This one comes from Torquil Dick-Erikson, the man who alerted us to 
Corpus Juris 

Alarm in letter to the Times at the destruction of our police. Here is 
what will replace it.... 

Many people have reacted with alarm to the letter in The Times from 
former Deputy Assistant Commissioner Lawrence T. Roach, complaining 
that the reorganisation of our police announced by the Home Secretary, 
to bring it under central government control, is a betrayal of what Sir 
Robert Peel's original police force was, "an organisation, directly 
accountable to the people it serves, while each individual constable 
remains independent under the law and personally answerable for his or 
her actions in the courts. " 

The reality is that our British traditions and institutions that 
safeguard our liberties are being systematically demolished, with the 
unstated aim to make way for new European institutions which are, to 
put it mildly, far less careful about the safeguarding of individual 


- the replacement of our lay magistrates with professional "district 
judges" who can be relied on by the authorities to hand down such 
absurd decisions as that by Bruce Morgan in the Metric Martyrs case (cf 
article 26.1 of the EU's Corpus Juris plan); 

- the continual attempts to restrict our rights of Trial by Jury (cf 
article 26.1 of the EU's Corpus Juris plan); 

- the attempt by the government to suspend Habeas Corpus with the 
introduction of the 90-day no-evidence detention Bill, which was 
defeated by backbenchers in the Commons, albeit on a compromise of 
28-day detention (cf article 20.3.g of the EU's Corpus Juris plan); 

- the abolition of the protection against double jeopardy, with 
continual attempts to grant the prosecution a right of appeal against 
verdicts of acquittal (cf article 27.2 of the EU's Corpus Juris plan); 

- and now, the reorganisation of the police along continental, 
Napoleonic lines. 

All of these moves will have the effect of downgrading the level of 
protection afforded by our laws to the individual, and putting us more 
at the mercy of arbitrary acts by the State, which is what the poor 
people of the continent have always had. The new single European 
system is obviously to be built on the continental Napoleonic model, 
and not on our, different, British model. 

This reorganisation of our police is in response to a blueprint drawn 
up in Brussels to impose a single system of policing throughout the EU, 
based on the continental paramilitary - indeed as they say themselves 
"military" - model of policing, where the police is not and must not be 
directly accountable to the people in the district where it serves, for 
its purpose is to impose the will of the central government on a 
potentially recalcitrant population. 

I believe that it is worth distributing these pictures, and the 
accompanying explanations, as widely as possible. I am therefore 
copying this message which I am sending to Derek Bennett to other 
interested parties too. 

Dear *****, 

Here is what I meant when I said that the pics on the Gendarmerie's own 
website can bring a "moment of realisation" of what the EU is really 
about to millions of British people, who up to now may have only really 
seen the mainly economic aspects of it: 

Traditionally, public demonstrations of dissent in Britain - even 
scandalous ones like the Muslims who demonstrated for the beheading of 
the Danish cartoonists - have been handled by the forces of law and 
order with tolerance, and aiming to avoid violence. I said 
"traditionally", because non-traditional, violent, methods of policing 
are beginning to be used on these occasions, e.g. when the police 
attacked the countryside alliance demonstration in Parliament Square. 

Once the EU has control over our Justice and Home Affairs, ie our 
policing, here are some pictures of what we can expect. They show 
scenes which are commonplace in continental Europe, where if the 
authorities wish to suppress a certain political viewpoint, they send 
their riot-squad police to put the boot in. 

Let there be absolutely no underestimation of the danger - the EU is 
most certainly demanding control over our Justice and Home Affairs. 
This was demanded openly and nakedly last year by Commissioner 
Frattini, and the government was with difficulty prevailed upon to say 
No after a media campaign highlighting the consequences that would have 
ensued if it had said Yes. 

It is now at the heart of the demand for all the nations of Europe to 
accept a European Constitution, whether the full-blown model or the 
slimmed-down version, it will undoubtedly contain majority voting on 
Justice and Home Affairs, for this covers the power to lock people up, 
and that is the essence of State power. 

The totally unfair and "Un-British" behaviour (certainly "not cricket") 
of the present Europhile authorities over the donations to UKIP by Alan 
Bown give us an inkling of the brutal attitude that a future European 
government will take to those who campaign to regain national 

There are no grounds at all for thinking that a lenient and tolerant 
attitude will be taken by the powers that be. 

In any case, the EU is preparing for that moment, of physical 
confrontation with dissent, and intending to suppress it with sheer, 
overpowering, paramilitary, brute force, in a way that British people 
who have always lived in Britain will find astounding. 

Have a look at the pictures on This sort of 
use of paramilitary police is quite common in continental European 
countries and people there are accustomed to it. Indeed these 
photographs, which are possibly a bit shocking for us Brits, are taken 
from the Eurogendarmerie's very own official website. They think this 
is all quite normal. 

Here is one picture (if your email client/ browser cannot display these 
pictures, you can go and see them on the website itself. This picture 
is on this page:
 >) : 

Please note - these are not soldiers, they are European riot-control 
policemen. They are actually Spanish Guardia Civil as you can see from 
the flashes on their left shoulders, and it is written on the flak 
jacket of the man standing on the left of the picture, but if you look 
at their right upper arms you will just glimpse the royal-blue armband 
of the European Gendarmerie Force - which has as its emblem a circle of 
little yellow stars, and in the middle a "sword and a flaming grenade, 
symbolising the common military root of European police" (this logo and 
the armband are fully explained on their website). This "military root" 
we need hardly say, far from being "common", is utterly alien to our 
own policing traditions. Note their heavy automatic rifles, carried 
here by the Guardia "Civil", ie by what they call a "civilian" police 

In continental Europe, our British idea of "policing by consent" is 
considered a bizarre and incomprehensible contradiction in terms. The 
police over there are normally considered to be a fairly blunt 
instrument whereby the State imposes its will on the citizenry. Period. 
It has always been that way. They are often hated and feared and they 
are seldom recruited locally. One bad result of this is that whenever 
they try to investigate a crime, they get very little help from the 
public, people are most unwilling to "step forward" (hence the 
phenomenon of "omertá" - which is a tremendous obstacle to any serious 
police detective work). So the extent to which crime goes unchecked is 
often higher on the continent than in the UK, although it is worsening 
in the UK too, as we are being brought into line with continental 

In this picture they are just practising, at their barracks in Vicenza, 
Italy, where the first nucleus of the European Gendarmerie is stationed 
while awaiting the green light to be deployed all over the EU, which 
they will doubtless get once the national veto on JHA is relinquished, 
or once the Constitution is installed. The man in the middle is a 
colleague who is playing at being a "subversive demonstrator" whom they have 
although he is still dressed in his regular Spanish 
police uniform, note the revolver on his right hip. The protester has 
been handcuffed and arrested, and is being led off to prison. 

Here is another picture (if you cannot see it here you can see it on 
the page on their website, which is:

Here we can see the Eurogendarmerie practising their street-fighting 
tactics in battle formation. They are drilling in a country area, but 
imagine them in an urban setting. You will notice two nationalities of 
policemen here, the ones on the right are Italian Carabinieri (it is 
written across their shields) who are military police in Italy under a 
centralised national command and, though indeed military, they are used 
as a police force, stationed in every borough and hamlet all over the 
country, tasked to keep public order on the civilian population. The 
ones on the left are from one of the other four countries that so far 
have decided to participate in the Eurogendarmerie Eu-wide force. They 
are still wearing their national uniforms, since a single "harmonised" 
EU gendarme uniform has not yet been issued, only the EU armbands (see above) 
which they all wear over their national uniforms. They are 
standing in locked-shield formation, just like ancient Roman 
legionaries, to protect themselves from assaults by demonstrators, or 
from rocks or other objects which might be thrown at them. The little 
patch of flames in front of them is presumably a Molotov cocktail which 
in their simulation some "subversive" (probably "anti-European"!) 
demonstrator has thrown at them. They are being trained to deal with 
this sort of thing in reality. From this formation they can fire 
tear-gas grenades at a crowd to disperse it (see they are wearing 
gas-masks so as not to breathe in the gas themselves), or indeed 
rubber, or more usually lead, bullets, and when ordered they will 
charge forward swinging their batons and anybody who is in their path 
is likely to get pretty seriously injured. 

I remember reading a few years ago that the present UK government did 
start a centralised militarised police force of sorts with the 
"Ministry of Defence police" - the so-called ModPlods. Until we do get 
a centrally commanded British paramilitary police force we won't be 
allowed to join the Eurogendarmerie. This is doubtless why the Home 
Secretary made the announcement which caused the letter of protest to 
the Times from former Deputy Assistant Commissioner Roach. 
The criteria for a national force to join are displayed on their website. 

The fact of having different nationalities drilling side by side is 
clearly part of the "harmonisation of police" plan, so as to create a 
unified European police force. I suspect the ultimate model for this 
"harmonised" and amalgamated multinational force could be the French 
Foreign Legion, in fact the commanding officer of the Eurogendarmerie 
is a Frenchman. You can see his photo, resplendent in his képi, on 
their website. 

The best way to stop these fellows from coming over to the UK and 
demonstrating their skills on a high street near you, is - as a very 
first step - to make sure that as many people in Britain see this site 
<> and these photographs. 
This will help people to realise that the EU is NOT just about our prosperity, 
it is about our basic freedoms, and what in an old-fashioned phrase used to be 
called our.... 
national security, ie the safety of each and every one of us. 

A number of people may have heard vaguely of Europol, 
which sounds like just a European section of Interpol, 
and so does not arouse too much public alarm. 
But at present 99.99% of the people of Britain are 
blissfully unaware of the existence of the European Gendarmerie Force. 
So all of you with contacts in the media - please send this message on 
to them, with the pictures and the explanations. 



Towards a Euro Police-State?

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