Pakistan is not mentioned once.

What somebody is calling terrorists and al qaeda are trained, armed and
directed by Pakistan.

911 moneyman and kidnapper of Wall St Journalist Daniel Pearl, Amed Omar
Saeed Sheikh, or just "Omar" to anybody in Pakistan, was directed by Pak
intelligence in another kidnapping operation, inside India. An airplane
was hijacked by agents of Pak intel, more "terrorists" and "al Qaeda"
Pak operatives active in Kashmir on behalf of Pak intel. Kidnapping,
hijacking, fighting in Kashmir and Chechnya and Kosovo, 911, that's what
the al-CIA-duh irregulars do for CIA and Pak intel and Saudi intel.

Alqaeda means base, which is short for database, personnel database, the
British personnel database of political islam which CIA inherited from
British colonialism about the time the British trojan horse of British
colonialism, like CIA, became ready to stand on its own four wooden legs
and wooden wheels as a trojan colt of British colonialism. War
Colonialism is the association of oil, weapon, and drug businesses. We
associate colonialism with resource rape, but the resources raped by War
Colonialism are the income and equity of citizens. Keeping oil in the
ground in Iraq is War Colonialism, though it is the opposite of old
fashioned resource rape. Keeping the oil in the ground and providing the
excuse of insecurity gives credence to propaganda excusing the
arbitrarily high price of oil. War colonialism rapes your resources at
the pump. War colonialism is a dinosaur, but it hides behind the notion
of fossil fuel, projecting a dinosaur fantasy.


--- In, "E Bryant Holman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Al Qaeda theory: Mumbai intellectuals blame MOSSAD, CIA\

Srinagar, June 12: Mumbai based group of intellectuals and human rights
activists have criticized the media reports of an 'Al-Qaeda Hind' based
in Kashmir. The group believes that the Al-Qaeda announcement was a
planted story and a part of the disinformation campaign by the Indian
government, so as to justify the unholy alliance between the ruling
elites of India with the Zionist Apartheid Nazi Israeli state.

In a statement the spokesman of the front said that this report
of Al-Qaeda in Kashmir ) comes only a day after newspapers boldly
announced a high powered delegation of Israeli Military Generals and
Intelligence Officers, who are in the country to advice the Indian
government on combating "terror" in Jammu and Kashmir.

The Mumbai based group alleged that Al-Qaeda is a front organization of
CIA and MOSSAD. "There is enough evidence that the Al-Qaeda is a front
organization of the CIA and MOSSAD. The Bush junta has used the bogey of
terror and of Al Qaeda to justify his unending and ever expanding Global
War on Terror, which is only a means of capturing the resources of the
world and of establishing the sole hegemony of Israel in West Asia,"
the group of activists and intellectuals.

The group is holding a press conference in Mumbai on Wednesday to
the links between Al-Qaeda and the CIA-MOSSAD".

Holding American-Israeli operation accomplices of the 9/11 attack on the
WTC, the spokesman of the group said that this has been widely written
about in USA and Europe itself and more than 50% of the American people
and far more Europeans, now believe and are convinced about this fact.

He said that sections of the Indian ruling political and military elite
are importing the same Bush-Olmert formula into India. "The increasing
terror attacks only serve the cause of the Indian elite and divide the
masses along communal lines. It is only the ordinary Indians who are the
victims of terror either in temples, mosques, buses or trains," he said
adding that practically no political leader suffers a similar fate,
the terrorists are apprehended and killed in "encounters".

"Every terror attack is meant to push and drag the Indian masses further
into the waiting arms of Uncle Sam and the Israeli Goliath. Every terror
attack spreads further hatred for Muslims and Islam and weakens the
Indian Muslim community," he said.

[Kashmir Times]

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