6 Reasons  it will take more then two years to fix the damage George W. Bush 
has done to America with the 109 republican congress,lead by William (no heart 
) Frist,

1--Iraq War--- George Bush  made it clear he will leave office with no change 
in strategy-- and our troops remain pinned down in a civil war..
2--Surging National Debt---It's increasedby nearly 50% under George Bush with 
no end in sight to the defecits..
3--Global Warming--G.W.B has ignored this problem from day one,Now we  as 
Democrats have to play catch-up!..
4---Energy Crisis-- We've lostsix years in th estruggle to find alternatives to 
oil and end our dependence on the Middle East..
5--Government Of The Rich,By The Rich,And For The Rich--G.O.P. And the 
republicans party rule has created a new ROBBER BARON  era of Econimic 
6---Crisis In Health and Education--48 million Americans have NO HEALTH 
INSURANCE,our public Schools,are still failing countless students,and millions 
more can't afford college..

The Democrats Must expand our Majority in Congress and the Senate,also more 
Governors in 2008, to reverse the Catastrophis damage george bush and his 
republican party has cause all Americans since 2001

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