Well, I see no reason for orthodoxy and do not "believe" everything anybody says. It ain't a religion.

9/11 was run as an intelligence op. Hopsicker and Judge don't agree and Hopsicker has never claimed to have any answers about the Pentagon. He relates about the psychological make-up of Atta and also the fact that many of the so-called students, actually were highly trained pilots. These particular aspects can then be looked many ways.

As I have stated from the beginning the Arabs were patsies and I am certain that remote control was used. Critical actions, such as "if" and "where" the planes hit would not be left to skill, faith or chance.

It was/is a mass trauma/ritual designed to destroy our republican form of government, with many ancillary uses also. Some even personal, because the players know the mud and clean-up is coming.

The op masters are the secret societal system. The mud-op will the try to morph that understanding into one that is slightly off target but an easy sell because of centuries of groundwork and prejudices.

Kris Millegan
On Sep 26, 2007, at 8:59 AM, mark urban wrote:

I believe the 19 arabs were patsies. They were run by the same folks whom Daniel Hopsicker writes about on Madcow. They were operatives who appeared to act like muslim extremeists yet were deeply involved with the off the books intel stuff that goes right back to the Ferrie/Oswald days.

Muslim extremists harken back to anti castro cubans behaving like pro Castro extremists when the need for false flag ops are involved. Israel is most definitely involved, probably as a more than willing confederate, as the Mossad is the acknowledged master of the false flag op - Lavon Affair(unsuccessful), Liberty (unsuccessful), Entebbe (successful) see article below, Trojan Dick - Libya op to frame Quaddafi for the Berlin disco bombing by transmitting disinfo from a station near Libyan intel center (successful) (Source :Victor Ostrovsky), Achille Lauro (successful) (see portion of article below from Israel Shamir's website). At one point Hopsicker was investigating the Israeli movers who had a run in with cops that seemed to lead to bigger and better stuff (I believe the implied idea was that they were attempting to poison a water supply), but Dan stopped going after this story many years ago.

As far as the Pentahit is concerned I must say that I was at first completely in agreement with Hopsicker and Judge as to the way things happened; however, as I read more and more about what actually happened at the Pentagon that day, I became skeptical. My position is that until I see the confiscated surveillance tapes of what happened that day, I am not on board. Just look at how hard you strain to make the facts fit the desired scenario - something to think about!

I cannot speak for anybody else, nor do I wish to be lumped in with them. As I said before. I do not believe the official story of a government that consistently lies to us. The 911 commission was a fetid continuation of the same kind of silly attempt to cover up the truth as that of the Warren Commission Report.

The tissue of lies cannot remain in tact much longer. We are going bankrupt as a country because we refuse to demand the truth. I do not know if the truth will come out after the collapse. The biggest problem for us is when the supposed truth seekers also take a dive - that really breaks your heart.


05:13:15 am, Categories: In Depth News, 170 words
U.K. file on Entebbe contains claim that Israel behind hijacking

Newly released British documents contain a claim by an unnamed contact that the Shin Bet security service collaborated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to hijack the June 1976 flight from Israel that was diverted to Entebbe, Uganda, the BBC reported Friday. Israel's rescue of the dozens of hostages taken in the hijacking of the Air France plane, popularly known as the Entebbe raid, is considered one of the most daring and successful operations in Israeli history. Elite Israel Defense Forces troops stormed the airport where the hostages, many of them Israeli, were held and overpowered the hijackers and Ugandan soldiers. Although the captors used the hijacking to demand the release of Palestinians or Palestinian supporters, a British government file on the incident quotes the unnamed source as telling a British diplomat in Paris that Israel was behind the hijacking. The claim is not known to be backed up by corroborating evidence, and the file does not make it clear whether the British government took the claim seriously.

Zionist Provocation
under False Flag
By George Pumphrey

A successful false flag terrorist attack that discredited the cause of the terrorists is the case of the Palestinian hijacking of the Italian cruse ship, "Achille Lauro" in 1985. This operation was ordered by the Israeli secret service and organized by their Palestinian agents inside Palestinian terrorist organizations. The details of the preparations are related by an insider to the upper echelons of the Israeli secret services, Ari Ben-Menashe, former special intelligence advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir -in his book, "Profits of War."

"Radi [a Jordanian military officer who was unaware that he, since some time had already been smuggling arms for the Israeli secret service] went back to his drinking and womanizing and the money he made selling arms for Pearson all drained away. At that very vulnerable point, in 1978, Pearson stepped in again and offered Radi a £200,000 loan. This time, Pearson made it quite clear to him that the money was coming from an Israeli source. The desperate Radi accepted the loan and was recruited to work for an antiterrorist group in Israel run by Rafi Eitan. The group's methods were rather unconventional, one could say heinous, but it had operated successfully for years. An example is the case of the "Palestinian" attack on the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985. That was in fact, an Israeli "black" propaganda operation to show what a deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians were. The operation worked like this: Eitan passed instructions to Radi that it was time for the Palestinians to make an attack and do something cruel, though no specifics were laid out. Radi passed orders on to Abu'l Abbas, who, to follow such orders, was receiving millions from Israeli intelligence officers posing as Sicilian dons. Abbas then gathered a team to attack the cruise ship. The team was told to make it bad, to show the world what lay in store for other unsuspecting citizens if Palestinian demands were not met. As the world knows, the group picked on an elderly American Jewish man [Leon Klinghoffer] in a wheelchair, killed him, and threw his body overboard. They made their point. But for Israel it was the best kind of anti- Palestinian propaganda."

Interesting in this account is that in order to "show what a deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians were" Israelis activated their agents among Palestinian terrorists to tell them to be particularly brutal to Jews, as Jews. What Ben-Menashe does not mention in this anecdote is the second objective sought by Israel: convince Jews of the merits of Zionism and Israel as their sole "protector" on the planet.

Ben-Menashe mentions the "success" that Eitan's methods were having. A major aspect lending to this success is Israel's credibility. One would not suspect that particularly the Israeli government would be so cold-blooded toward Jews. Have them murdered to be able to point at their adversaries and cry "anti-Semitism". They feign indignation at the fate of Jews, who refuse to come live in Israel, where they are "protected."

The international crisis created by the hijacking was designed to capture headlines of the world's press for about a week. The hijackers finally agreed to surrender to Egyptian authorities. (Abu Abbas, who himself was not among the hijackers, helped negotiate their surrender.) The German Sueddeutsche Zeitung, recently furnished additional information of what happened:

"The Egyptians wanted to send Abbas and the hijackers to the PLO headquarters in Tunis. The plane was intercepted in flight by US fighters and forced to land in Sicily, where the hijackers were put on trial.

The prosecution indicted the actual hijackers but Abu Abbas was called merely as a "witness" and permitted to flee the country. The US had made a demand for Abbas' extradition for murder of a US citizen. An Italian court convicted Abbas in absentia to five life terms. The US withdrew its extradition demand. And Abbas remained free.

In 1998 Abu Abbas was given official permission of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanjahu to visit the Gaza Strip. Israeli authorities justified the official permission with the fact that Abbas had in 1996 already been allowed to visit the Gaza Strip to participate in Palestinian parliamentary elections. He had also voted at that time for the resolution legally eliminating the clause from the PLO Charter calling for the destruction of Israel. Israeli Supreme Court also protected Abbas by refusing the law suit calling for Abbas' expulsion from Israel and being turned over to the US brought by the Klinghoffer family."

The leader who had planned and organized the hijacking was sitting in safety and on the enemy payroll. Those who carried out the action believed they were "helping the cause". They had no idea that the murder of an innocent, invalid reduced their "cause" in the public's eye from a struggle against occupation and ethnic cleansing to one against Jews per se, from a struggle for justice for the Palestinians to an unjust "anti-Jewish" struggle. It would take the Palestinian struggle a long time to overcome this setback.

The background of the Achille Lauro hijacking and the international immunity enjoyed by Abu Abbas provides useful insight into the workings of false flag terrorism. A close look at many of the "suicide bombings" taking place in Israel, would also raise doubts about many official versions of the attacks.

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Pentagon front wall is not concrete. I think the plane was only
> doing 350mph, but again, four inches of stone facing and two layers of
> brick is nothing.
> Maneuvers? That sounds like the high-g turn and rapid descent disinfo.
> The plane flew up the river, appeared to use these high points as
> pylons: US Capitol, Washington Monument, Georgetown University tower, > then turned left in a many miles wide circle that could have centered
> visually on the Rosslyn hill, pass to the right of a 15-20 story
> apartment building at the lowest possible altitude over Courthouse
> Road which runs along a ridge, fly along Columbia Pike and then into
> the Pentagon consistent with using a cloverleaf as a crosshairs reticle.
> No rapid descent or high-g turn anywhere there, but if we can agree
> that those are myths, Atta would seem to be the only hijacker who was
> an experienced professional commercial and military pilot capable of
> even flying a passenger jet. The possibilities of Global Hawk,
> emergency system autopilot, and remote control from the USAF plane
> overhead or helicopter following, cannot be excluded but do not
> matter. Oswald was only a patsy, but his links to Sturgis and Seal
> point to Goss and Bush and Lansdale and Shackley. Similarly, the
> hijackers trained in Porter Goss hometown, with links to Pan Am 103
> Lockerbie Air America Lebanese heroin and plane crash partners, to
> Saudi intel, and to Pak intel, and directly to Porter Goss himself. We
> don't need the patsies after that. Maybe they are alive and well in
> Waziristan like Osama bin Laden.
> Do you focus on myths or facts, on what you can know or what you
> can't? Do you prefer wild goose chases and unprocessed speculation
> trailing off into nothing, or pursue along a trail of facts?
> Have you noticed that not one photograph on Jean-Pierre's site is his,
> that you have seen nearly all elsewhere, and all are sourced
> elsewhere? How can Jean-Pierre be a strawman, when he is not even a
> source, and sources every detail? Attackin a strawman there falls in
> the same category as pimping initial speculations as factually
> qualified conclusion and passing along the government's small plane no
> plane theory, which we heard from USAF propaganda officer Lt Col Art
> Holbo the morning of 9/11/2001 on DC area TV Eyewitness News at
> 10:52am and then Dick Eastman, Webfairy, and Arlene Johnson took up
> the Small Plane Big Lie.
> Are you with Lt Col Art Holbo and Arlene, Mark, on the small plane Big
> Lie? Are you attacking Jean-Pierre as strawman so you can ignore his
> info which is all sourced elsewhere, not to himself? Are you promoting
> the high-g turn myth, the strong Pentagon wall myth, the too small
> part myth, the backward letters myth, the wrong color primer myth, or
> any other lazy-minded speculation accepted as fact while you apply a
> different standard to facts? Why the double standard with regard to
> unsupported speculation versus facts in evidence, Mark? Why the double
> standard?
> -Bob
> --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark urban" mcurb@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > WHo flew the plane that made the Pentahit?
> >
> > The maneuvers involved were beyond the ability of the idiot alleged to
> > have flown the plane.
> >
> > Can we agree that any arabs involved in 911 were at best patsies?
> >
> > Do you really think the extensive multiwall penetration of the interior
> > walls of the Pentagon is typical?
> >
> > If the Plane did in fact hit the pentagon as alleged, then why would the
> > surveillance cams footage not be released??
> >
> > Oh, and what the fu*k is that Mineta testimony all about, "...The plane
> > is ten miles out, do the orders still stand?..." The minute this
> > testimony was given, some hard hitting brothers with a pliers and a blow
> > torch should have come looking for Cheney.
> >
> > Here is a video of a 500mph jet hitting a concrete wall. notice the
> > wings and their behavior on impact.
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVYxlGJ64Xc
> > <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVYxlGJ64Xc>

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