Are Saudis waging an oil-price war on Iran?
Falling fuel costs probably not a coincidence, oil traders say
By Robert Windrem
Investigative producer
NBC News
Updated: 20 minutes ago
Oil traders and others believe that the Saudi decision to let the price of oil 
tumble has more to do with Iran than economics. 

Their belief has been reinforced in recent days as the Saudi oil minister has 
steadfastly refused calls for a special meeting of OPEC and announced that the 
nation is going to increase its production, which will send the price down even 

Saudi Oil Minister Ibrahim al-Naimi even said during a recent trip to India 
that oil prices are headed in the "right direction."

Not for the Iranians.

Moreover, the traders believe the Saudis are not doing this alone, that the 
other Sunni-dominated oil producing countries and the U.S. are working 
together, believing it will hurt majority-Shiite Iran economically and create a 
domestic crisis for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose popularity at 
home is on the wane. The traders also believe (with good reason) that the U.S. 
is trying to tighten the screws on Iran financially at the same time the Saudis 
are reducing the Islamic Republic's oil revenues.

For the Saudis, who fear Iran's religious, geopolitical and nuclear 
aspirations, the decision to lower the price of oil has a number of benefits, 
the biggest being to deprive Iran of hard currency. It also may create unrest 
in a country that is its rival on a number of levels and permits the Saudis to 
show the U.S. that military action may not be necessary.  

The Saudis firmly and publicly deny this, saying it's all about economics. Not 
everyone believes them.

"If under normal circumstances, the price of oil was falling this dramatically 
[17% in the last few months], Saudi Arabia would have already called for a 
special OPEC meeting," says one  oil trader. "It's got to be something else and 
that something else has to be Iran."

Costs higher in Iran
The trader notes that Iran, OPEC's second largest producer, is "in trouble" 
both in the short and long term. Iran's oil reserves, he notes, are declining 
more rapidly than Saudi Arabia's and are more difficult to extract. While a 
barrel of oil costs the Saudis $2-3 to get out of the ground and to market, 
that same barrel costs Iran as much as $15-18.  

"Iran does have some oil that costs them $8-10 but most of it is in that upper 
range," he said.  

Moreover, Iran has a large domestic market for oil, particularly fuel oil, 
which Saudi Arabia, with its smaller population and milder climate, does not. 

Perhaps more important, because Iran has limited refining capability, it must 
import more than 40 percent its gasoline, making it the second largest importer 
of gasoline in the world after the United States, according to the Department 
of Energy's Energy Information Agency.

And since Iran sells gasoline at a rate comparable to the rest of the Gulf 
states - around 33 cents a gallon - it must subsidize the price on a massive 
scale. In fact, say traders, Iran is paying about $1.50 per gallon to subsidize 
domestic gasoline consumption - the world market price of gasoline minus the 
tiny price per gallon - a practice that is costing Iran billions of dollars 
annually and eating up most of the state-run oil company's discretionary funds. 

Iran has other problems that make it vulnerable. Inflation is officially 
running at 17 percent, the highest since the revolution, and unemployment is at 
11 percent. U.S. intelligence, though, believes the real figures are much 
higher, with inflation as high as 50 percent and joblessness much higher among 
the country's restless youth). In addition, capital outflow is estimated at $50 
billion annually and budget deficits are a chronic problem, leading to overseas 

And none of this takes into account the possibility that the United Nations 
will impose harsher sanctions if Iran continues its work on nuclear weapons 

Political fallout
There are domestic political consequences to such a convergence, note traders 
and officials in both the U.S. and Iran. Ahmadinejad was elected on campaign 
promises that he would end corruption and better distribute the nation's oil 
wealth. He has been unable to do either; now, with declining oil revenues, his 
job will be even more difficult.

One sign of this is the street demonstrations he has faced each time his 
administration has so much as floated the suggestion of a small increase in the 
price of gasoline. To counter his inability to fulfill his domestic promises, 
Ahmadinejad has played the nationalism/nuclear card, accusing the West of 
trying to stifle Iran's legitimate energy needs.

How long and how successfully he can play these cards is debatable. Municipal 
elections last month unveiled a lot of dissatisfaction as opposition parties 
swept through municipal majlises throughout the country. His rival in the 2005 
presidential election, Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, has criticized him publicly 
for the first time, as have others close to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. 
Student demonstrations and local newspapers are becoming increasingly critical 
of the "dictator."

Meanhwhile, the Bush administration is only too happy to see Ahmadinejad's 
deteriorating domestic situation - and to let the Saudis further turn the 
screws. Moreover, administration officials are hinting they will be applying 
financial pressures to complement the Saudis. (As one official said recently, 
Iran cannot operate in the oil markets without using dollars.) 

The officials did not reveal how the pressures would work, but said they are 
underway. The U.S. blacklisted the state-owned Bank Sepah, Iran's fifth 
largest, in recent weeks and last month, Iranian Oil Minister Kazem 
Vaziri-Hamaneh acknowledged having difficulties in financing oil projects. 
Commerzbank of Germany also has announced that it will no longer handle 
dollar-currency transactions for Iranian banks at its New York branch.

One trader is convinced that the U.S. and Saudis sealed a secretive deal on 
Iran when Vice President Dick Cheney met with King Abdullah in what appeared to 
be a hastily arranged summit in Riyadh in late November 2006. There have been 
lower-profile meetings as well that could have dealt with the arrangement.

Equipment problems
Long term, traders say that the Iranian oil will become even more expensive, if 
not impossible, to extract because Iran does not have access to up-to-date 
exploration and drilling equipment.  Only two countries, the U.S. and Canada, 
manufacture the equipment needed for the job and they simply do not sell to 
Iran. Iranian attempts to get the Japanese to sell some of their equipment - 
not the same quality as the North American equipment but adequate - failed when 
the U.S. pressured the Japanese.

The biggest field discovered in the past 35 years, at Azadegan, near the Iraqi 
border, is considered "geologically complex," according to the U.S. Energy 
Information Administration, and thus will be costly to develop. The lower world 
oil prices, the more difficult it becomes to make the field profitable and to 
get foreign investors to do complicated joint ventures with the national oil 

Rafsanjani is known to believe that Iran should not continue to anger the U.S. 
and should align itself with the Americans in a fight against the Sunnis, an 
opportunity that is slipping away as Iran angers the U.S. in Iraq and on the 
nuclear front. And this week, reformist Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri joined 
in the criticism.  

For the U.S. and Saudis, this can only be seen as good news.

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