Perhaps we can break down the Skorzeny material into a Hatfield
softball, a Dub dancing naked on a barstool softball story, a Bush boys
duffel bags of coke softball story. If that is the case, the intent is
to Rovian-neutralize 911 Floridistan the terrorist sanctuary safer than
Osama's Waziristan, and to forestry backfire burn the fire's fuel on
Prescott Bush's history of managing Hitler's Economy for US Robber Baron
investors in nazi utopia while the plundered suffered the Great
Depression here in the US. The Skorzeny material is most likely a feint
to sucker resources away from homing in on Porter's home boys in
Floridistan, and the Bush family nazi history bulging out in current day
manifestations of war crimes and gestapo policies at home and abroad.
Tesla tech might be a target as well, as Tesla tech is moving away from
stalemated patent efforts that bog down when the fossil fuel king's
charter understandably withholds funding and the old Standard Oil thugs
take their crowbars and dynamite, figuratively speaking, to the
equivalent of independent refineries, same old same old. Tesla tech is
increasingly being GPL'd and lugged(linux user grouped) into the hands
of the masses as a loss-leader, as inventors begin to bank on "making
money arond the edges", linux style, instead of waiting for cradle to
grave handouts from Big Brother paternalism and the natural enemies of a
new energy source.

The zionist neocons have been working with the German and English nazis
since Lord Cecil, the Rosicrucians, and the "German fraternity" we know
as Sax Goatburgers and Skull and Bones today.

Max Ratline, Vietnam's Humanist Revolutionary Worker's Party of Diem
brother Nhu and columnist Joseph Alsop, coldwar liberals, always the
neocons as outer circle for nazi dot. The outer circle serves as
motivational layer and standoff armor.

The political goals of the Rothschild family seem liberal at times. When
Nathan Rothschild, most powerful of the Rothschild brothers, sons of
Amschel Rothschild, moved to England, the Rothschilds had the liberal
goals of working against monarchy in Europe but curiously not Britain
where they(venetian) had moved their base, and winning in
austro-germanic states the rights for Jews of property and political
participation. At that point we see again the neocons as outer circle,
more popular with the masses in Europe because of working against
monarchy and for rights that actually were liberal in the political
context. And the nazis stood for the old order, like Kissinger realists
backing the Saudi monarchy and Pak heroin junta. Same old same old. The
neocons continued their penchant for liberal causes like the green
front. At the core we see that Britain, though home of strongest
Rothschild brother Nathan Rothschild, is still a monarchy. We see no
liberalism, only a nazi style racism, projecting from neocon zionists
toward Palestinians, as if the guilt of nazi partners of the neocons has
been transferred for a price to the Palestinian scapegoat, innocent of
WW2 Jewish holocaust role. The insincerity of the neocon green front is
evident in the absurdity of expanding factory farming by clearing more
farmland and burning more diesel to cultivate corn for gasohol, and in
support of electric cars with a thousand pounds of batteries instead of
on-demand hydrogen cars that have been running with Flintstone engines
since 1984, and in support of hydrogen gas stations when on-demand
hydrogen is safer without the tank, and in continued support of
centralized electricity generation instead of pollution-free
decentralized options. Neocons and nazis are the same beast because the
fake liberal green trojans of the neocons are all impossibly high
entropy and pale in comparison of technology which has already been
implemented, like water-based on-demand hydrogen cars since 1984. But
there is that relationship again, neocons as motivational circle, nazis
as dot, with neocon green lies around Houston and Saudi oilmen nazis.
Corporatist Darwinism wins both ways.

One can see a slightly different orientation between neocons and nazis
in the Baker Plan for Iraqwar versus PNAC. Kissinger nazis only wanted
to hot swap puppets, retaining national monopoly on oil to make it
easier to keep oil in the ground according to the at that time 99 year
old plan for reduced supply from Iraq and Iran. Neocons would like to
privatize Iraqi oil and topple the Saudi monarchy and possibly the Pak
heroin junta to empower political islam with nukes. The nazis would like
to retain dictatorial control, always preferring monarchs first,
dictators second, and crippled blame-soaking place-holders third. Nazis
serve Rockefeller and the Saudis first, neocons are Israel-firsters and
may prefer instability and loss of control of oil and nukes. You don't
find many Democrat nazis.

Neocons place greater emphasis on manipulative idealogies like fake free
trade, fake free enterprise competition. Nazis then need only concern
themselves with motivating their morons, a smaller group, with Darwinism
and pseudobabble permutations and allegorizations of Darwinism. Nazism
is identifiable by a sellout to simplistic concepts of Darwinism such as
racism, might makes right excusing king's charter monopolies,
pseudo-evolutionist allegories of environmental pollution as Darwinian
strength because any NEW pollution is assumed to come from the Darwinian
fuhrer strongman crimelord. Vanity of the Philosopher by David Levy
documents how simplistic and unscientific the racist PT Barnum bait has
actually been. The English used to call their white neighbors the Irish
all the stereotypical names that white southern British Israelist racist
puppets called blacks. The Darwinist stereotypes are self-debunking at
this point in time when we see them applied historically to Irish, but
the zionist Semites are getting away with the same differencing of
Palestinian Semites because so many white Americans still contain a
Darwinist pseudo-evolutionist pseudo-scientific racist delusional base.

In Alabama, a high school librarian said,"Racism(my) is not the problem,
crime(guilt-projection on victim of racism) is the problem".


--- In, "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bob,
> I just can't get it out of my head that GHWB was a teenage pilot in
> WWII who came back from the war to attend Yale. (where did the Tesla
> angle enter? When did he have time to secretary for tesla?)
> It seems odd that in a world where the reigns of power appear to be
> firmly in the hands of men who follow the NEOCON perspective, that
> nazis, neonazis and fascists are getting all the attention.
> I remember that Bush's family was british and had to leave england
> right around the time of the failed gunpowder plot. I think the name
> was Pierce, though that might be the Barbara Bush side of the ledger.
> I think the Skorzeny story is pretty far out there. I put it up
> there along with Tom Flocco's revelations about Bush and Cheney
> getting Indicted by Fitzgerald.
> A person could look at the world through Mae Brussel's eyes and see
> a nazi behind every plot. I just do not think it is so.
>  --- In, "muckblit" muckblit@ wrote:
> >
> > Yes, Mark, that's the story, Idaho Observer 200704, Skorzeny
> according
> > to Berman.
> >
> > As I was reading that, with its emphasis on Jesuits, I think I
> > remember that Chip McBride emphasizes the zionist Jews to the
> > exclusion of Jesuits. Then I wondered if maybe Sean B wasn't Boston
> > Irish, and thus highly likely Roman Catholic, maybe even Jesuit
> > educated. Chip and Sean both live in a Boston suburb and both work
> in
> > Cambridge. Maybe they are both Boston Irish and omit Jesuits from
> > their expozays.
> >
> > Read the Gary North piece on New Mercantilism, where instead of
> aiming
> > to accumulate gold, or US dollars, foreign banks(or surrogate
> funds)
> > accumulate US equities, and China may also buy long commodity
> > contracts. That's a Yellow Peril thing, but omitted is that foreign
> > treasuries started buying equity in the form of REITs back in the
> last
> > century, a decade ago. What about REITs now, with the decline in US
> > real estate value? You have to at least mention REITs. Some small
> > countries base their currency on US REITs. Carlyle Group reportedly
> > advises its investors that they are hovering like vultures to
> pounce
> > on undervalued US real estate after that is tanked by rising
> interest
> > rates. North would blame China for any rise in US interest rates,
> > covering the Carlyle vultures, who always escape Nuremburgs, unless
> > this Skorzeny thing turns out well.
> >
> > When my brother visited Windsor Castle, they told him we are
> related
> > to the Bush family. Now Skorzeny tells us that the Bush family are
> > social climbers without pedigress, other than that of Aleister
> > Crowley. Does that mean I get to be president? Oh, we don't have
> > presidents anymore, sorry.
> >
> > Another omission in the Tillman execution story is the obvious
> > conclusion that if Jessica Lynch's nurses "tried to return her to
> > American lines", that the Iraqis followed the Geneva Convention in
> > treating her well and trying to return her, not even exchange her.
> > Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Washington Post reporter and author, has
> written
> > that the US occupation did not at any point re-supply or reinforce
> > staff of Iraqi hospitals looted during the US invasion, so that
> they
> > continually smelled like corpses and feces during the entire US
> formal
> > occupation. And other mainstream news outlets reported that US
> forces
> > shot a female ambulance driver in Faluja, destroyed ambulances, and
> > seized hospitals in Faluja and Hit, because they followed the
> Geneva
> > Convention and treated enemy combatants like Pvt. Jessica Lynch.
> > Bush does quack like a nazi, doesn't he? And then three bullets
> from
> > Goebbels' Luger to the forehead of Pat Tillman? There must be some
> > refugees from Nuremburg around here, maybe in Floridistan.
> >

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