I have several hours of DC local TV videotaped from 9/11/2001. There was
a "pull it" moment. Taken separately from NYC, it is a very plausible
Pull It moment, in which the fire department tells a TV reporter that
something is about to happen, the reporter tells us he will be back as
soon as his crew gets ready, then the camera zooms in very close to the
top of the Pentagon wall, and at that exact location the wall cracks and
the whole wall falls down. What makes that a suspicious event is when we
ask by what means the wall was brought down, by demolition charges? If
so, when placed, and who was prepared to do so on short notice? Some
people wonder why no effort was made from the crash until the demolition
to rescue survivors(not necessarily from the plane but could have been a
few Ron Browns too) from the crash area, and how did that kerosene get
lit on fire anyway? No burn victims were taken to the well prepared burn
unit at George Washington Hospital Center. If a demolition team was
present with fire suits to go in and place charges, why was there no
platoon of fire-suited rescuers searching the hole area before that? Why
was the Fort Myers fire truck and crew waiting at the site of the hole
before the plane crashed?

Then there was the drill at CIA/NRO next to Dulles airport when one of
the planes took off. And there was supposedly a drill going on in the
air, too. More gaming that served a very real function but on the wrong

And how about game spectators? What possible reason could there be for
Warren Buffett to be at Offut AFB, and General Mahmud Amad with Porter
Goss in DC, if not to have the best seats to watch the game?

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "norgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Vicky Davis
e_LDcTZ8lTxI_qQIspL-OAymTYMfMO5PXkw>    Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 2:16
PM Subject: Final Piece - tying it together
After watching these videos, I think I see the whole picture now:

Full Spectrum Treason -- The Objective force

Future Combat Systems -- The UP and UP

Forgive the hastily prepared webpage but I didn't want to take the time
to make it nice.


Add to the above - more succinctly stated:

The key concepts in the documents are "shared situational awareness" and
ubiquitous computing which - if I understand it - is just an obscure way
of saying that 'all the world's a stage' for the war games. It's taking
the gaming environment and integrating it into the 'real world' of the
game players for 'shared situational awareness'.

Both of those things would explain why the Port Authority reported -
something before it actually happened (one of the towers or WTC 7.. I
can't quite remember) and why the BBC reported the collapse WTC 7 before
it happened.

With the military link into the broadcasting network, it wouldn't have
been difficult to inject images as well as information into their news
gathering portals. Then with shill supplied supporting videos following
the event, they (thought they) could control the "knowledge flow".

Vicky Davis    -----   The Final Piece of the 9/11 Puzzle        The
picture of 9-11 is coming together.       FEMA - DARPA - Naval War
College in Rhode Island (War Games)
Naval War College in Rhode Island plans the war games - but they are not
games.  They are terrorist attacks against the people of the United
States - and I suspect other countries.  Recall the Sarin (sp) gas
attack in Tokyo?   After that - using the same pitch line as with NYC,
Toyko built a Command and Control communications center in preparation
for a "terrorist event".  The trick is that the Command and Control
communications center becomes the hub for directing local governments
from the central control point.  The Central control point is managing
both sides - the Special Forces terrorists conducting "effects-based
operations".  Local officials are instructed what to do to prevent
"terrorist" attacks - if they don't do it, then an attack occurs.

DARPA - networked computer systems for "national security"   On Sept.
11, Adm. John Poindexter was in charge of DARPA.     TIA was ready to
plug in.

FEMA - Disasters - training of local officials, implementer of the DARPA
computer systems

Art Cebrowski - father of net-centric warfare taught there.

Thomas Barnett - 1998   -  Planning a revolution
Coup d'etat minus 10 years

Philip Zelikow, John Deutch and Ashton Carter - "Catastrophic Terrorism:
Elements of a National Policy"
sions%20of%20Governance>    The goal is to implement "market-based"
governance - which is fascist government to replace the American System
of government - effectively dissolving the U.S. government except for
the facade.   See Ubiquitous Computing below.

The coup d'etat - "game plan"   - the command and control center -
linked to all important agencies of government - would naturally include
the media - broadcasters.

Under the guise of war gaming, terrorist acts are directed against the
American people by the managers of the 'war games'.  These are Hegelian
Dialectics - shock the system to facilitate the implementation of
solutions designed for the 'Total Information' police state.

Remember Columbine?

Ex.  Virginia Tech Shootings

Following the shooting, a "incident review panel"  was convened with
Systems Planning Corporation (Dov Zakheim) leading.


C-Span Morning Session
Col. Gerald Massengill, Chair of Gov. Kaine's Independent Virginia Tech
Incident Review Panel, makes opening remarks at today's meeting.
Following an update by the panel staff, mental health specialists
discuss services to students and the condition of Seung-Hui Cho, the
gunman. The event takes place at George Mason Univ.

C-Span Afternoon Session
The meeting of Gov. Kaine's Independent Virginia Tech Incident Review
Panel continues. This afternoon's panel looks at "Awareness and
Strategies for Families and Survivors." Then the floor is open for
public comments. The event takes place at George Mason University, in
Arlington, VA.
6/11/2007: WASHINGTON, DC: 2 hr. 48 min.: CSPAN3


Among the least-known measures are plans to place the new command center
near the twin towers of the World Trade Center to positive pressure, an
idea being promoted by William Patrick, a leading biological terrorism
expert. The $15 million crisis center, city officials point out, is far
less elaborate and expensive than one already built in Tokyo, which cost
an estimated $190 million.

New York officials disclosed details of the first attempt by New York
and federal officials to play out a biological attack. The drill
demonstrated the city's vulnerability to terrorist attack. On Wednesday,
15 April, more than 50 scientists, government officials and state and
local emergency preparedness teams met in secret on the outskirts of
Washington. They were confronted with a chilling scenario: More than
1,000 people in a 15-story office building in midtown Manhattan were
attacked by a germ disseminated through the unfiltered air ducts.

Jerome Hauer -   was onsite on 9/11   prepared with a story about Osama
Bin Laden - interviewed just hours after the attack to begin the mantra
of the official story of terrorists in Afghanistan.



The ambitious project, which will sprawl over 46,000 feet in one of
      the smaller buildings of the World Trade Center complex, will be
      large enough to accommodate at least 50 different city, state and
      federal agencies, and will allow them to coordinate responses to a
      myriad of disasters, from the smallest sewer explosion to the
      largest nerve gas attack.

Among its amenities will be back-up generators in case of power
      failures, a storage tank with enough water to last at least a week,
      and whiz-bang technology that will include a secure "red" phone for
      the mayor and video-conferencing, so he can see and talk to the
      president of the United States, if necessary.

      Saying that the facility is "not a bunker" meant as a safety haven
      for the mayor, Jerome Hauer, head of the city's Office of Emergency
      Management, noted that New York City's emergency response system
      become a model for other cities and said that the planned center
      a natural next step in keeping that lead.

      "This is something the city has needed for a long time, a
      state-of-the-art center with a sophisticated communications system,
      that is survivable so the city can continue to function," he said.
      "If there is a citywide blackout, a hurricane, a blizzard, this is
      the facility that will allow us to keep working, to make sure that
      people are not in jeopardy."

Naval War College - War gaming

"shared situational awareness"    ubiquitous computer systems

Live Fire System Test - 2001
st.pdf>     matches 9/11 with official story line of "terrorists" - John
Deutch, Director of the CIA stole files from the CIA.  Those files
probably included the "Al Qaeda" database.   That's how the pictures of
the alleged terrorist network was prepared in advance by the traitors
who pulled off 9/11

Knowledge Management

Effects Based Operations Model  - The computer system for managing

Institutionalizing EBO is a complex undertaking that requires the
development of new doctrine, the education of the forces in the EBO
concepts along with the development of a common lexicon of terms, the
adaptation of the current command and control processes, and the
development and use of tools that support effects based analysis.

Since 2000, the DoD components have conducted experiments and war games
to develop and test approaches for making effects based operations work
in the real world environments. In most cases, there were no tools
specifically designed to support effects based thinking. A few
organizations such as the Air Force Research Laboratory, IF Division at
Rome, NY and George Mason University have developed prototype tools for
relating actions to effects in a quantitative manner to support the
development of models of situations that can be used to perform
trade-off analysis in course of action development and selection. GMU
has had the opportunity to use the tool it developed, called CAESAR
II/EB, in the Navy Title X war games, Global 2000 and 2001, and the
Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) J-9 Joint Experiment, Millennium Challenge
2002 (MC-02).

The influence net provides an environment for modeling of the causal
relationships between actions by our forces (Blue) and effects on the
adversary (Red). It uses a graphical representation comprised of nodes
that represent actions or effects and causal relationships between the

WIGS - Ubiquitous Computing
<http://www.channelingreality.com/September_11/War_Games/WIGS.pdf>  -  
(note:   this document is talking about the military but they will be
the "governance managers" behind the scenes - networked to the private
sector institutions of business and visible government (i.e. militarized
police) - see

The U.S. military is in the midst of a transformation. While business
leaders moved quickly to put computing power in the hands of
individuals, the military establishment has been less responsive.
Network Centric Warfare is a current U.S. Navy initiative to leverage
the power of the computer to restructure forces from the bottom up.
Instead of a strict hierarchy where decisions are pushed down, networked
warfighters will cooperatively pursue the strategic goals of the
commander in a much more decentralized fashion. Essential to the idea of
Network Centric Warfare is the proliferation of ever-present information
systems, or Ubiquitous Computing capabilities, where the computer (or
rather, the networked computing capability) is no longer the focus of
human attention, but rather, becomes invisible. This paper summarizes
the introduction of CommandNet, a group support system, into a
large-scale wargaming environment to create networks of concerted actors
and develop ubiquitous computing relationships.

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