I guess we had better get out of Iraq in a hurry.

Mites have previously killed all the wild bees in forests. Now the bee
keepers are losing theirs to suppressed immune systems. In one case it
looks like Zyklon-B for mosquitos is not such a great thing to spray
on bees. Do you suppose Zykon-B Phosmet or malathion could be bad for
humans? Duh.




I was out in the yard today and noticed there are dead bees on the
sedums. One sedum plant had about 7 dead bees on it. It was like they
were frozen in place on the blooms. Is this a natural phenomenon or
something I have to worry about? Just a few days ago, the plants were
covered with buzzing bees. 

I know neither neighbor to either side of me sprays..they barely mow
their lawn. The neighbors across the street don't to my knowledge
either. One has a super lawn, but they have underground sprinklers, so
that is the reason for it and I never have seen a company truck there,
they take care of their own mowing and have never seen any of those
signs on anyone's lawn. Being organic I am alert to those things.

I did wonder if the town might have sprayed for mosquitos. I have a
call in to the town to find out. I went around the yard quickly
yesterday counting dead bees...25 dead, 25 that looked like they were
almost dead and only 8 bees acting normally. 

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