I'm not even going to provide a link to a Washington Post story on
human trafficking.

Remember the Seattle APEC conference story, where the only thing wrong
with FBI using CIA-kidnapped children to make pedo-porn was selling
the video equipment afterward?

Wouldn't that entail human trafficking? Doesn't that put a different
spin on the Lindbergh kidnapping? Isn't that pretty far downstream of
J. Edgar Hoover's "there is no mafia"? Obviously if the FBI is a
kidnapping agency now, reducing human trafficking is pretty low on
their list of priorities, and the same could be said of a news media
that only found corruption in the selling of pedo-porn recording

What if the FBI agents sold the children after the videos were made?
Would that be good or bad? I guess that would be slightly corrupt in a
limited hangout sort of space filler way with no follow up story there

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