be alone in 
this endeavor:

  George W. Bush's decision to double the emergency oil stockpile in the U.S. 
may help to stem a six- month slide in prices as China, India and South Korea 
also add to demand by bolstering their defenses against shortages.

  Oil gained the most since September 2005 yesterday after the U.S. Energy 
Department said it will boost the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to 1.5 billion 
barrels over 20 years. China, where imports rose 15 percent last year, began to 
fill its reserve in October. India also plans to double its inventories.

  The U.S. plan "helps puts a floor in the market,'' said Antoine Halff, head 
of energy research at Fimat USA Inc. in New York. "It creates competition for 
the same barrels. It tightens the market on top of the strategic reserve builds 
elsewhere such as China.''

So why would Bush be pursuing this course of action knowing there's a good 
chance it will contribute to higher oil prices?  Lefty conspiracists will no 
doubt say it's to help Bush's oil cronies, but a more sophisticated answer may 
lie in Tuesday's edition of the Daily Pfennig.  Chris Gaffney writes:

  Ty Keough pointed out an article yesterday that appeared on 
with this headline, "OPEC Dumps $10.1 Billion of Treasuries as Oil Tumbles". It 
looks like OPEC nations are unloading Treasuries at the fastest pace in more 
than three years as crude oil prices tumble. Over the last several years, the 
big oil exporting nations have purchased massive amounts of U.S. debt with the 
petrodollars they have earned from record high oil prices. As oil prices have 
sold off, these countries have reduced their holdings of U.S. treasuries. 
According to the Bloomberg article, for every $10 drop in the price of a barrel 
of oil, OPEC members adjust Treasury holdings by about $34 billion.

  When you combine this reduction of available 'petrodollars' with Asia's focus 
on diversification, it does not bode well for the U.S. dollar. Last year, the 
Asian monetary authorities, together with the central banks and state 
investment agencies in oil-exporting countries, bought about $770 billion in 
foreign-currency assets. These official purchases financed most of the 
estimated $870 billion U.S. currency account deficit in 2006, according to 
research by the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. If the petrodollar surpluses 
dwindle, the job of sustaining U.S. consumption will fall squarely on the Asian 
central banks, which have already stated a desire to reduce exposure to the 
U.S. markets. This is not shaping up to be good news for the U.S. dollar!

Could it be that bulking up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is a conscious 
attempt at propping up the dollar?  Stranger things have happened.

Last 5 posts by dave
  a.. DR editors' email thread: Another Peak Oil smackdown! - January 23rd, 
  b.. China's satellite zapper - January 22nd, 2007 
  c.. Peculiar prediction - January 19th, 2007 
  d.. Canary in the coal mine? - January 18th, 2007 
  e.. Surely you jest - January 18th, 2007

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