"business interests normally work to the betterment of America's
overall health, both commercially and politically"

That is an example of Darwinist propaganda for corporatism.

Rockefeller's thugs taking crowbars and dynamite to independent
refineries was just Darwinists survival of the fittest, advertising
tells us.

But are crowbars and dynamite really competiton? How about KKK
church-burning, Hitler's Final Solution, and Israeli bulldozers, are
those policies just competition?

Is the king's charter really competition, or anti-competition, along
with crowbars, dynamite, and bulldozers?

How about racism, is racism just a healthy Darwinist crusade? Racism
is often presented as helping Darwin, see Vanity of the Philosopher by
David Levy for historical documentation ad infinitum.

"Are you aware that America has almost as many civilian contractors in
Iraq as we do military personnel?"

Try to look through Iraqi eyes at no-bid contracts for US
corporations, which employ non-Iraqi engineers and non-Iraqis in all
the good jobs, and which needs then to employ an army of non-Iraqi
security contractors. Do you see any benefit to Iraqis? Do you see the
racism? Now, are you sure you want to call racist piracy Darwin's
fore-runner, benevolent champion of higher political and economic
corporatist pirates, whitewashed by Darwinist advertising?


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "norgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Corporate America: Freedom's Greatest Threat
by Chuck Baldwin
July 27, 2007

Most of us who believe in the free enterprise system have been taught
that business interests normally work to the betterment of America's
overall health, both commercially and politically. While there might
have been a time when this was true, it is definitely not true today.
Not only has Big Business become unfriendly to the principles of
freedom, it has also become freedom's greatest threat.

To say that Corporate America is America's greatest threat is a harsh
accusation, but one that I believe is warranted. I will even be so
bold as to say that freedom has much more to fear from today's
Chambers of Commerce than it does from Al Qaida.

Today's Americans need to carefully heed the sage counsel of Thomas
Jefferson, who said, "Merchants have no country. The mere spot they
stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from
which they draw their gains." The truth of that statement aptly
explains the serious damage that Big Business is currently inflicting
upon our liberties.

Someone rightly observed that one can determine the focus of, and
influence upon, societies by analyzing its architecture. For example,
from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 through the beginning of the
War for Southern Independence, the most notable buildings (in most
communities) belonged to churches. From the mid-nineteenth century to
the mid-twentieth century, the most prominent buildings belonged to
various governments. From the mid-twentieth century to the present,
the biggest, most lavish, and most notable buildings belong to Big
Business. This is not accidental or coincidental. These buildings are
the monuments of men to the ideas that mean the most to them.
Accordingly, a vast number of today's Americans have come to worship
at the shrine of Big Business.

However, this idolatry comes at great price. Not the least of which is
the way we have allowed Big Business interests to virtually control
governmental policy, including our war and defense policies.

For example, I recently obtained a copy of the U.S. Navy's "Playbook."
This Playbook succinctly summarizes the Department of the Navy's
policies and guidelines, and is made available to naval officers and
to public affairs professionals. Under the section entitled "Vision"
it states, "Americans secure at home and abroad; sea and air lanes
open and free for the peaceful and productive movement of
international commerce; enduring national and international naval
relationships that remain strong and true; steadily deepening
cooperation among the maritime forces of emerging partner nations . . ."

Notice the emphasis of "international commerce," "international naval
relations," and "emerging partner nations."

Under the section entitled "Focus On Execution" it states, "We must
continue to embrace the vital contributions that out [sic] partners
make in working to secure the global community."

Notice that part of our Navy's policy is to "secure the global
community." So, who is our military charged to defend? Is it the
American people? Is it the "global community," or is it Big Business?
Navy brass might answer, "All of the above." However, it should seem
obvious to anyone who is paying attention that in the grand scheme of
things, the will and interests of the American people are being
submerged under the will and interests of Big Business, which is
creating the global community.

Under the section "Maritime Strategy" it states, "This new Maritime
Strategy is required to face the threats of our interdependent
societies and global economy."

Can the reader not see how that even our military and defense
departments are being coerced and manipulated by the interests of Big
Business? Need more evidence? Look at Iraq.

Are you aware that America has almost as many civilian contractors in
Iraq as we do military personnel? According to a recent census report,
there are more than 100,000 civilian contractors currently working in
Iraq. In fact, the war in Iraq has become "the most privatized war in
U.S. history." (Source: Multinational Monitor, Nov/Dec 2006) The
Halliburton company alone has received some $20 billion from both its
oil and troop logistics contracts. Contracts, that according to MM,
include "[f]orty-five dollar cases of soda; $85,000 trucks in need of
minor repairs . . . tens of millions of dollars in gasoline
surcharges; thousands of meals prepared but never served to the troops
. . . [and] contaminated water served to the troops."

And if one were to actually believe that America has any intention of
pulling out of Iraq, consider this: experts predict that private,
civilian contracts will grow into a $200 billion-a-year global
business by 2010. Why do you think that our government is currently
constructing the biggest U.S. embassy in the world in downtown
Baghdad? In fact, when our embassy in Iraq is finished it will be
larger than the Vatican!

No, my friends, our government has no intentions of pulling out of
Iraq. Not next year. Not ever! Why? It is the desire of Big Business
that we be there.

Consider, too, the way that the Chambers of Commerce around America
attempt to facilitate the flow of illegal aliens into our country. In
fact, the national Chamber of Commerce is one of the biggest
proponents of amnesty for illegal aliens. Many within Corporate
America also support "sanctuary cities" for illegal aliens. They lobby
our congressmen in Washington, D.C., and in state capitols to NOT
enforce our nation's laws against companies that hire illegals and
against illegals themselves.

Anyone with even a modicum of common sense understands that nothing
compromises America's safety and security as does the current invasion
of our country by illegal aliens. How anyone can believe that
President Bush is serious about fighting a "war on terror" when he has
done absolutely nothing for nearly six years to secure our borders and
ports is the height of naïveté.

As we can easily observe by reading the aforementioned U.S. Navy's own
Playbook, this administration is basing its foreign and domestic
policies more on the desires of Big Business than the interests of the
American people. And lest Democrats think that, should they capture
the White House in 2008, things will change, guess again. The same Big
Business interests that control the Republican Party control the
Democratic Party, which means there will be no significant change to
our government's policy regarding Iraq if Democrats are in charge.
Count on it!

Look, too, at how Big Business tries to manipulate laws regarding the
right to keep and bear arms. One of the chief proponents of denying
people the right to transport firearms in their vehicles to and from
work is Corporate America. All over the country, companies threaten
their employees with dismissal should they have firearms in their
cars. In fact, it is the diabolical duo of Big Business and Big
Government that are the biggest proponents of denying the American
people their right to personal self-defense.

Speaking of personal self-defense, if you own a firearm and intend to
have ammunition to put in that firearm, you might want to buy it while
you can afford it. By the first of next year, the price of ammunition
will be at least double what it is today, that is providing one can
find it at all. The reason? Corporate America is selling the raw
ingredients necessary for the construction of ammunition (at top
dollar, I might add) to Red China. As with everything else, Corporate
America would rather sell to Communist China than to the American people.

Another sign of Corporate America's treachery: just last Tuesday (July
24, 2007), Westinghouse Electric Company signed a deal to build four
nuclear power plants in China and to transfer technology for its
newest reactor to a Chinese partner. According to Westinghouse
president, Steve Tritch, the Chinese nuclear plant deal is worth
"multibillion-dollar contracts." But the Chinese buyers asked the
company not to disclose details. (Source: the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
Just like we will never be told why China is buying up all the raw
materials that go into making ammunition.

Of course, the marriage of Corporate America with the communist elite
in China is now well established. USA Today recently reported that
"U.S. corporate profits in China passed $2 billion the first six
months of 2006." Companies currently doing business in China include
Caterpillar, Starbucks, Greif (a Delaware, Ohio-based maker of
industrial packaging), General Motors, Google, UPS, Microsoft, Nike,
AT&T, and of course, Wal-Mart. In addition, the Chrysler Corporation
recently announced that it will begin importing cars made in China.

In fact, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai represents over
1,300 corporations, including 150 Fortune 500 companies, and the
U.S.-China Business Council represents 250 companies doing business
all across China. (Source: Multinational Monitor)

Plus, we should realize that it is Corporate America that is behind
the push to outsource America's jobs and industries. It is also
Corporate America that is behind the push to create a NAFTA
superhighway and North American Community. In short, it is Corporate
America that is behind the push to sacrifice America's national
sovereignty and independence.

It is also Corporate America that opposes Country Of Origin Labeling
(COOL) laws that would require companies to tell consumers where their
food comes from. In fact, such a law was passed back in 2002 and
signed by President Bush, but Corporate America's lobbyists
successfully blocked the implementation of that law. Therefore, you
and I still have no idea where the food we purchase comes from.

The list just goes on and on.

As one can easily see, Corporate America has morphed into an
international juggernaut that threatens our safety and security, as
well as our liberty and independence in a way that foreign terrorists
could only dream about. The American people need to start seeing these
giant corporations for what they really are: freedom's greatest threat.

© Chuck Baldwin

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