Supermodels 1, Ulises Ruiz 0: 
Miss Universe Cancels Oaxaca Events of 2007 Pageant
Ruiz Dishonestly Blames Donald Trump as Models Move on Mexican Consulates in 
New York and Elsewhere with the Demand: "Federal Police Out of Oaxaca!"

By Cha-Cha Connor
Spokesmodel, Popular Assembly of Models for Oaxaca (APMO)
March 29, 2007

The international models movement Supermodels for Oaxaca (APMO, in Spanish) 
claims its first victory today, with the cancellation by the Miss Universe 
pageant of its scheduled competition in the Mexican state of Oaxaca that had 
been announced for May.

The true credit for this victory goes to the heroic peoples of Oaxaca and their 
Popular Assembly (known as APPO, in its Spanish initials), which has continued 
to demand the removal of the fraudulent and illegitimate dictatorship of 
governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz.

Today, pageant owners Donald Trump and NBC pulled the Miss Universe Contest out 
of the ancient indigenous site of Monte Alban, Oaxaca, just three weeks after 
the APMO announced that models were mobilizing to protest in solidarity with 
the social movements of Oaxaca. With the pullout of Miss Universe from Oaxaca, 
models have preserved our dignity as workers and as agents for peace, justice, 
and democracy, and as workers we will continue stand in solidarity with the 
peoples of Oaxaca against the dictatorship.

The last time the Mexican government attempted to impose a major international 
spectacle on a people during a time of public repudiation of the regime, prior 
to the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, protests were met by brutal police 
repression, causing the massacre of Tlatelolco Plaza on October 2, 1968 where 
more than 1,000 protesters were assassinated and many more wounded and 
imprisoned. A similar bloodbath was waiting in the wings with the traditional 
costumes contest of Miss Universe, but models have stood up and declared that 
we will have no part in repression.

The dangers that the repressive dictatorship of the Ulises Ruiz government 
poses for the movements of Oaxaca, including the Popular Assembly of Peoples of 
Oaxaca (APPO), are far from over. In particular, since November 2006 the 
Federal Preventative Police (PFP) have committed human rights violations, 
including rape and assassinations, against the people of Oaxaca which have been 
documented by many human rights organizations and authentic journalists. (see 
"Offensive by the Federal Preventive Police Against the People of Oaxaca," 
November 25, 2006, Narco News.)

In addition to the repressive nature of the Ruiz regime, the disgraced governor 
revealed his dishonesty and singular lack of intelligence this week when he 
told the daily Excelsior of Mexico City that the event was canceled because 
Miss Universe owner Donald Trump supposedly demanded $1.5 million dollars from 
the state. That is obviously untrue (even the president of the state restaurant 
association in Oaxaca admitted to the daily Noticias de Oaxaca that it was the 
continuing "social conflict" in the state - its ungovernability - that sealed 
the event's fate).

Far from blaming Mr. Trump and the Miss Universe organization, the APMO models 
thank and praise him for his foresight to avert a bloodbath this May in Oaxaca, 
and for removing the Miss Universe models from harm's way and the indignity of 
supporting a dictatorial regime. To show our thanks, Supermodels for Oaxaca has 
sent this beautiful yellow-and-violet floral bouquet to Mr. Trump at his Fifth 
Avenue offices: where we had planned to protest, we now send flowers.

A "thank you" card accompanies the deluxe "well done" bouquet sent to Mr. 
Trump. It contains the following message:

  Thank you, Mr. Trump, for pulling the Miss Universe pageant away from the 
violent hands of Oaxaca dictator Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. Your decision is a victory 
for human and indigenous rights. 

  Supermodels for Oaxaca

The first stage of the project thus completed, in solidarity with the workers 
of Oaxaca, the models of the APMO announce an escalation of our protest: we 
will move to the second stage of our organizing efforts, and will continue 
preparations for red carpet pickets in New York and elsewhere. For these 
actions, the APMO will target Mexican consulates in the United States and all 
over the world in solidarity with the demands of the APPO for the end of the 
illegitimate dictatorship of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. We will continue our actions, 
as an international models movement, until the Mexican government removes the 
Federal Preventative Police from Oaxaca and ceases to recognize and prop-up the 
Ruiz dictatorship.

Federal Preventative Police out of Oaxaca NOW.

END the illegitimate dictatorship of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz!

Applications to be part of APMO by Sunday, March 31st, 2007 by midnight, to 

Auditions in New York City on April 18th, 2007, at 12noon.

To audition to be an APMO supermodel, please send at least 2 headshots, 2 full 
body photos and 2 photos of your choice, as well as a letter expressing your 
desires to audition, to Spokesmodel and Director Cha-Cha Connor at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] All photos should be professional and of you alone.

Photographers, hair and makeup stylists, fashion designers, personal trainers, 
manicurists and pedicurists, likewise send examples of your work along with a 
letter expressing your desire to volunteer in this project to Spokesmodel and 
Director Cha-Cha Connor at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reporters, fashion magazine editors, theater and cinema directors, performance 
artists, paparazzi, voyeurs, gawkers, bodyguards and human rights observers, 
please contact Ms. Connor's Press Secretary Al Giordano at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See also: Miss Universe 2007 Canceled in Oaxaca (from Noticias de Oaxaca)

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