  Please call or fax SenaterDorganBillHR1773 set to vote Tuesday Morning!  Our 
Congress will not fund the MexicanTruckers coming into our country and using 
our transportation, overloading our own transportation.  
  Dozens dead in Mexico truck crash and blast By Robin Emmott 
Mon Sep 10, 6:18 PM ET
NADADORES, Mexico (Reuters) - A tractor-trailer loaded with explosives blew up 
in Mexico on Monday after a traffic accident, creating a huge fireball that 
killed dozens, including rescue workers and photographers. 
People stuck in the traffic jam caused by the accident were also killed in the 
blast that left a crater 65 feet wide and 9 feet deep near the town of 
Nadadores in the northern state of Coahuila, witnesses and officials said.
  "There were body parts scattered in the trees," said Paulina Luna, 62, a 
local resident who was evacuated to a shelter. Her brother's home was 
flattened. "The house was swept from the earth as if it never existed," she 
  The tractor-trailer had collided with a pickup and burst into flames. Firemen 
at the scene were trying to put out the blaze when they ran out of water. 
Moments later there was a huge explosion that almost obliterated the rig.
  "We were waiting about 100 meters (300 feet) from the crash when there was an 
incredibly loud bang. Suddenly there were flying rocks and a fireball," said 
Silverio Alfonso Amador, 44, who was in the traffic jam and survived the 
  His face was covered with burns and his ears stuffed with cotton wool.
  At least 29 people were killed and around 150 injured, up to 30 of them in 
serious condition in local hospitals, state officials said. Radio stations 
reported that about 40 people had died.
  Around 260 people living close to the site in a small desert roadside village 
called Selemania were evacuated.
  An army explosives expert at the scene told Reuters the tractor-trailer was 
carrying 25 metric tons of ANFO, a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil 
used widely in the mining industry. Coahuila is a major mining state.
  Soldiers and police cordoned off an area up to a mile around the site of the 
blast, which badly damaged eight houses and blew out the windows of 60 others.
  Witnesses said 26 wrecked and charred cars were hauled away from the scene. 
TV images showed a body hanging from a power line.
  "We found part of the engine," Coahuila state police chief Fausto 
Destenave-Kuri told Reuters. "The truck practically disintegrated."
  Three of the dead were local journalists.
  "Reporters who were taking photographs died there as well as emergency 
workers and drivers who stopped to help," state Gov. Humberto Moreira said.
  *******More on a Mexican Trucker*************
  Dozens dead in Mexico truck crash and blast By Robin Emmott 
Mon Sep 10, 6:18 PM ET
  NADADORES, Mexico (Reuters) - A tractor-trailer loaded with explosives blew 
up in Mexico on Monday after a traffic accident, creating a huge fireball that 
killed dozens, including rescue workers and photographers. 
People stuck in the traffic jam caused by the accident were also killed in the 
blast that left a crater 65 feet wide and 9 feet deep near the town of 
Nadadores in the northern state of Coahuila, witnesses and officials said.
  "There were body parts scattered in the trees," said Paulina Luna, 62, a 
local resident who was evacuated to a shelter. Her brother's home was 
flattened. "The house was swept from the earth as if it never existed," she 
  The tractor-trailer had collided with a pickup and burst into flames. Firemen 
at the scene were trying to put out the blaze when they ran out of water. 
Moments later there was a huge explosion that almost obliterated the rig.
  "We were waiting about 100 meters (300 feet) from the crash when there was an 
incredibly loud bang. Suddenly there were flying rocks and a fireball," said 
Silverio Alfonso Amador, 44, who was in the traffic jam and survived the 
  His face was covered with burns and his ears stuffed with cotton wool.
  At least 29 people were killed and around 150 injured, up to 30 of them in 
serious condition in local hospitals, state officials said. Radio stations 
reported that about 40 people had died.
  Around 260 people living close to the site in a small desert roadside village 
called Selemania were evacuated.
  An army explosives expert at the scene told Reuters the tractor-trailer was 
carrying 25 metric tons of ANFO, a mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil 
used widely in the mining industry. Coahuila is a major mining state.
  Soldiers and police cordoned off an area up to a mile around the site of the 
blast, which badly damaged eight houses and blew out the windows of 60 others.
  Witnesses said 26 wrecked and charred cars were hauled away from the scene. 
TV images showed a body hanging from a power line.
  "We found part of the engine," Coahuila state police chief Fausto 
Destenave-Kuri told Reuters. "The truck practically disintegrated."
  Three of the dead were local journalists.
  "Reporters who were taking photographs died there as well as emergency 
workers and drivers who stopped to help," state Gov. Humberto Moreira said.
  Posted: September 10, 2007 
12:46 p.m. Eastern 
  By Jerome R. Corsi 
© 2007 WorldNetDaily. com 
  Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. 
Democratic Sen. Byron Dorgan plans to offer an amendment today that 
would block the controversial federal program allowing Mexican trucks 
to operate freely on roads across the U.S. 
  Barry Piatt, spokesman for the North Dakota senator, told WND the 
amendment to the Fiscal 2008 Department of Transportation 
appropriations bill essentially will say, "None of the funds made 
available under this Act may be used to establish or implement a 
cross-border motor carrier demonstration or pilot project or program 
to allow Mexico-domiciled motor carriers to operate beyond the 
commercial zones on the United States-Mexico border." 
  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today the amendment will come 
up for a vote tomorrow morning. 
  WND reported last week, Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., charged the Bush 
administration with being "hell-bent on opening our borders, but has 
failed to require that Mexican drivers and trucks meet the same 
safety and security standards as U.S. drivers and trucks." 
  In May, the House of Representatives passed the Safe American Roads 
Act of 2007 (H.R. 1773), by an overwhelming, bipartisan 411-3 margin. 
  WND also reported a White House strategy to pressure the Senate 
Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation not to hold 
hearings or take any action on the House-approved Safe Roads Act. 
  The overwhelming majority by which H.R. 1773 was passed strongly 
suggests the House would accept in conference a Dorgan-submitted 
amendment to cut DOT funding of the Mexican truck demonstration 
  WND reported Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters attended a 
ceremony in Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Feb. 22 in which Transportes Olympic 
was announced to the Mexican public and press as the first Mexican 
trucking company certified to participate in the truck demonstration 
  The name of the company was not announced to the U.S. media or public 
until the surprise, extraordinary 9 p.m. telephone press conference 
Thursday by John Hill, administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier 
Safety Administration, held with a hastily assembled select group of 
  The first Mexican truck under the DOT demonstration project crossed 
the border Saturday at 1:50 a.m. Eastern Time at Laredo, Texas, 
headed for North Carolina. 
Watch the Steak Fry LIVE ONLINE and ask Tom Harkin a question!
Dear Friend,
  Have you been feeling left out because you can't make the trip to Indianola 
on Sunday to spend time with Senator Tom Harkin and presidential candidates 
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, and 
Joe Biden at the 2007 Harkin Steak Fry? 
  Now you can enjoy all of the fun and excitement of the Harkin Steak Fry from 
the comfort of your own home! I am proud to announce that has 
partnered with Ustream.TV, the premiere website for live user-generated video, 
to provide a live webcast of Tom Harkin and all of our special guests from this 
year's Harkin Steak Fry.
  Click here to sign up to watch the Live Webcast of the Harkin Steak Fry on 
Sunday, September 16th with coverage beginning at 2:30 p.m CST. 
  Acclaimed Iowa political blogger, Chris Woods of will 
serve as our official "Steak Fry Reporter" during the live webcast and conduct 
live interviews and provide commentary during the event. He will conclude the 
webcast with a live interview with Tom Harkin using the questions that you 
submit online. 
  Click here to sign up for the Live Webcast of the Harkin Steak Fry and to 
submit your own question for Tom Harkin to answer during his live online 
interview with Chris Woods.
  Our live online webcast will start at approximately 2:30 p.m. CST and 
conclude with an interview with Senator Harkin (deleted after the event) at 
approximately 4:00 p.m. CST. So be sure to log on to on 
Sunday, September 16th at 2:30 p.m. to join us for this special event!
  Thank you-
  Ryan Alexander
  P.S. It's not too late to buy tickets to attend the Steak Fry in person! 
Click here to buy your tickets online now. 
 "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
From: "John Isaacs, Council for a Livable World" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: [CLW] Petraeus is Talking to Congress: Are You? 
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 11:03:51 -0400 "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
From: "John Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Thank you, Texas 
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 19:35:21 -0400 
Dear Theresa J.,
  I knew I could count on you—thank you for your support! 
  Last week, you and thousands of your friends took the opportunity to show 
Texas—and the country—that it's time to change Washington and build One 
America. You showed that, together, we can work on the bold solutions and offer 
real leadership to transform America.
  Your support for my campaign means a great deal to Elizabeth and me.
  As I travel across the country talking about ending the war in Iraq, 
strengthening the middle class, guaranteeing universal health care, restoring 
economic fairness and fighting global warming, it is your friendship and 
strength that sustains me.
  We know that this election is one of the most important of our lifetimes. 
Thank you for taking the time this past week to show Texas that we will do what 
America has always done in times like these—change direction and move boldly 
into the future.
  John Edwards 
 How You Can Take Action 
  Make sure you receive email updates from Senator Edwards. Find out how to add 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to your Address Book. 
  Click here to unsubscribe from email sent by John Edwards for President. 
  Paid for by John Edwards for President 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel 
Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. Contributions to John Edwards 
for President are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. 
  Dear Theresa J.,
"Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
From: "John Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Thank you, Texas 
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 19:35:21 -0400 
  Dear Theresa J.,
  I knew I could count on you—thank you for your support! 
  Last week, you and thousands of your friends took the opportunity to show 
Texas—and the country—that it's time to change Washington and build One 
America. You showed that, together, we can work on the bold solutions and offer 
real leadership to transform America.
  Your support for my campaign means a great deal to Elizabeth and me.
  As I travel across the country talking about ending the war in Iraq, 
strengthening the middle class, guaranteeing universal health care, restoring 
economic fairness and fighting global warming, it is your friendship and 
strength that sustains me.
  We know that this election is one of the most important of our lifetimes. 
Thank you for taking the time this past week to show Texas that we will do what 
America has always done in times like these—change direction and move boldly 
into the future.
  John Edwards 
 How You Can Take Action 
    Make sure you receive email updates from Senator Edwards. Find out how to 
add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your Address Book. 
  Click here to unsubscribe from email sent by John Edwards for President. 
  Paid for by John Edwards for President 410 Market Street, Suite 400, Chapel 
Hill, NC 27516 (919) 636-3131. Contributions to John Edwards 
for President are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. 
Petraeus will talk to Congress today. Will you? 
Our nation is on the verge of an important debate on the Iraq war.
  Please write to your Senators and Representative and tell them the time has 
come to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq.
  President Bush and his top advisors are scheduled to report to Congress this 
week on the success or failure of this year's increase of 30,000 troops in 
Iraq. A number of independent reports and congressional hearings have set the 
stage for today's much anticipated report to Congress by General David 
Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, and U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan 
  President Bush and other supporters of the war are desperately trying to 
paint a false picture of how military operations are unfolding. Just as with 
the Vietnam War three decades ago, the Administration claims that we have 
turned the corner and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  Many Members of Congress are being taken in by the White House's PR offensive 
-- and will vote to continue the war indefinitely. Congress is expected to vote 
on measures to end the war between mid-September and October.
  It is crucial that you send a message right now to your Senators and 
Representative that it is time to bring U.S. troops home from Iraq.
  In a report released September 4, the Government Accountability Office, the 
non-partisan investigative arm of Congress, confirmed that the Iraqi government 
has failed to fully meet 15 of 18 benchmarks set by Congress to measure 
economic, military, and political progress in Iraq.
  In another recent report, 92% of surveyed foreign policy experts agreed that 
the war in Iraq is harming U.S. national security. With the price tag for the 
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now set to reach at least $800 billion, the costs 
in American lives and international prestige increase every day we stay in Iraq.
  Even if your Senators and Representative have views similar to yours, it is 
critical that you communicate the intensity of your opposition to this 
misguided war.
  President Bush's horrible folly has gone on too long. It is time to end the 
war now.
   John Isaacs    Guy Stevens
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