Emails link Johnny "House of Death" Sutton to DOJ firing scandal
By Bill Conroy, 
Posted on Mon Mar 26th, 2007 at 08:55:47 PM EST

The U.S. Attorney who spearheaded a cover-up of a U.S. government informant's 
role in the House of Death mass murder also appears to have played a leadership 
role in the recent U.S. Attorney firing scandal. 
That U.S. Attorney, Johnny Sutton, is the lead federal prosecutor for the 
Western District of Texas (based in San Antonio) and serves as chairman of the 
Attorney General's Advisory Committee of U.S. Attorneys (AGAC), which has major 
influence in developing Department of Justice (DOJ) policies. 

It is in the context of that latter role that Sutton's name shows up in some of 
the e-mails turned over to Congress to date by DOJ concerning the Bush 
administration's controversial move to fire eight U.S. Attorneys (USAs) - 
allegedly, according to some critics, in retaliation for their failure to 
pursue prosecutorial strategies deemed to be in the administration's political 

According to the emails, it is clear Sutton was in the loop on the firings. How 
big a role he played, if any, in initiating or orchestrating those terminations 
behind the scenes is not clear from the electronic missives. But given his 
favored status within the Bush administration, and his long-time ties to 
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and to President Bush, it seems that someone 
in Congress should be asking that question. 
After all, Sutton has already been exposed as an individual willing to use his 
political pull within the Bush administration to silence and retaliate against 
a DEA whistleblower who sought to expose the U.S. government's complicity in 
mass murder in Juárez, Mexico, and its role in nearly causing the death of a 
DEA agent and his family in that same city - another obviously embarrassing 
political scandal for the Bush White House. 

You can find the DOJ documents on the Web site of the U.S. House Committee on 
the Judiciary. 

Following is the string of emails where Sutton's name (bolded, along with email 
dates, for emphasis) surfaces, based on an initial examination of the DOJ 

  From: Sampson, Kyle
  Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 12:08 PM
  Cc: McNulty, Paul J
  Subject: RE: USA replacement plan 
  Who will determine whether this requires the President's attention? 

  ----- Original Message-----
  Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:39 PM
  To: Sampson, Kyle; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cc: McNulty, Paul J
  Subject: RE: USA replacement plan 

  Not sure whether this will be determined to require the boss's attention. If 
it does, he just left last night so would not be able to accomplish that for 
some time. We will see. Thanks. 

  ----- Original message -----
  Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 11:02 AM
  To: Kelley, William K.; Miers, Harriet
  Subject: USA replacement plan
  Importance: High 

  Harriet/Bill, please see the attached. Please note (1) the plan, by its 
terms, would commence this week; (2) I have consulted with the DAG [deputy 
attorney general], but not yet informed others who would need to be brought 
into the loop, including Acting Associate AG Bill Mercer, EOUSA [Executive 
Office for U.S. Attorneys] Director Mike Battle, and AGAC Chair Johnny Sutton 
(nor have I informed anyone in Karl's shop, another pre-execution necessity I 
would recommend); and (3) I am concerned that to execute this plan properly we 
must all be on the same page and be steeled to withstand any political upheaval 
that might result (see Step 3); if we start caving to complaining U.S. 
Attorneys or Senators then we shouldn't do it - it'll be more trouble than it 
is worth. 

  We'll stand by for a green light from you. Upon the green light, we'll (1) 
circulate the below plan to the list of folks in Step 3 (and ask that you 
circulate it to Karl's shop), (2) confirm that Kelley is making the 
Senator/Bush political lead calls, and (3) get Battle making the calls to the 
USAs. Let us know. 

  Kyle Sampson
  Chief of Staff
  U.S. Department of Justice
  950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W
  Washington, D.C. 20530
  (202) 514-2001 wk.
  (202) 305-5289 cell


  STEP 3
  Prepare to Withstand Political Upheaval: U.S. Attorneys desiring to save 
their jobs (aided by their allies in the political arena as well as the Justice 
Department community), likely will make efforts to preserve themselves in 
office. We should expect these efforts to be strenuous. 

  Direct and indirect appeals of the Administration's determination to seek 
these resignations likely will be directed at: various White House offices, 
including the Office of the Counsel to the President and the Office of 
Political Affairs; Attorney General Gonzales and DOJ Chief of Staff Sampson; 
Deputy Attorney General McNulty and ODAG staffers Moschella and Elston; Acting 
Associate AG Bill Mercer; EOUSA Director Mike Battle; and AGAC Chair Johnny 

  Recipients of such "appeals" respond identically: 

  What? U.S. Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President (there is no 
right, nor should there be any expectation, that U.S. Attorneys would be 
entitled to serve beyond their four-year term). 

  Who decided? The Administration made the determination to seek the 
resignations (not any specific person at the White House or the Department of 

  Why me? The Administration is grateful for your service, but wants to give 
someone else the chance to serve in your district. 

  I need more time! The decision is to have a new Acting or Interim U.S. 
Attorney in place by the end of the year (granting "extensions" will hinder the 
process of getting a new U.S. Attorney in place and giving that person the 
opportunity to serve for a full two years). 

  From: Kelley, William K. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 4:48 PM
  To: Sampson, Kyle
  Cc: Miers, Harriet
  Subject: US Atty Plan 

  We're a go for the US Atty plan. WH leg, political and communications have 
signed off and acknowledged that we have to be committed to following through 
once the pressure comes. 

  From: Sampson, Kyle
  Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 6:12 PM
  To: Kelley, William K.
  Cc: Miers, Harriet
  Subject: RE: US Atty Plan
  Importance: High 

  Great. We would like to execute this on Thursday, December 7 (all the U.S. 
Attorneys are in town for our Project Safe Childhood conference until 
Wednesday; we want to wait until they are back home and dispersed, to reduce 
chatter). So, on Thursday morning, we'll need the calls to be made as follows: 

  . AG calls Sen. Kyl 

  . Harriet/Bill call Sens. Ensign and Domenici (alternatively, the AG could 
make these calls and, if Senators express any concern, offer briefings re why 
the decision was made - let me know) 

  . White House OPA calls California, Michigan, and Washington "leads" 

  . EOUSA Director Mike Battle then will call the relevant U.S. Attorneys. 

  From: Sampson, Kyle
  Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 6:30 PM
  To: McNulty, Paul J; Battle, Michael (USAEO)
  Cc: Goodling, Monica; Moschella, William; Elston, Michael (ODAG)
  Subject: FW: US Atty Plan
  Importance: High
  Attachments: USA replacementplan.doc 

  Paul/Mike, we are a go for Thursday (see below). At this point we likely need 
to inform Johnny Sutton and Bill Mercer re the plan (so they are not caught 
unawares) - Paul, do you want to handle that, or would you like me to? On 
Thursday, I think we should shoot to get the Senator calls done in the morning, 
and then have Mike start calling USAs at noon - let me know if anyone thinks 
otherwise. Thx. 

  From: McNulty, Paul J
  Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 9:44 AM
  To: Sampson, Kyle
  Subject: RE: US Atty Plan 

  I'll talk to Johnny [Sutton]. I'm still a little skittish about [Daniel] 
Bogden [U.S. Attorney, District of Nevada]. He has been with DOJ since 1990 and 
at age 50, has never had a job outside of government. My guess is that he was 
hoping to ride this out well into '09 or beyond. I'll admit have not looked at 
his district's performance. Sorry to be raising this again now; it was just on 
my mind last night and this morning. 

  [Note: Bogden is one of the U.S. Attorneys who was fired.] 

  From: Sampson, Kyle
  Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:25 PM
  To: Battle, Michael (USAEO)
  Cc: McNulty, Paul J; Elston, Michael (ODAG); Moschella, William; Mercer, 
William W; Goodling, Monica; Sutton, Johnny K. (USATXW)
  Subject: USA replacements 

  Mike, Bill Kelley called to report that they are weathering two main 
complaints: in making the calls, Battle (1) wasn't clear whether the USAs in 
question would be permitted to resign, or instead were being fired and (2) was 
too abrupt. Bill seemed nonplussed by the complaints, but nevertheless passed 
them on to me. 

  Perhaps a second round of calls from you, Mike, to the relevant USAs is in 
order? Talkers would be something like: 

  I wanted to be sure you understood that DOJ intends not to say anything about 
your leaving, but instead allow you to announce your resignation and the 
reasons for it. 

  We want to work with you over the next six weeks to ensure a smooth 
transition; and it's in our interest for you to land on your feet and maintain 
our good relations with the Department - how can I help? 

  Perhaps this is a bad idea? Thoughts? 

  Kyle Sampson
  Chief of Staff
  U.S. Department of Justice
  950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
  Washington, D.C. 20530
  (202) 514-2001 wk.
  (202) 305-5289 cell

  From: McNulty, Paul J
  Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:42 PM
  To: Sampson, Kyle; Battle, Michael (USAEO)
  Cc: Elston, Michael (ODAG); Moschella, William; Mercer, William W; Goodling, 
Monica; Sutton, Johnny K. (USATXW)
  Subject: RE: USA replacements 

  I generally think this is a good idea. The more communication, the better. 
They are probably slowly adjusting and some hand-holding may calm things down. 

  From: McNulty, Paul J
  Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:03 PM
  To: Sampson, Kyle; Battle, Michael (USAEO)
  Cc: Elston, Michael (ODAG); Moschella, William; Mercer, William W; Goodling, 
Monica; Sutton, Johnny K. (USATXW)
  Subject: RE: USA replacements 

  Just had a lengthy chat with Margaret [Chiara, U.S. Attorney, Western 
District of Michigan] and she is fine, although she has an issue on which I 
need to get back to her. 

  [Note: Chiara is one of the U.S. Attorneys who was fired.] 

  From: Iglesias, David C. (USANM)
  Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 08:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
  To: USAEO-USAttorneys
  Subject: Farewell, Adios, Good bye, Auf Weidersehen 

  [Note: Iglesias is one of the U.S. Attorneys who was fired.] 

  Dear friends and colleagues: 

  As King Soloman wrote more than 2,500 years ago. "there is a time for 
everything." It's time to say goodbye from this wonderful job. Tomorrow will be 
my last day as U.S. Attorney. It's been the most responsible job I've ever had 
and the second most exciting job I've ever had (nothing beats being launched 
off and landing on a Navy aircraft carrier). The years have been an 
unprecedented mixture of experiences, memories and accomplishments. Beyond the 
record number of criminal cases my AUSAs brought, I'm proud of my hard-working 
office and its 95% conviction rate. I'm proud to have successfully prosecuted 
the biggest political corruption case in New Mexico history. I'm proud of 
having nationally recognized Weed and Seed and PSN programs. But, it's more 
than just metrics, it's about forming friendships with many of you. 

  I'll never forget going to Colombia and Mexico with Johnny Sutton, Paul 
Charlton and the late great Mike Shelby. I'll never forget visiting drug cartel 
lord Pablo Escobar's home in Medellin and realizing America saved Colombia from 
becoming the world's first "narcocracy." I'll never forget running in L.A.'s 
seedy MacArthur Park with Matt Whitaker in the early morning hours. I'll never 
forget speaking at Main Justice's Great Hall for Hispanic Heritage Month, or 
testifying before Congress, debating a member of Congress and Village Voice 
journalist on the Patriot Act, backseating an F-16, or getting an op-ed 
published on immigration reform in the Washington Times. I'll never forget 
former A.G. and Mrs. John Ashcroft giving us a walking tour of the Washington 
monuments at night. Heady stuff for a guy originally from Panama whose family 
is just one generation removed from substistence living in the jungle. 

  As one of just several US Attorneys born outside the United States, I know 
the America dream lives. I'd like to thank President Bush for nominating me to 
be the United States Attorney almost 6 years ago. I am grateful to have been 
allowed the honor of making a difference in my community. We need US Attorneys 
who "maintain justice and do what is right" (Isaiah 56:1) and are willing to 
pay the price for doing so. 

  After taking off the month of March to decompress and performing Navy duty 
overseas in April, I will begin my new job. I haven't decided which of my 
options to pursue, but in the interim you can reach me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
505.220.6150. I wish you all success in the next 22 months in keeping America 
safe against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 


It's interesting that Iglesias visited Pablo Escobar's house in Colombia while 
traveling with Sutton. You have to wonder if Sutton's Colombia/Mexico tour with 
Iglesias (whom Sutton later helped to fire) also included a drive-by of the 
House of Death in Juárez, or of the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá, which another DOJ 
attorney and whistleblower, Thomas M. Kent, alleges has been compromised by 
corrupt U.S. law enforcers who are on the payroll of narco-traffickers. 

But I guess in the "big scheme," as Iglesias points out, it's a good thing to 
remember that because of prosecutors like Sutton (who maintain justice and do 
what is right) we can now all put our faith in the comforting script that 
America saved Colombia from becoming the world's first "narcocracy." 

Stay tuned..

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