Also with Hurricane Katrina, two oil drums were lit on fire with
incendiaries just before Bush flew past.

And that was four days after Bush ought to have had his USAF team set up
landing lights and radar on the concrete runway as soon as the wind died
down. Instead Bush waited until after US commercial airplanes got tired
of waiting the best part of a week for the cruel flaccid slug and landed
on the undamaged runway of the international airport, far from flooding.
Then the image team which had previously made a posterboy of Pat
Tillman, then executed a recanting Tillman, made a postergirl of Jessica
Lynch, then made sure Iraqi hospitals do not treat enemy combatants like
Lynch, and needless to say the Iraq WMD and Iraq 911 liars, lit up two
oil drums to make smoke and then shouted "looters!" as if to justify
Bush sending 40,000 troops for 5000 remaining citizens("looters"). There
would have been no crowds of thousands of people clustering at the
stadium and the convention center if Bush had opened the airport using
the same USAF team but four days earlier, and if Bush had made FEMA
bring buses to New Orleans and back to Baton Rouge and beyond. Bush
could have closed the MRGO canal gate, too. But a gaming we must go.

--- In, "norgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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