It gives me distinct pleasure to make you aware of the 27th edition, which is 
the 3rd edition of this, my 7th year of publishing the history that the powers 
do not want you to know.

It has been a very busy summer for me because I feel that our creator is 
calling me to live in England, so I have been also working on creating a 
business plan for the purpose of establishing a book shop in which I would be 
able to sell my books that have been in Canada even though I left on May 2, 
2004 for Europe as well as many other books which would fill a book shop with 
the truth.

The Christians who I had been told should fund this shop have their own shop, 
so it is anyone's guess if they will fund mine. It's too soon to tell today if 
they will actually fund my shop, but I wanted you to be aware in case you know 
of anyone who would fund such a shop and the apartment (flat) accompanying it. 
If you do, please let me know.

The no password needed remains for this edition. Simply log onto my site and 
click the 4th icon, the one that says Magazine, and enjoy. BE SURE though to 
send the Demand for the Government page to the Speaker of the House as it is 

My understanding from Stew Webb is that Richard Cheney has been arrested, but I 
also know that he cannot be prosecuted as he is a sitting Vice President, but 
the Demand for the Government page specifically addresses this issue of 
impeachment on him and it does not make any difference if you are an American 
voter or not. YOU, too, can join the demand to get this criminal out of power, 
for by some accounts, he is worse than is George W. Bush, and someone who none 
of us wants in the White House should Bush be impeached first.

The Demand for the Government page is at the very end of every edition. Feel 
free to go to it first before reading anything. Make a copy of it and send in 
the mail to the Speaker of the House, whose address is in this and every other 

Thank you.


Arlene Johnson

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